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Hey Byron..........

nope I saw it near his avatar, not the listing that makes sense now why it bolts into a xj and a tj. I was envisioning four link brackets on with perches :)


This is long lost Byron. I am still here I just have not had any time. My wife and I just had a baby boy on SEP. 26. The dana 44 is all yours if you still need it. Hope I can still be of some help. I do still have the jeep just no time. Hopefully this spring will be different. I hope all is well with everyone .

Well this is Jason R. Billy sent me a link to this thread and thought you would like to know the other side of the story.

Keven can and could have had his Dana 44 back any time he wanted, he just had to hold up his end of the deal, which he has not. I need a working matching gear rear end to replace the 44 as agreed upon.

Has he done that? No. Has he contacted me? No. He has my phone number and email address and knows where I live. He all of a sudden contacts me demanding his 44 on his front porch on so and so date. I even gave him my buddy's phone number w/ the cherokee and he said he would be more than happy to go down there and swap axles.

I have done all that I could with trying to work with Keven yet he doesn't follow up. He could call my friend, email me, call me, whatever. I am sorry but I am NOT taking the blame for something Keven never followed up on.

I don't screw people over, I am an honest person. I never tried to keep Keven's 44 and he could have had it back any time he wanted.

So Keven, call him and set up a time, it is as simple as that. I am sorry that you thought I was trying to screw you, which was never my intention to you and to noone.

As for the tires they are sitting here in front of my shop collecting dust. Could have got them back any time.

So this will be my last post on NAXJA...I'm tired of this bullshit and one sided stories.

And Bryan I will give you your radiator back when you give me my fuel cell back. :D
Sorry for my ignorance about the tires just sitting there. They were lent out to someone I did not know and was just expecting them to be brought back to me in the same fashion. I was not aware that I needed to go get them from a shop if I wanted them back.

I am sorry that you are upset with NAXJA and I do not know the whole story, you probably have other issues with people here other than this whole D44 thing. If you feel you need to leave a great group of people then that is your right.

PM me the address so I can can get my stuff out of your way or you can call me at (209) 815-4827.
Thank you
Jason. Bullshit! I've called and left messages, emailed you and tried to get messages to by way of friends.
I've had the rearend since February, you're the one who dropped the ball.
I let the post on Pirate slide, but not this one. You're a liar and border line thief.
I have Tom's number and will deal directly with him. You are out of the loop.
Keven you are full of shit. You have NOT called or left any messages whatsoever on my phone. If you have had the rear end since febraury why haven't you given it to me yet? It is as much your fault as mine with the whole 44 deal.

Who gave you Tom's number? I did. So what makes you think I am a thief and a liar? I never steal from anyone and I am as honest as I can be.

As for the group of people here there a few I have had a great time wheeling with and would continue to do so if all else permits. But as far as hanging out on this board I don't see the point.

I know you guys are going to jump on Keven's side...that's expected. But if you ask Billy, Kent, Bryan, ANYONE that knows me is that I am far from a liar or theif.

How can you insult my integrity as a person when you are the one that didn't hold out on your end w/ a rear end....and then you blame it all on me?