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Smoking Banned In Homes

That's an apartment, so it is conjoined to others. It'd be like having a smoking room in a hospital. Just because you segment off those who do smoke, it doesn't stop the smoke from traveling.

If it were HOMES not APARTMENTS, I could see the outrage, but since you're glorified roommates, its a little different.
That's an apartment, so it is conjoined to others. It'd be like having a smoking room in a hospital. Just because you segment off those who do smoke, it doesn't stop the smoke from traveling.

If it were HOMES not APARTMENTS, I could see the outrage, but since you're glorified roommates, its a little different.

True but are you going to force the non-smokers in the HOME to breath the smoke?

Like your kids? Your wife? Live alone, and it doesn't bother anyone else, smoke it up dude!

I don't like governement intrusion, but at some point the government has to step in and slap people into reality. Some people just lack basic common sense, or manners to take care of it themselves.

Oh and the next time you're sitting in traffic smoking in your vehicle... keep your windows rolled up. Besides I thought the point was to get that smoke inside your body. lol
I am a smoker and have never smoked in either of the two homes I have owned ,or allowed someone else to smoke in my home. I thinks it stinks and dont like to subject anyone to anything harmful or unpleasant like second hand smoke.. We have not been able to smoke in restaraunts and bars for a few years now and I love it. You wanna smoke get your but outside.
I can go with the apt no smoking, but not in a home. Yeah, there's kids and spouses, but they could always do like CA did for cars, no smoking in the presence of minors.
If you live in an Apartment it is your Home. Apartment dwellers are afforded the same rights as a Homeowner. The City has no grounds for this action.

I don't care whose side of this issue you are on, Smoking or Non, if the Apartment Owner decided not to allow smoking, or pets, or drug dealers in the building, that is one thing. This is the Government telling you what you can or can not do in your Home. What's next? They tell you what you can't eat, how much you can deficate, what color to make your living room. Where will it end? Where is the ACLU on this?

"There ought to be a LAW" is a bad phrase to act on. Sooner or later those that impliment it are cut down by someone else taking action to limit their freedom.

I have an excellent sense of smell, and my neighbors smoke in their house and vent it out with a fan. I would NEVER think of asking my neighbor to quit smoking or to stop venting the smoke from his porch, let alone getting some azzhat law passed to limit his freedom.
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True but are you going to force the non-smokers in the HOME to breath the smoke?

Like your kids? Your wife? Live alone, and it doesn't bother anyone else, smoke it up dude!

I don't like governement intrusion, but at some point the government has to step in and slap people into reality. Some people just lack basic common sense, or manners to take care of it themselves.

Oh and the next time you're sitting in traffic smoking in your vehicle... keep your windows rolled up. Besides I thought the point was to get that smoke inside your body. lol

Aah, yeah and for that matter when you're at a stop light turn off your engine I don't want to smell your exhaust...wait no...we'll make a law that says you can only drive a hybrid in cities. :rolleyes: Laws that inflict one person's preferences over another rule. I should start lobbying for a law against bumper stickers because they make me tailgate!
Old news.

I can't walk out of my office building, light up and walk down the sidewalk (not that I smoke).

Smoking is against the law -in public- in this district of burbank, as well as in any vehicle with a minor in it state wide.

I work in a school; we've had students (over 18) be seen smoking on their way to class; and had the police follow them into our school to write a ticket standing in the classroom.

Welcome to America. You should stop worrying about losing your freedom, its long gone.
I am a smoker and have never smoked in either of the two homes I have owned ,or allowed someone else to smoke in my home. I thinks it stinks and dont like to subject anyone to anything harmful or unpleasant like second hand smoke.. We have not been able to smoke in restaraunts and bars for a few years now and I love it. You wanna smoke get your but outside.

What if you live somewhere like West Covina, that banned smoking outdoors? Even on private property!

Can't smoke outdoors in the City of Los Gatos - it's funny. You couldn't smoke on your way to the bar, but you could smoke in the bar itself (until a couple years or so ago...)
What if you live somewhere like West Covina, that banned smoking outdoors? Even on private property!

Can't smoke outdoors in the City of Los Gatos - it's funny. You couldn't smoke on your way to the bar, but you could smoke in the bar itself (until a couple years or so ago...)

I would be getting a lot of tickets... and the city would be getting a lot of un-paid tickets...
I could see a building owner implementing a no smoking policy; increasing the quality of life can increase what he can get for those apartments not to mention what the smoke does to the apartments. The govt though... no way.

My dad was a smoker when I was growing up. Never smoked in the house, only the garage or backyard. My brother smokes now (pot) and whenever mom and dad go out of town, he lights up in his room. I tell him he's a moron since dad doesn't even smoke in his own house.
I see no problems with it. It's bad shit and I don't wanna smell it. Not in my house, not in my car, not in my hallway.
Welcome to America. You should stop worrying about losing your freedom, its long gone.

Besides being cynical about the issue, have you written anyone like your local, State or US representative about issues that interest you? edit: I'm not being critical, just curious.

The whole article is a basic lesson in civics. According to the article, that's how this whole thing started. Some old guy with too much time on his hands seized the opportunity to take an issue and run with it. To his neighbors chagrin, it was aimed at taking away their rights, but the principle remains the same.

edit: The Elderly are a powerful tool. Just point them at a problem and let'm go at it :D
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I see no problems with it. It's bad shit and I don't wanna smell it. Not in my house, not in my car, not in my hallway.

Well then they ought to also ban idling diesel school busses.
I see no problems with it. It's bad shit and I don't wanna smell it. Not in my house, not in my car, not in my hallway.

I hope you don't have a fire place, or any kind of gas powered lawn equipment because I don't like smelling or hearing those either. I am sure I can find a study that says the fumes from those are harmful to young kids.
Just pay your dam taxes on that house..Teach you won't it...LOL...I pray they start on booze next..I have seen head lines that say family of 5 killed by drunk driver..I also see you will die in 50 years from second hand smoke, if the drunk driver doesn't kill you first..
Ok i'm done... I know i'm being a a$$
I am a smoker and have never smoked in either of the two homes I have owned ,or allowed someone else to smoke in my home. I thinks it stinks and dont like to subject anyone to anything harmful or unpleasant like second hand smoke.. We have not been able to smoke in restaraunts and bars for a few years now and I love it. You wanna smoke get your but outside.
i agree with you 100 % i've smoked for more than five years just quit 28 days so far but i never smoked in my house and i also don't like smoking inside it makes the room smell and it gives me a headache if u want to smoke go outside
It's the CaliNazi's they know what is best for you! Dont like it move. :rof: