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2 link front end?

See.. I thought that by triangulating the 2 smaller top "control" arms that this would properly ask all side to side movement to cease and desist. No?

So I don't know who understood or misunderstood my poorly worded initial post... but this is what my simple little brain was pondering. So I am to assume that this setup is still used with the track bar? Rusty's doesn't say and frankly, I don't have the $750 to acquire this fancy setup.
sweetjeep said:
See.. I thought that by triangulating the 2 smaller top "control" arms that this would properly ask all side to side movement to cease and desist. No?

No. The only way it would eliminate side to side motion is to have the joint at the frame SOOOO beefy and rigid, that they would completely resist twisting, only pivot straight up and down, and therefore KILL your articulation. Because the frame joint must allow the arm to twist for articulation, it would also allow enough side to side motion that it would be scary driving at anything over 5 or 10 mph.

sweetjeep said:
So I don't know who understood or misunderstood my poorly worded initial post... but this is what my simple little brain was pondering. So I am to assume that this setup is still used with the track bar? Rusty's doesn't say and frankly, I don't have the $750 to acquire this fancy setup.

Yes, that setup still uses the track bar.