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The "what can we do better thread"

If people remembered to keep the guy behind them in their mirrors, this shouldn't be an issue. I know I had to call for the group ahead to slow down because guys behind me were having a slow go of it and the guy ahead of me was no longer in sight. It's a simple thing, but pretty dang important.

i do agree with that but
in my case this was not the situation and i only blame the cb, which sucked. we were to go up a tall, steep, hill turn right and go right back down. i did not catch the turn right part and the only "road" i saw, when i got to the top(because of the crazy angle i was at) was left. i then stopped because i saw no one and did not want to head down that trail until i knew.
The good:
1.Pre-register benifets.
2. several areas to be teched
3. registration in the BL office
4. Colored flags in line up.
5. sitting next to BLoose at raffle. (he spent $30, I spend $100)
6. printed schedule. (came in handing when Bob asked what time is?..)
The Bad
1. My CB sucked (sorry)
2. Limit BLoose to one ticket. Wait, then I don't get free stuff
3. Have a potluck left overs party Saturday AM. So the host has less food to deal with.
Seriously this is the best run event in the past 8 years I have been coming. If I had better ideas I would post them up. Thanks for another great winterfest.
have we had a serious discussion about raising raffle ticket prices? Same odds, just less tickets to tear and sort through.

They did this at last years Fall Fling and judging from the complaints I got it went over like a lead balloon.

Psychology plays an important roll there. Actual odds don't mean anything if people feel like they are getting ripped off. I had so many people come up to me and say they would have bought double the number of tickets had the price been the usual $1 instead of $5.
Yep, I used to play the powerball every draw. They doubled ticket prices and I quit playing. It was supposed to increase your odds of winning, I didn't care.
$1 vs $5 tickets it is the same odds.

The Moab raffle brought in as much as the value of the items in the raffle. A couple people complained because they didn't understand it.

mac '1/5th the number of tickets to separate' gyvr
It was more than a couple. And like I said, psychology plays a huge part. Doesn't matter if the odds are the same. It doesn't even matter if people fully understand that. If people feel like they are getting more for less they will spend more money. I'd wager a fair amount that we would have made a good 30% more had we left the tickets at a buck.
That being said. The idea of a bucket for each raffle item really intrigues me. I think I might try that at this years fall fling. Just to give it a shot.
I personally would spend the exact same on tickets, less tickets to look at would be nice
I personally would spend the exact same on tickets, less tickets to look at would be nice

You get it.

mac 'its those west coast people' gyvr
It was more than a couple. And like I said, psychology plays a huge part. Doesn't matter if the odds are the same. It doesn't even matter if people fully understand that. If people feel like they are getting more for less they will spend more money. I'd wager a fair amount that we would have made a good 30% more had we left the tickets at a buck.

You have no idea if it would've been 30% higher.

mac '90% of statics are made up' gyvr
Just basing that off all the pissed off people I talked to who said they would have spent more if they felt like they were getting more. I'd say at least 15 to 20 people at the night of the dinner alone. Thats a pretty large number but you are right...I have no idea.
The odds of having a more diverse winning pool increases with fewer tickets.


The only way to tell which would be the better approach, for sure, would be to measure the differences by year, event, number of tickets sold, amount raised, awards given, who donated, who won, etc...

If that data were available, you ought to be able to judge for sure what gets the best response.

The only way to tell which would be the better approach, for sure, would be to measure the differences by year, event, number of tickets sold, amount raised, awards given, who donated, who won, etc...

If that data were available, you ought to be able to judge for sure what gets the best response.

The differences in raffle items, numbers of attendees, the economy and a ton of other factors would make it pretty hard to do.
The odds of having a more diverse winning pool increases with fewer tickets.

Please explain this to me in numbers or ratios. Now I totally understand the odds part of the arguement, but the diverse part is not ringing true in my eyes. If lets say the average patron buys 20 and I buy 100, it is a 5:1 ratio that I will be more likely to to win something over that person due to having the more tickets in the kitty, and just changing the price and having fewer tickets does not change that ratio at all. If guys see it as "hey, I spend $100 regardless on tickets, who cares" those will be the ones who get it, but those who think they get more bang fror their buck with $1 tickets, you will likely not get them to see this. As stated above, it is in their heads, and likely won't change no matter how much you try and expain it, or even draw pictures (unless they have hot women in them :D). I will continue to spend what I want, when I want, on items, so price is what it is. I hope that next year after WF is over we can compare this years treasurers report from raffle income to next years and see how the change measured up. Maybe this is something to let the MWC members vote on since it is their money that funds this show?

(for the record, I am impartial either way, I know that there were a ton of tickets to count and split, and it all takes time from the counting, splitting all the way to the waiting for someone to find that winning ticket in their mess of tickets and holding the show up :D)

Cheese "just a single voice" Man
I know nothing about ratios/odds/etc but I think $5 tickets is a good idea. I just don't want to see the chapter lose money because people don't understand the change.

It's easier to deal with 1000 tickets than 5000...
That being said. The idea of a bucket for each raffle item really intrigues me. I think I might try that at this years fall fling. Just to give it a shot.
I have done that in the past, make sure you have a lot of buckets. And a winner pick table for all the swag and little items. Winner picks an item from that table. (one bucket for that table). I understand the odds in the number of tickets but keep in mind BLoose only bought $30 worth and won a lot. Several bought over a $100 worth and won nothing. So for those who complain don't play the game
Says the guy who attends the event without paying the registration.

Yeah, I tried to pay but if a deadline says by this date, I expect it meant by midnight on that date, not 12:01 am on that date. I did spend as much in dinner tickets (30) and raffle (60) if I would have paid for the event. The only thing that I participated in as part of the event that I didn't pay for was the group photo. I didn't plan on doing that, in fact I parked out of the way of that until someone told me to put my jeep in it.