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ZJ may be for sale soon.
Cause you're buying an XJ?

Really more of a statement than a question since that's the only acceptable reason...
Your going to have to clean the pool anyways. I say you fil it will jello, invite a bunch of openminded barely clothed women. Then host an annual MWC get together and charge for admission and drinks. You could easily fix the pool and put a new pump in with the money you make.

you sir maybe on to something here.

SAM'how much jello would it take to fill a 27ft round pool'SET
Cause you're buying an XJ?

Really more of a statement than a question since that's the only acceptable reason...

Heh I wish. More because I need the money back out of it. Hard to justify getting rid of it since it is paid for, but the cash would really help.
Byron, dont do it bro.....or are you having another player for your at home sports team..I mean kid :D

It is just money, if it is paid for, keep it and sell plasma, or lemonade, or black tar heroin, or anything.....
What cheeseman said, you already kicked yourself in the ass for selling the 01.......
mac, what is the status of the thermocoupler? may want to check on it. Our old house in Kansas had an inground pool that had a natural gas heater. i fought that SOB for hours before Irealized teh thermocoupler had gone bad. I never woudl have known what it was or even to check it, but my whore neighbors boyfriend (for that week) came over and figured it out in about 2 minutes.

If you cant get it to work, I have a brand new 5 gallon electric hot water heater I could hook you up with.

Cheese "golden showers" Man

I didn't know that a hot water heater had one...I started to do some research on it last night at work and then we got busy...

I knew that a furnace had one.

After I weed eat the yard today I will check and see what I can see.

Also, if I had an in ground pool...I would do everything possibly short of losing my house to keep it and make it work. I know that they are a ton of work, but man I'd love to have one.

mac 'but I don't usually make the best financial decisions' gyvr
Byron, dont do it bro.....or are you having another player for your at home sports team..I mean kid :D

It is just money, if it is paid for, keep it and sell plasma, or lemonade, or black tar heroin, or anything.....

No more kids. It's paid for, just got new plates for it, only thing I pay is insurance. Just a slow month at the part time job (wrecker rotation for the city every other month). We have been getting kicked hard with medical stuff lately too, which sucks when the wife/kids don't have health insurance.

What cheeseman said, you already kicked yourself in the ass for selling the 01.......

I was a lot more attached to the 01 than I am the purple people eater though. My justification for keeping it around now is as a spare vehicle if/when the Sub or van breaks down.
Today, I actually felt like doing stuff on the work site. I guess that is because it was only in the 70's, not in the middle to upper 80's. Ready to go home, enjoy my mission trips, but I need to get home and figure out how to get my financial situation (either work more hours and just be tired all the time or get a part time job and forgot all but one of my lawn mowing jobs) straightened out. Especially if the end of the comes around and I make a major life decision.
Anyone here have an above ground pool?

my house came with one, it was great for 2 1/2 summers, summer number 3 half way through and the pump stopped working, amazingly enough about the same time a rather larger hole was discovered in the liner all the while the filter housing was cracked and leaked water, so last year i had an empty pool and now comes the time to either fix the pool or not. its a pretty difficult decision, its damn nice having a pool in the backyard for party's and BBQ's also nothing like laying in the pool on a hungover sunday morning but really that's about all its use. living in the Chicago land weather it does not really get opened until mid June and close up in mid August 2 or 3 months? really?

pros vs cons?

if you had a pool the busted this bad would you replace?

We have an inground, if it wasn't there when we bought the house we wouldn't have a pool. I have to put a new liner in it this season in order to use it......Pay to play.
I hate Chrysler for making the fan pulley bearings non replaceable.

I now have 1 fan / AC compressor bracket with the 4 AC compressor bolts solidly frozen in place and broken off in it, and a good bearing.

And 1 fan / AC compressor bracket with the 4 AC compressor bolts having come out perfectly (when did that ever happen?) and a horribly worn grinding bearing.

The bearing can't be replaced. At least, according to Chrysler. Since neither one of these will get me anything I'm about to chop up the screwed bracket with the good bearings and see if I can extract them from it.
new york state can suck it...why are they the only state ive ever been to that won't take a debit card for a car rental??? i havent paid my bill on my travelling credit card this month (i leave the big one at home so i don't do anything stupid) and it only has a $500 limit. enterprise needs to put a $350 hold on a card and you cant use a debit card when you have an out of state license...thats BS. so i paid my balance in full this afternoon hoping the payment will show up tomorrow so i can get some damn wheels. i hate public transportation...just a curse of being born in the midwest i guess
or, you could go to the junk yard and get a new bracket
I want to drive it tomorrow and I don't have time to hit the JY tomorrow, otherwise I would be planning this already. I solved my bearing removal/installation problems with a BFH, an oxy/ace torch, a garden hose, a gear puller, and a LOT of cursing.

I am sure the "new" bearing won't last all that long, but it doesn't need to.

new york state can suck it...why are they the only state ive ever been to that won't take a debit card for a car rental??? i havent paid my bill on my travelling credit card this month (i leave the big one at home so i don't do anything stupid) and it only has a $500 limit. enterprise needs to put a $350 hold on a card and you cant use a debit card when you have an out of state license...thats BS. so i paid my balance in full this afternoon hoping the payment will show up tomorrow so i can get some damn wheels. i hate public transportation...just a curse of being born in the midwest i guess
I dunno. I'm a fan of most of the state, basically anything outside the NYC Class B airspace.
oh i like most of the state as well...i just hate all of the BS rules and regulations that come along with it....and i don't miss paying a "city" tax.


The thermocoupler is the silver one I think? I just replace that and try to light it and see if that will fix it? Can I get it at lowe's or will it have to be at an RV place?

this is another tag if it helps...


mac 'hope its cheap' gyvr