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Smoking Banned In Homes

My point is, people get on these crusades and loose track of the actual threats.
Stress is a major cause of heart attack, the solution is to mind your own business and I'll mind mine. But that isn't the human nature, people get bored and mess with their neighbors, in a group they form a consensus and do the same collectively. People have empty lives and have to fill them up with something. Hey, lets join a crusade or a inquisition.
If that string hanging from between there legs was a fuse, I'd light it gladly, just for some peace and quiet.
The only way not to offend anybody, is to lock yourself in your room and never leave. Just don't get caught smoking while your doing it.:doh:
A lot of things annoy me, I just suck most of it up and keep on keeping on and try to ignore the Jackals as much as possible.

This isn't about filling your empty soul with something. This is about you smoking in front of the door to the restaurant that I'm trying to go eat at. You're gonna force me to walk through your cigarette smoke so I can have a nice steak dinner?

Funny how even a lot of the smokers don't smoke in their house because they think it smells. How do you think us non-smokers feel about smelling like your nasty cigarettes?

It has nothing to do with who ownes the complex. On the other hand, the owner should be held responsible for making sure that all of the windows will open and close.

Sure it is, the beginning of this whole topic was the government taking away your rights to smoke in your own house.

My point was that you can't complain because the owner of your apartment complex says "no more smoking inside of your unit".
Smoking is likely bad for you, anything that cuts down on oxygen can't be good. Having said that, at least three kinds of lung cancer are twice as prevalent in non smokers than smokers.
Particulates, the particulates you breath can be toxic, most have nothing to do with cigarettes. The air filters in large building air handlers are often so toxic they are hazardious waste and so radioactive they set off alarms.

I'd be interested in seeing some stats of how many people who do not smoke, work in a coal mine, or work with aesbestos get lung cancer/emphysema each year. Smoking kills how many people each year, yet the FDA hasn't banned it. I agree with making Nicotine a controlled substance.


It is in fact a contact poison - heard an old SF trick was to mix nicotine with vasoline and put it on a surface that was commonly contacted (like say, a doorknob) - enemy opens their own door, gets the vasoline on their hand, and proceeds to rub it into their hand....shooting the nicotine directly into their body and killing them.

#1, I think if you smoke, you should be forced to give up your right to any type of government medical care or aid.

#2, if you're living in a gov't subsidized apartment complex, yet can afford to buy cigarettes...isn't that kind of like buying shrimp and prime rib with food stamps?
This isn't about filling your empty soul with something. This is about you smoking in front of the door to the restaurant that I'm trying to go eat at. You're gonna force me to walk through your cigarette smoke so I can have a nice steak dinner?

Funny how even a lot of the smokers don't smoke in their house because they think it smells. How do you think us non-smokers feel about smelling like your nasty cigarettes?

Sure it is, the beginning of this whole topic was the government taking away your rights to smoke in your own house.

My point was that you can't complain because the owner of your apartment complex says "no more smoking inside of your unit".

Tennessee has the highest rate of colon-rectal cancer in the U.S. Maybe you should skip the steak. :)
I'm usually fairly courteous about my smoking. A lot more courteous than the cigarette nazi's and there nasty comments.
One good reason to smoke, is you can't really smell the unwashed humanity around you much.
I'm allergic to about 90% of the perfumes women wear. Should they be banned? It's either the aroma of gorilla sweat or perfume (which affects me about the same as diesel fumes or snorting JP 4) or cigarette smoke to mask all the other aromas.
Cigarettes suck, no argument here, but are you really going to demand I go through the stress of withdrawal, so you don't have to smell my smoke?
IMO the stress and the extra 20-30 pounds I put on, will more than offset any benefits from giving up cigarettes.
The only reason a building owner cares one way or the other about cigarette smoke, is that it coats the walls, which need paint more often.
I'd be interested in seeing some stats of how many people who do not smoke, work in a coal mine, or work with aesbestos get lung cancer/emphysema each year. Smoking kills how many people each year, yet the FDA hasn't banned it. I agree with making Nicotine a controlled substance.


It is in fact a contact poison - heard an old SF trick was to mix nicotine with vasoline and put it on a surface that was commonly contacted (like say, a doorknob) - enemy opens their own door, gets the vasoline on their hand, and proceeds to rub it into their hand....shooting the nicotine directly into their body and killing them.
I rarely drink, you could ban alcohol tomorrow and it wouldn't bother me a bit. The social benefits of an alcohol ban would undoubtedly be beneficial to society. Go mess with the drunks for awhile and let me smoke in peace. :)

#1, I think if you smoke, you should be forced to give up your right to any type of government medical care or aid.

#2, if you're living in a gov't subsidized apartment complex, yet can afford to buy cigarettes...isn't that kind of like buying shrimp and prime rib with food stamps?

I'm not advocating cigarettes, I tried my darnedest to keep all my kids from smoking. Nicotine is as addictive as heroin, so your going to ostracize the people who are hooked?
I say we force people to be nice to each other. Instead of finding some minority to gang up on and make miserable.
Smoking increases your overall likelihood of getting lung cancer about 17%. Smoking isn't lung cancer, lung cancer is lung cancer and there are many causes. And like I mentioned, some types of lung cancer are twice as prevalent in people who don't smoke.
Cigarette smoking isn't good, but it isn't the devil either. I've known way more people who died of alcohol related illness than most any other type of substance induced cause, besides food.
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This is really weird, where I am now I get cigars dropped off every day or so, often to try them and rate them, got a hubcap sized ashtray on my desk with a wooden humidor and a very expensive Don Salvadore trimmer...oh and we have a filtration system that the CDC labs would envy. Almost time for the pizza and beer. :D :D :D :D

I'm working on it john, the last batch was crap. The new Honduran and Nic stuff is just starting to show up since the buyers came back on monday.
This is really weird, where I am now I get cigars dropped off every day or so, often to try them and rate them, got a hubcap sized ashtray on my desk with a wooden humidor and a very expensive Don Salvadore trimmer...oh and we have a filtration system that the CDC labs would envy. Almost time for the pizza and beer. :D :D :D :D

I'm working on it john, the last batch was crap. The new Honduran and Nic stuff is just starting to show up since the buyers came back on monday.
13% of all deaths are caused by cancer (all types) you better toss that cigar, eat grass and drink distilled water or your gonna die.
I'm not advocating cigarettes, I tried my darnedest to keep all my kids from smoking. Nicotine is as addictive as heroin, so your going to ostracize the people who are hooked?
I say we force people to be nice to each other. Instead of finding some minority to gang up on and make miserable.
Smoking increases your overall likelihood of getting lung cancer about 17%. Smoking isn't lung cancer, lung cancer is lung cancer and there are many causes. And like I mentioned, some types of lung cancer are twice as prevalent in people who don't smoke.
Cigarette smoking isn't good, but it isn't the devil either. I've known way more people who died of alcohol related illness than most any other type of substance induced cause, besides food.


plenty of studies out there like this. My point is, I don't want to inhale your smoke, and I don't want my tax dollars spent on someone who smoked for 50 years and now can't function w/o their O2 tank, or a hole in their neck, and who can't support themselves because they spent $1100 a year on cigarettes, instead of their retirement.

People need to be held responsible for their actions. No one forced them to smoke, so why are other people paying for their treatment today? And add any other types of substance abuse to the list too, like you said.
My point was that you can't complain because the owner of your apartment complex says "no more smoking inside of your unit".
No Queers either, then. If you are going to tell me what activities I can and cannot choose to do at home then anything else anybody may want to choose to do is fair game.

BTW, when those smokers force you to walk through their smoke, how many of them does it take? Do they have to drag you of is juast a threat enough to get you going? Ever been underwater? How did you keep from drowning?
No Queers either, then. If you are going to tell me what activities I can and cannot choose to do at home then anything else anybody may want to choose to do is fair game.

BTW, when those smokers force you to walk through their smoke, how many of them does it take? Do they have to drag you of is juast a threat enough to get you going? Ever been underwater? How did you keep from drowning?

Dude, sounds like you need to go outside to the designated smoking area and have a quick puff....


plenty of studies out there like this. My point is, I don't want to inhale your smoke, and I don't want my tax dollars spent on someone who smoked for 50 years and now can't function w/o their O2 tank, or a hole in their neck, and who can't support themselves because they spent $1100 a year on cigarettes, instead of their retirement.

People need to be held responsible for their actions. No one forced them to smoke, so why are other people paying for their treatment today? And add any other types of substance abuse to the list too, like you said.

If somebody shows up with a lung disease it's much more likely to be environmental than tobacco.
Look up your own statistics, CDC is a good place. That link you posted is really bias and actually sucks it is so skewed. If 70% of the lung cancers are from tobacco, that is still way below 10% of the total causes, I haven't done the math, but at a guess well below 5% actually maybe as low as 1%. Everybody dies of something sometime.
If I was so worried about saving my tax dollars, I'd worry more about all the people who are living well into there eighties and need constant care. It would be cheaper for you if they died young from lung cancer.
$1100 dollars this year if you are thirty is worth, $200 dollars at retirement. Unless you invest in the stock market then it's worth $100. :)
I got sucked into smoking when I was a kid, sure wasn't my fault. I was likely already an addict in my Mothers womb. Sure I had a choice.
I've been paying taxes for 55 years or so and never received my monies worth, I want a refund.
I don't want to smell your cologne, it makes me ill. I really doubt you are going to stop wearing it, because it bothers me!
You should re-read...

70% of all cancers (and don't forget heart disease, I know smoking contributes to that too). Not just lung cancer.

Post your findings on cologne-based illness. I'm sure that's another one of your causes of lung cancer that's 2x as high in non-smokers :D

Problem today is you don't have that many people "dying young" from lung cancer - so called "modern medicine" is keeping smokers alive. I think its kinda funny (yet sad) when I see someone smoking thru their trach ring, or smoking while hooked to an oxygen tank. I've known plenty who have quit smoking, and I think it is as much a mental thing as it is physical - if not more so. You also have to want to quit for yourself, and I understand that too.

I'm with ya on the huge tax refund...and damn you're old! :D
It's funny how she complains that shes being told how to live and what to do in America, yet in the next paragraph it says that the people of the apartment complex that were breathing the second hand smoke were the people who initiated the law. Democracy at its best.
Tennessee has the highest rate of colon-rectal cancer in the U.S. Maybe you should skip the steak. :)
I'm usually fairly courteous about my smoking. A lot more courteous than the cigarette nazi's and there nasty comments.
One good reason to smoke, is you can't really smell the unwashed humanity around you much.
I'm allergic to about 90% of the perfumes women wear. Should they be banned? It's either the aroma of gorilla sweat or perfume (which affects me about the same as diesel fumes or snorting JP 4) or cigarette smoke to mask all the other aromas.
Cigarettes suck, no argument here, but are you really going to demand I go through the stress of withdrawal, so you don't have to smell my smoke?
IMO the stress and the extra 20-30 pounds I put on, will more than offset any benefits from giving up cigarettes.
The only reason a building owner cares one way or the other about cigarette smoke, is that it coats the walls, which need paint more often.

I'm not advocating forcing people to quit smoking (even though it'd be better for America). I'm only saying that your argument about perfume affecting you is much different than cigarette smoke. If you smell perfume, it doesn't contain carcinogens. It doesn't contain particulates.

When I smell your cigarette smoke, it contains carcinogens. It contains particulates.

As far as I know, the Surgeon General has never put a warning on perfume saying it can cause birth defects.

No Queers either, then. If you are going to tell me what activities I can and cannot choose to do at home then anything else anybody may want to choose to do is fair game.

BTW, when those smokers force you to walk through their smoke, how many of them does it take? Do they have to drag you of is juast a threat enough to get you going? Ever been underwater? How did you keep from drowning?

You could try banning "queers" from your complex. I doubt you'd come out of the court case with all your assets. Telling someone they cannot smoke in your complex is much different than telling someone they can't live there because they're "queer".

You gonna start whining about dry college campuses too? What about those 45mph speed limits in town? What about 21+ strip clubs? Non-smoking sections in restaurants (which is a joke, really, since the smoke permeates the whole restaurant). No smoking in hospitals, airplanes, public buses?

So, I should just wait until the smokers are done smoking in front of the door? So, I should just hold my breath to walk into the restaurant instead? So you're saying your right to smoke is more important than my right to not have to hold my breath because I want my steak dinner?

Please, if you want to smoke, go for it. Smoke to your hearts desire. Put three cigs in your mouth, two in your nose and shove a pack up your a** for good measure. I don't care.

I do care when you smoke and I have to smell it because you don't wanna walk 30' away from the door, or because you are too arrogant to think to yourself that maybe other people don't wanna smell like your cancerous habit.
^^^^I like this guy :D :thumbup:
Does my right to drive my Jeep end when my exhaust touches someone's nose?

Does my right to have a campfire end when its smoke touches someone elses nose?

The difference here is that everyone either 1. Drives a car, or 2. Relies on a car. It's a necessary evil that's universally accepted. Not to mention, in USA, if your emissions system is working properly, 90% of all cars on the road shouldn't smell bad.

Campfire = camping. Essentially the same argument as above. Camp fires are expected at a camp ground.

That's quite different from cigarettes.
The difference here is that everyone either 1. Drives a car, or 2. Relies on a car. It's a necessary evil that's universally accepted.
You don't hear you; do you?
