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SoCal Holiday Party Sat 12/13 from noon on...

How many are going, and how many of those are eating?

  • 4 adults, paying for dinner

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 adults, coming to socialize & have fun

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 adults, coming to socialize & have fun

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4 adults, coming to socialize & have fun

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3+ kids, coming to run amok & have fun

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I will be there with Shannon and Ronan unless Ronan is still sick, in which case I will still be in the parade but after that I get screaming sick child duty for the afternoon. If we do go to the party I pay for food, and probably have to share with Ronan, but Shannon will bring her own food.
I hope to see all of you there!
Saturday, Saturday, Saturday!
Rick I took your extra one off the total I just sent to the caterer...As of now I see about 25 paid dinners. If you didn't RSVP yet but plan to eat, please fill out the Poll and post in this thread (i.e. "I just RSVP'd for x more adults").

I can't wait! Barbecue, Buddies, Beer, and Bounce House .. woooot!
i need to change mine from 2 adults to 1, can't talk the wife into coming with me. if it's too late i can still throw in for 2 paid meals no problemo

my daughter's soccer team is having their end of season party that morning at 11 ao i'll be over after that, maybe around 1pm.
We should be okay, Grimm. You should just bring your daughter's soccer team along!! They're young enough to be safe, and light enough to all fit in the bounce house...

We're gonna have to limit adults to 4 or 6 in the bounce house at one time, I'm sure.
No I'm home for the time being.
I polled 2 for food, but didn't post after I asked. So here's my post.
I might have talked Michelle into bringing her pasta salad that she makes.
It's the bomb.

... Just a fair warning, I'm not responsible for any fights that get started
if someone misses out.
LOL I will try to get there early then. And any fights have to be settled in the Bounce House...
I want to see you and Sarah in the bounce house.
I want to see you and Sarah in the bounce house.

Hahahah... I think we are each a bounce house unto ourselves =).

But yeah, I'll get in there! But I run out of breath super quick (I was just Bounce Housing last weekend).

I think I may need to have my doctor check my lung (not bra, silly!) capacity... not sure that last cold I had ever really left the building...

Or maybe I'm just a fatass 49yo woman with lots of extra weight bouncing around on her chest when she's in the Bounce...

Anyone else coming?