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Look at this POS

Steve_Moore said:
Kick him in the nuts once for me!
fawk that. shoot his in the head once for me...
Thats what I don't get....he hates America and Americans...but lives in North Carolina....ummm....yeah....that makes sense.
DrMoab said:
Not so sleeper cell?

Maybe he needs a visit from the feds.

I can't believe he hasn't had one already...you don't get much more blatent than that....

EDIT: I bet he's under some heavy surveilence though - phones tapped, internet usage monitored...the whole 9 yards...
JNickel101 said:
I can't believe he hasn't had one already...you don't get much more blatent than that....

EDIT: I bet he's under some heavy surveilence though - phones tapped, internet usage monitored...the whole 9 yards...

Yep, and he'll likely find his ass shipped down to Gitmo before it's all said and done.:)
According to the news report, he came here from Saudi when he was 7 years old.

Now, I suppose we can assume that he's not a legal US citizen, but probably here on an education visa or some other governmental "pass".

If he's not a citizen, why isn't the Patriot Act swooping in and revoking his "pass" and shipping him right back to Saudi?

If he's taken the steps to become a legal citizen, HOW ARE HIS ACTIONS/WEBSITE NOT CONSIDERED TREASON?

Gawd I wish our government would grow a pair and start boxing up and shipping out these scumbags. We truely are a bunch of sheep sleeping in our little meadow prime for slaughter by the wolves we allow into our country.

People ask why guys like him leave their country and reside in the US....... Duh! Because when you can mingle among your enemy, spread your propaganda right under their noses and provide tactical information to your comrades from behind enemy lines.... you're a hero. Or in his case, soon to be a martyr.

The moment "we" tried to do anything, the ACLU would probably swoop in and try to "save" him....
The ACLU is a cancer to this country. A small bunch of liberal hippie turds trying to impose thier views on the majority and ruining this nation in the proccess.
he should still think the amercian soilders for keeping this country free so he can have own FUCKING beleifs. please somebody shoot him for me or give him a taste of his own medicine. :explosion
"which he reportedly runs from his parents' home" and it states He's 22 years old, and attending community college.
22 years old, living in his parents house, im sure hes studying something real productive. Poster boy for someone who has no idea how to make it in a capitalistic environment. Ship his dumb ass back to a socialist dictatorship so he can live where its apparently better.

When i turned 22 i was doing urban combat training at Camp LeJeune, NC.
Not spreading propaganda from my parents cellar.
Looser with a capital L
Now Now.. He has MORE rights than you guys do.... So just go to work to support him and his family... We need to just start over with the gov.. FIRE all of them.. OK re-call...... Stop all the support we give them...ALL OF THEM... Freedom wasn't free, our fathers and sons died to give us our freedom.... I'm done... sorry if i pissed anybody off....
in a way that POS is helping. They says its the most sophisticated english websites out there. I bet big brother has got almost total control of that web site, and tracks every wannabe extremist that visits that site. Once they do something stupid they get an all expenses paid vaction to cuba.