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Official Invitation to the Farm (meet & greet) Central Ca

Damn, I lost a weekend!

I hought this was NEXT weekend!

I won't be there, I'll be house hunting in Dallas area!



Thanks Jes for messing up my plans!
:cheers: I'll come out and meet everyone again or for the first time. My better half gave me the hall pass for Saturday. :wave1:

Mark Hinkley said:
Damn, I lost a weekend!

I hought this was NEXT weekend!

I won't be there, I'll be house hunting in Dallas area!



Thanks Jes for messing up my plans!

You gonna get a place where you can build a rock obstacle course in your yard? That's as close as you'll get to some real wheeling around there........ :wow:

FarmerMatt said:
Dallas? What happened to Plano? That city girl just can't get too far away from the city can she. Hell I had visions of live stock walking & grazing through your back yard.

JC, bring your better half with you.


I figured more people would know Dallas than Plano. I will be looking in the Plano area.

Goat, I hoping so!!!!!!!!!!

JC said:
:cheers: I'll come out and meet everyone again or for the first time. My better half gave me the hall pass for Saturday. :wave1:


Wow, long time no see. Swamp, year before last?
You should try and drag out Mr. Pearson.

Letterman said:
whish I could make it out to meet more of you, I will be wheeling in Calico all weekend.

Next time :tear:

Wheeling in Calico all weekend. Ya, life is tough. :rolleyes: :D :D

Well, I am officially out. My ford must have known that it was going on a trip! :banghead: Sorry that I cant make it guys. But once July rolls around, I won't have any excuses! I'll practically live on the farm! Have a great time.

Chuck, get some pics so us cool guys can see the action.

Sorry to here that Matt. We'll see you the next time you're down. Those of you that are coming be sure to bring some chairs as we may run out. Those of you that are out of the area are welcome to crash here. We've got a couple sofas & plenty of floor space or a tent outside would work also. Bring your own beer or whatever else floats your boat. See you guys Sat. afternoon.

See you around 7-7:15.