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Pranks at work...


NAXJA Forum User
Portland, Oregon
I'm interested to hear about your workplace pranks.

Most of ours involve alot of shrinkwrap, or welding in some way shape or form.

Here's my latest...I just got back from lunch...and found this in my office.

gotta few here!!personally tested!!:
-nose car up to shitter door in shop, leave guy screamin in the can
-spray and ignite brake parts cleaner under the crack in the batheroom door, (you may have to clean up the whiz
-grease handles on brake lathe, tool handles, black grease on mechanics earmuffs.
-If you have a victim that leaves car unlocked, hood easily opened- take a empty washer fluid container 4liter, drill a hole in the cap install a used spark plug with a big gap,seal it in place, next take your torch set,achieve a neutral flame and put the flame uot, fill the container with this mix, quickly cap it, find and extra long spark plug wire and hook it up to your victims car coil ,PLUG YOUR EARS AS HE CRANKS AWAY!!, (THIS CAN DO DAMAGE BE CAREFUL!)
-remove and mix up letters on coworkers computer keyboards!
-grease salesmans phone ( black grease) and phone it!!
-put bossed truck rearend up on jackstands,careful some may not understand the hiliarity.
- take alarm fob, keyless entry fob of keychain when customer drops of car, wait until the cars it up and secured on the hoist before you set it off.

If I think of any other good one I'llpost up
Yeah well that time I was the victim and I deserved it!!
mine just happened last night. i work at a ruby tuesday. so im in there working and my buddy matt starts messing with me. well little did i know that he picked pocketed my keys. the night went on and my boss told me to go to walmart to get some stuff. i walk out and my jeep was flexin up on a curve and all the trash from the bathroom was inside my jeep. not to mention the syrup on the steering wheel shifter door handles. also the pam on all of my mirriors and hole punch dots in my air vents. i was hot:gonnablow. so i used the companys money to go wash it and vacume the heep out while i was on the clock because the pos manager let them do it! but the guy that did it had to pick all the now soaking wet trash up off of the parking lot in 25 degree weather in the rain. but all is good now because its cleaner than it was before it happened.:gee:
I once welded my boss's toolbox shut.. he got me back by throwing water balloons at me while I was stitch welding a Porsche. Fun times!
About 4 years ago or so I was graveyard shift supervisor for a Downtown Seattle highrise security crew. The building engineers were all 'gun guys', whether hunters or collectors. They were also VERY big on securing their shop space and we had no access. Well they had been messing with the boss' office and hiding his leather chair, so we were all looking for a way to get them back.

About a week after the last incident, one of their greenhorn engineers was at the tower until late one night. He was in and out of the shop a lot, so he left the door unlocked. On my way to a downstair office, I checked their shop door out of habit. Lo and behold...it was unlocked. I verified that he had already left for the night and began a devious plan with their chairs.

You can see from the pics what I did, utilizing some empty 12ga shells I had from duck hunting the weekend prior. :D:D:D They took it REALLY well and called a truce. About a dozen chairs perished that night... ;)





where i work we have to process bales of hops.

we probe them for moisture and check the temperature.

if we have a particularly gullible crew member that year we will give him an old peice of medical equipment that has two metal watch bands you put on your wrists.

when you turn it on it makes an awful screech. out of the bottom i tied a knot in some coax and fed it through a grommet and attatched the other end to a car antennae.

when we probe the bales for moisture it leaves a hole about 1/4 inch diameter and about 12 inches deep. their job is to check (through one of the existing holes) the "static electricity content" of the hop bales and let us know if one is too high!

after moving bales they give off a flamable gas and we cant have any static electricity ingniting the warehouse!

so we tell them that if they get "good" at listening to the screeching they will be able to anticipate a "shock" and pull the probe out before they get it!

i'll see if i can get some pictures this next harvest season. i'm sure this thread will still be around somewhere!
When I was in highschool I worked at a Dairy Queen with a whole bunch of friends, it was honestly a pretty fun job! Erery new hire we would get we would tell to take the toilet plunger and check all the tiles to see if they were loose! I was asked todo the same when I was hired on there but didn't fall for it. I told this new girl to go check them and she got right on it, it was hilarious watching the customers looking at her!!
I guess they got another girl to check the tiles as well, I was not there but I guess she did all of them in the lower area of the store. After that she asked what to do next, they then told her to mop the walk in freezer. That turned out real bad!!
I'm currently working on a very long process prank that probably won't see results for a minimum of 2 years. And isn't nearly as good as any of the others listed above.

I took some of the little toy army men/indians and wrote the dates on the bottom of the base then setup a small battle scene with 3-5 men in various areas of our shop. We have these 2x4 blocks that are about 10-15 feet above the ground on the backside of our repair area. Setting a stool on the workbench and reaching I setup a scene that really cannot be seen from standing on the ground.
There is another scene in a far corner of one of are storage areas that is no longer used as its about 4x4x8 and the entry is about 2' wide above our washroom.
There will be a scene under the bosses desk(impossible to see under), in the drawers under the cash register, and I'm still trying to find places people don't look often.

I set up one new battle scene every saturday as that's when I close down the shop.

We've gone through and hidden people waterbottle's various places in the shop. Rammed all the tools from one workbench into a styrofoam block. Wrapped apples in rubber bands to look like our large rubberband ball, let it sit for a month and then replace the rubber band ball with the wrapped apple. That's a nasty squishy mess when it's bounced.

When I worked the service drive at a Nissan dealership, we had a crew of complete jokers. There were always pranks going on. If you went a full day without seeing a prank, you began to get nervous. Some of the frequent ones were:

1. A blob of axle grease on the ear end of the telephone. The phones were black, the grease was black, and service advisors are quite frequently in a hurry to answer the phone. This one almost never failed, and the target had an ear full of black axle grease.

2. Re-arranged computer keyboards. Many of the guys on the 'drive didn't really know how to type, they just used the hunt-and-peck method. To this day, I have no clue how they got all their work done without being able to type fast. Anywho, using a paperclip, the various keys would be removed and put in new positions. Several times the victim actually called the IT guys to come fix their computers, as the keys were acting strange and typing the wrong letters/numbers.

3. The timely disconnect. As I mentioned earlier, advisors are quite often in a hurry, especially towards the end of the day. It's crunch time to get paperwork done as the customers are arriving to retrieve their cars, meet said customers, talk about the work, etc. Myself and one other out of the 8 advisors on the service drive were good buddies with the head of the IT department. He supplied us with the ability to log someone out remotely on our Reynolds and Reynolds terminals. It was well over 2 years before the first person figured it out. They'd come rushing to their terminal to close out a ticket, add comments, etc, and at a very bad time their computer would log them out mysteriously. The service drive offices were all glass and in a row, so we could sit in the office behind them, wait until they'd painstakingly typed in a long story about the repairs with their hunt-and-peck method, and just before they saved the ticket log them out. This was probably the best ongoing prank. When one other advisor finally figured it out, he was pissed. But rather than just let the cat out of the bag, he came to us, and we got our IT guy to give him the remote logoff capability so he could join in the fun. This was back in '99-'00, and I do believe this prank is still ongoing today.

4. Repair order, well-done. Our technicians had a twisted sense of humor too. If you asked them to do something in a huge rush, and didn't ask nicely, or if you asked them to do something they didn't necessarily want to do, chances are your repair order would come back up to you in poor condition. Burned to a crisp was the most common, but other variations were: soaked in oil, completely obscured in tire marks from being driven over repeatedly, crumpled into a ball, and my favorite, drawn on very artfully with crayolas, usually something resembling the artwork of a 5-year old.

5. Tired yet? If you REALLY pissed someone off, you could count on getting some extra exercise after work. The employee parking lot was a looooong way from the service drive, and if you weren't in good with the Lot Lizzards you'd have to walk it. The offending party would walk all the way out to the employee parking lot after a long day, only to find their car on a jackstand, missing one wheel/tire combo. Usually a note was left on the windshield detailing the location of the missing wheel, which was normally somewhere up near the service drive.

These pranks could be extremely frustrating at the time, but really made that place fun to work at. Really a good bunch of guys, and pranks or no, if you needed help, you know they always had your back. I miss working there.
some of the fun ones at work

One of the guys at work got a dui drinking with all of us after work so we take turns driving him home to wilsonville from newberg, on McKay rd heading the freeway one night I found a toilet someone had dumped on the side of the road. The toilet ended up in our interent managers office the next day position as his desk chair.

took a kids playskool plasitc picnic bench and replaced one of the salesguys desks with it, set the computer up whole 9 yards.

mechanics mess with the sales guys by removing a ignition wire/sigle spark plug/taking the throttle cable off/etc. their demo's. after a couple beers you go to drive home after work and invariably you end up driving your own car.

one of the managers has no right arm from a truck accident years back, we get the lot attendants to turn his radio all the way up so he gets in and starts it and has to fumble around to turn it off.

then the usual toilet paper someones car/office, saran wrap an emplyees cars to the one next to it,

when you work at a car lot you have to do something to fill the 11-12+ hr work days.
at work, being military, we do the typical thing and people for stupid stuff like a box of grid squares, a roll of flightline, etc. . .

we have a particularly dense individual we work with now, whom we managed to send all over post looking for 6 feet of fallopian tube:D

another favorite is to get a brand new person who doesnt know a whole lot about aviation electronics to go service our "slimelights" which glow green at night (phosphor cells or whatever). we break open a iniated green chemlight into a oil sample bottle, and hand it to em with the warning that the stuff is extremely toxic and to wear the apron, face mask, etc. . .and gloves to put the stuff on. always funny.
We have a prank where you make someone think they've pissed their bedroom floor ( in the dorm; I'm still in college).
You take a cookie sheet and piss on it ( really you piss in a cup and pour it on the sheet so there isnt splatter) and then you carefully put it in a freezer. A few hours later when you have a frozen cookie sheet of piss, you remove the sheet of piss and slide it under their door....behold: "I think I pissed in my floor last night."
ladywolf said:
at work, being military, we do the typical thing and people for stupid stuff like a box of grid squares, a roll of flightline, etc. . .

we have a particularly dense individual we work with now, whom we managed to send all over post looking for 6 feet of fallopian tube:D

another favorite is to get a brand new person who doesnt know a whole lot about aviation electronics to go service our "slimelights" which glow green at night (phosphor cells or whatever). we break open a iniated green chemlight into a oil sample bottle, and hand it to em with the warning that the stuff is extremely toxic and to wear the apron, face mask, etc. . .and gloves to put the stuff on. always funny.
That fallopian tube prank cracks me up!! I don't think I could resist laughing at a guy asking for 6 feet of fallopian tube regardless of what he looked like. I am going to have to do this to someone!