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House Federal Budget that is serious about getting America back on track

The Federal Government could take every penny earned from every US citizen and still not pay off the deficit. Let me know when Buffet starts kicking in his extra taxes to the IRS.......

The Federal Government could take every penny earned from every US citizen and still not pay off the deficit. Let me know when Buffet starts kicking in his extra taxes to the IRS.......


exactly. I said that 4 pages back. The fed must cut spending.

also, I disagree fundamentally with taxing people at different rates. Everyone should pay the same. All men being created equal and such....
The Federal Government could take every penny earned from every US citizen and still not pay off the deficit. Let me know when Buffet starts kicking in his extra taxes to the IRS.......


So, what does that tell you XJeeper? Here is what that fact tells me:
That maybe there isn't enough money in the hands of the consumers who are oh, roughly, 70% of the US economy! If people aren't spending, the economy stalls.
That's where we are at.
I know the debt is too high, but it will stay that way until consumers have more cash.
So, what does that tell you XJeeper? Here is what that fact tells me:
That maybe there isn't enough money in the hands of the consumers who are oh, roughly, 70% of the US economy! If people aren't spending, the economy stalls.
That's where we are at.
I know the debt is too high, but it will stay that way until consumers have more cash.

The main issue is if you give these clowns in DC more money they will spend it and not on the debt either but on pet projects and re-election favors as they have in the past. The same with tax laws, they could be very simple but they are kept complicated so that they can change, modify add to them for favors, it's been that way since income tax was started and has only gotten worse. The tax codes are the politicians pry bars.
So, what does that tell you XJeeper? Here is what that fact tells me:
That maybe there isn't enough money in the hands of the consumers who are oh, roughly, 70% of the US economy! If people aren't spending, the economy stalls.
That's where we are at.
I know the debt is too high, but it will stay that way until consumers have more cash.

From your linked article……

Or, to put it more bluntly, our country is in the throes of a debt crisis. We're delusional to think that we can continue with the current tax rates. So let's stop asking whether or not we should raise taxes on the rich and instead turn our attention to how we can most effectively do so.”

Let me interpret, for the useful idiots……… “We, the ruling class, who have over-regulated the US economy to the point that we produce very little, think that instead of reducing our spending proportionally when tax revenues decrease, we simply need to take more money from the peasants and therefore, can continue to spend whatever we want.”

Something NOT from Huffpo for you all to think about.
Those who can afford to pay more, should pay more. It won't hurt a bit.

Um, looks like Warren shot his rich Liberal mouth off a little too soon......... http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinio...ypocrite_E3BsmJmeQVE38q2Woq9yjJ#ixzz1WRoIlYSf

His company owes taxes clear back to 2002! I love the hypocracy :twak:
Here are some great questions to determine if Obama's "American Jobs Act" is actually designed to solve the current economic problems we are faced with as a country:

Does it propose to ease tax and regulatory burdens on the businesses who employ people like them?

Does it promise to deliver a federal budget that begins to offer some certainty to gyrating markets?

Are his proposals more likely or less likely to benefit your employer, which could benefit you?

Are whatever tax reforms he seeks permanent or the temporary kind that tend to deliver diminishing returns?

Does the President show any inclination to leverage the power of a well-capitalized private sector?

Is the core of his plan a bid to take advantage of historically low Treasury bill rates, to increase federal borrowing, to focus the proceeds on public works projects and direct aid to cities and states, leaving the bill for whomever comes next?

From The Detroit News: http://detnews.com/article/20110908...les-’em-up--doesn’t-create-jobs#ixzz1XP3bn9DC
Obama Jobs speech summary:

"Let's keep doing the same thing and expect a different outcome........do it NOW! Vote for me in 2012!"

Oh, and I had no idea that Abraham Lincoln founded the Republican Party.........one might think that during the 12-ish years that Obama spent at University of Chicago, where he taught constitutional law, he would have gained a better grasp on the history of US politics?

Good thing for him, the Socialist media were able to edit his remarks to cover up the ignorance of the dolt who wrote his speech for him:

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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday said Congress needs to worry about government jobs more than private-sector jobs, and that this is why Senate Democrats are pushing a bill aimed at shoring up teachers and first-responders.

“It’s very clear that private-sector jobs have been doing just fine; it’s the public-sector jobs where we’ve lost huge numbers, and that’s what this legislation is all about,” Reid said on the Senate floor.

Um, Harry?
Teachers and first responders are state, not federal jobs. Taxes and fees collected from private sector jobs are the ones that pay for those government jobs.....so the math doesn't work, unless his goal is to increase government spending and debt?

The State of Nevada, which Mr Reid represents, continues to lead the nation in unemployment.

Reid couldn't get Obama's Jobs bill passed with Democrat control of the Senate, could it be that some are actually listening to their constituents, who don't think that unionized federal government jobs which average $126,369/ are more important than adding private sector jobs?
Where are you getting an average salary of $126,369? You talk about teaching and first responders, but I have only seen police salaries that high when you're talking about high ranking officers in rich areas and I've never seen a teacher salary that high outside of a very few professors.
The Senate hasn't been able to produce a budget for 3 years.....so American citizens produced one for them that balances the budget in 4 yrs and keeps it balanced, without tax hikes.

Its objectives are as follows:

1.Protect the Constitution

2. Reject Cap & Trade

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

4.Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

5.Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government

6.End Runaway Government Spending

7.Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-Run Health Care

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above’ Energy Policy

9. Stop the Pork

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Every responsible American needs to read this.....and if you agree with it, then support it.​

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You do realize that there is no money left for any programs as we are in the hole for 15 trillion which is our GDP right??? As given the parameters of what is below no one gets any sort of unemployement, medicare, social security, food stamps and in addition the military doesn't get paid.. Uhhmmm are you ready for total anarchy?? Because to balance the budget requires that we take out 40 percent of the budget immediately (as we borrow 40 cents on the dollar) plus we would have to pay the interest payments as well.. That leaves us with about 50% of what's left to pay for everything else which means all the things I stated above have to take place..

Let me put it to you plainly get ready for tax hikes and big ones as that is the only way to pay down the debt and operate a government even in a limited form.. As I am already taxed quite well if you make a buttload of money (I don't give a damn where the money comes from wages or investments) get ready to pay alot more because if not there sure as hell will be a revolution as the people in the middle are f*&%# fed up and don't want to pay anymore and those on the bottom just don't have it at all.. I'm pretty sure that's what the 99% thing is about but I could be wrong as we all know we are ALL going to have to pay more just to pay for our 60% only government..



The Senate hasn't been able to produce a budget for 3 years.....so American citizens produced one for them that balances the budget in 4 yrs and keeps it balanced, without tax hikes.

Its objectives are as follows:

1.Protect the Constitution

2. Reject Cap & Trade

3. Demand a Balanced Budget

4.Enact Fundamental Tax Reform

5.Restore Fiscal Responsibility & Constitutionally Limited Government

6.End Runaway Government Spending

7.Defund, Repeal, & Replace Government-Run Health Care

8. Pass an ‘All-of-the-Above’ Energy Policy

9. Stop the Pork

10. Stop the Tax Hikes

Every responsible American needs to read this.....and if you agree with it, then support it.​

I understand the current national debt issue clearly. You might want to read all 36 pages of the plan before making these claims.

Also, I'm not claiming that this plan is the perfect solution, but its 100% better than any plan that Obama or the Congress have produced.
Insightful report the US governments waste of your money- 2011.


Study Looks for Connections Between Cocaine and
Risky Sex Habits of Quail – (KY) $175,587

Feces -Throwing Reveals Communication Skills in Chimps – (GA)

Duplicative Engine Program for F-35 Fighter – (Department of Defense)
$207 Million

Duplicative Grant Programs Available For Retrofitting Or Replacing
Diesel Engines Despite Declining Need For the Modifications –
(Environmental Protection Agency) $49.9 Million

Economic Development Program is Duplicative and Has Unclear
Benefits – (Appalachian Regional Commission) $68 Million

Botched Assistance for Families of Afghan War Victims – $15 Million

$1 Bills Literally Costing Taxpayers Millions – (U.S. Treasury
Department) – $184 Million

Weatherization Program Lets Taxpayer Funds Slip Through the Cracks
– (Department of Energy) $231.3 Million

Wartime Contracting Waste and Fraud Costs Taxpayers Billions –
(Iraq and Afghanistan) $4.38 billion
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