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For you conservatives

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Ben824 said:
Guys come on he is one of those idiot liberals who do nothing but bring down this great country down. Him and people like him are just so stuborn and stupid that they have nothing better to do than call consevatives names and make up little stupid stories like this one. Ever notice how when you try to have a polictical discussion with most liberals they eventually get mad and start attacking you personally? Its beacause they have run out of bullshit to come up with and now they just want to piss you off.

Funny, this sounds like a Rush Limbaugh radio program on any given day. (just backwards)
wow, just wow.
DWK said:
Nice, I get called names and then get accused of name calling. And then you don't know anything about me and start saying "I bet this guy believes. . ."

As long as you are speaking for me, what else do I believe?

No offense, but if you expected not to catch any fire posting a thread bashing others believes than you are naive. If you did expect it then you are an instigator and if you can't take it don't dish it out.
Wow at this entire thread.

I'm Liberal but wouldn't ever put something like that on an interweb forum where I knew at least some people that I don't even know would feel differently (and not just feel differently b/c that's great but jump to name calling and middle school playground behavior). Unfortunately, it's one of those topics that never leads to healthy discussion here or any other forum. How much longer until a NAXJA scholar (outside of this particular post) throws the term "Libtard" in to this nobel discussion?
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riverfever said:
Wow at this entire thread.

I How much longer until a NAXJA scholar throws the term "Libtard" in to this nobel discussion?

I'm giving it about 90 minutes...and thats probably a conservative guess :D
red91 said:
I'm giving it about 90 minutes...and thats probably a conservative guess :D

Nicely played Sir!!
riverfever said:
How much longer until a NAXJA scholar throws the term "Libtard" in to this nobel discussion?
Just as long as it takes for the 'Doc' to see this comment.
riverfever said:
How much longer until a NAXJA scholar throws the term "Libtard" in to this nobel discussion?
In case you missed reading your own post; you beat us all to it.
ChrisRFewell said:
easy answer with outbullshit....Yes

Being conservative with the space bar is not necessary. :D
Bent said:
In case you missed reading your own post; you beat us all to it.

a$$. :D
I guess I'm conservative because I think all meds should be priced out of reach of the 'little people', water should be dirty and banks risky.

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich.

You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong.

You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.

You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down.

You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.

You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence.

You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.
riverfever said:
Wow at this entire thread.

I'm Liberal but wouldn't ever put something like that on an interweb forum where I knew at least some people that I don't even know would feel differently (and not just feel differently b/c that's great but jump to name calling and middle school playground behavior). Unfortunately, it's one of those topics that never leads to healthy discussion here or any other forum. How much longer until a NAXJA scholar (outside of this particular post) throws the term "Libtard" in to this nobel discussion?
Won't come from me...at least not directed at you. You are one of the few liberals here (or anywhere else for that matter) who can post a response to a thread like this and not come off as an idiot.
riverfever said:


Shut up.


As to the original point, that's one of the more dumb things I've read in a long time, the logical jumps there are astounding. You should feel ashamed for beliving in it.

I'm not sure if it was stupid. I got through the first few lines and gave up.
rbarton said:

"who told my son he was fighting for a lost cause. . ."
Who LIED to the American people to get us into Iraq, saying they were behind 9/11?

"Who tells my kids that it is okay for woman to be intimate with woman. . ."
Who tells the American people they are the party of "Family Values" and then suffer from a "wide stance" in the men's room, or just have a little fun texting with the underage male pages; should I go on with this one I could fill a page with people from the "do as I say, not as I do" Party?

"Who tells me I can't display a cross in my yard, display the 10 Commandments. . ."
Really, are you that stupid? NO ONE. Not even the furthest leftwing libereral will tell you what you can put in you own yard. Douche.

"Who says that "one nation under God" must be removed. . ."
It wasn't in there in there first place, our nation used it just fine for 59 years before it was changed from a national pledge to a national prayer.

"Who wants to give the invaders from the south the benefits from my tax dollars. . ."
That would be the conservatives. Seriously, if you wanted to really get rid of illegals, it would be as simple as fining the people who make money off of them. If it became too expensive to hire them = no jobs.

"Who as President blindly disarmed our country. . ."
Who? I've been around a while, but I can't recall a time our country was "disarmed"?

". . .while setting in place the groundwork for our current day dependence on foreign fuel. . ."
Every President of the last century?

"Who told my children and the rest of the free world that oral sex is really not sex and he did "not have sex with that woman". . ."
Got me there. But I'd rather have a President who f*cked an intern and brought the deficit down than one who let the deficit ballon out of control while he f*cked me.

"Who wants to jack my taxes up and take away more of my hard earned pay. . ."
If you make more than $250,000, I'd guess Obama.
If you make less then $250,000, I'd guess McCain.

"Who wants to take away the life of a child that is fully developed and ready to be born with partial birth abortion. . ."
NO ONE, DUMBASS. Partial birth abortion is a political term, not a medical term. These so called "partial birth abortions" as of 2000 accounted for less then .2% of abortions, and in virtually every case it was used to remove a DEAD fetus or a fetus that suffered from hydrocephalus; according to a survey by The Guttmacher Institute.

"Who wants to give enemy combatants the same rights as those of the U.S. Citizen. . ."
Who has taken away the rights of Americans making it possible for you, me or anyone else AS AN AMERICAN CITIZEN to be held INDEFINITELY WITHOUT TRAIL OR DUE PROCESS by simply calling you an "enemy combatant"?

"Who is willing to give our country away and deny the rights and freedoms that 200 years of Americans before them have fought, died and strived for. . ."
If you are refering to the Patriot Act, that would be. . . the CONSERVATIVES, if you are refering to something else, you need to clarify - and reference exactly what you are talking about.

"What current Speaker of the House closed Congress for a break so she could go on tour and promote her book when this country is facing a true energy crisis. . ."
What President, in probably the largest crisis we have ever faced, when informed about a terrorist attack into the World Trade Towers, for 8 to 20 minutes (sources differ on how long he) did NOTHING?

"So, go ahead and blame "big oil" for $5.00 per gallon fuel. Forget the fact they are making less on a gallon of gas than the government is and that it is the world market cost of crude oil that is driving up the record costs - not the oil companies. . ."
Ah-hem, when did it hit "$5.00" per gallon? You must have missed the evening news the night this aired, but your "big oil" has made record PROFITS the last three years in a row. Yeah, I know what you mean. I KNOW, in my heart, they would sell it for less if only SOMEHOW they only could.

"True liberalism equals socialism...period."
So; true conservatism must equal fascism, right? (Man, I hope I got that one right! But my interwebs say those words aren't synonyms. . . strange.)

"Let's see...if socialized everything is so wonderful... Why would Canadians, the British, the French, etc. flock to this country when they have a healthcare crisis?"
What? No reference to back this statement up? I know Americans are going both north and south to take advantage of Mexico's and Canada's healthcare but I can't remember the last time I heard a story about the French "flocking" to the US for health care. Maybe you could could define "flocking" with a number. With a reference.
And if socialized anything is so awful, why don't we privatize the police and fire department? I'm tired of my tax dollars going to support those people who are careless enough to let their property catch fire or dumb enough to be the victems of crime or accidents. LET THE PEOPLE WHO USE IT PAY FOR IT! (you may have missed it, but that last part was sarcasm.)

"Maybe because we DON'T have socialized medicine and our doctors are the best in the world!"
Maybe our doctors are the best in the world, but our health care system? Look at infant mortality rates, obesity and desease death rates. WE"RE (not) NUMBER ONE!

"we (sic) When you actually grow up and have to support a family, then you see that your (GOD FORBID) new President and his socialist policies, and those of his equally socialist Vice-President take away even more of your pay to give to useless programs. . ."
Yeah, after what I've experienced with your President, I'm kind of looking forward to that.

"Keep thinking this way then you'll know who to thank when you end up working for the illegal immigrant who just took away your house."
Why does most everything I own say "Made in China" - I think it's the conservatives that keep touting "free trade".

"Go ahead and let your liberals in Congress take away your tax cuts that have proven over time to stimulate a sagging economy."
Got any numbers or facts to support this statement?

"Go ahead and increase taxes on corporations and the wealthy in this country and absolutely guarantee that more businesses move off-shore or close because the cost to do business outweighs their income."
I'm sure that has an impact, and it certainly makes a GREAT excuse, but I think it more like why pay an American $26 (plus benefits like health insurance, retirement and pensions) when you can pay someone in el Salvador a flat rate of $2 an hour? And if you move your company out of country, why not an import tariff?

"Who do you think pays more in taxes, the least among us in wage earners or the most?"
I know that in my income bracket I'm carrying more than my share in health insurance; the rich don't need it, the poor don't pay anything anyway (and/or they just die).

"The more that people spend, the more the economy grows and the more the Government makes in revenue, thus reducing debt and supporting spending on Government programs."
Thanks for making my pro-union pitch for me. I would like to add, though, if you are anti-union because it drives prices up; and you work for somebodyelse (i.e. not self-employed or a business owner) you should march right into your bosses' office tomorrow and demand a pay cut, in order to do your part in keeping prices down!

"The more someone is taxed, the less they have to spend and the more they try to save - which has the total opposite effect on the economy. Simple, proven economics."
Ooooh, you have an Economics Degree, where did you graduate from and what year?

"Next time you forward something without verifying its accuracy first, cut and paste or make blind statements to justify a flawed way of thinking...look at history and look at the facts. SPAM is SPAM whether posted on a forum or slammed to your email."

Funny, you didn't refute anything specifically and the stuff you brought up (hopefully you've noticed by now) you didn't back up with any facts, figures, or references.

Maybe when you post something you should take your own advice:

"Honestly, the best response to that type of ignorant propaganda would have been no response at all. . ."
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