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Bounced a 4.5 inch grinder wheel into my wrist one time (the right direction too)....welding gloves and glasses every time now. i have 5 pairs of glasses so when i lose them i can at least find one.......need to buy a face shield next

that must have hurt... cut anything important in there?

I cut the second segment of my left index finger down to the bone with an angle grinder last October or so, fortunately missed all the nerves and tendons and cauterized the only artery/vein I hit. It barely bled, they sewed me up and sent me home with antibiotics... still have a hell of a scar from that. Nothing like looking down and seeing a slot the width of a cutoff wheel in your finger with bone at the bottom, starting to trickle blood.
that must have hurt... cut anything important in there?

I cut the second segment of my left index finger down to the bone with an angle grinder last October or so, fortunately missed all the nerves and tendons and cauterized the only artery/vein I hit. It barely bled, they sewed me up and sent me home with antibiotics... still have a hell of a scar from that. Nothing like looking down and seeing a slot the width of a cutoff wheel in your finger with bone at the bottom, starting to trickle blood.

i have a 2 inch scar that looks like a surgical incision its so straight (people as all the time if ive had carpal tunnel surgery), but the wheel spun fast enough it cauterized the wound.... luckily....or there would have been much blood. instead just a little
All this talk has made my eyes water, a$$hats.
\, but the wheel spun fast enough it cauterized the wound.... luckily....or there would have been much blood. instead just a little
chop saw has the same effect, don't ask how I know.
i have a 2 inch scar that looks like a surgical incision its so straight (people as all the time if ive had carpal tunnel surgery), but the wheel spun fast enough it cauterized the wound.... luckily....or there would have been much blood. instead just a little

yep... isn't it great how it cauterizes as it cuts like that? :laugh2:
wow...i must really suck and protecting myself. i've injured both corneas twice in the last 4 years. i've also really given myself some good flesh wounds with the angle grinder.

i will say having metal or a deep scratch in your eye is the WORST pain i've ever had. just the nagging stinging sensation is unbearable. i have a stockpile of erythromycin tubes that i whip out when it happens. problem is, that its happened so many times that when my eyes dry out it still feels like my cornea is cut. fortunately i haven't suffered any vision loss or obstruction because of it, but i need to be a lot more careful or something really stupid will happen
I have scratched my cornea, with my fingernail, and they would not give the good drops to take home. One of the most painful experiences I have had. Glad your eye will heal.


ive never had metal, but i gouged my cornea once. well rather, a kook in my 7th grade gym clXXX gouged it with his finger. not the worst pain i have been in, but probably the most uncomfortable thing ive had to endure. they did the numbing drops at the optomitrist, but that was it. they put a suedo bandaid on it with a contact lense of sorts. i had a hockey game the next evening, said they would need to clear me before i could play. i slept for 18 hours because it was the only way to forget about the constant irritating pain.

doc cleared me, i scored a natural hatty that game. i was well rested.
So I don't really travel out of the MWC much, unless searching for technical info or looking at build threads and pics.

I just browsed through the member forum. Holy XXXXing JOKE!!!!!! Is Obama running NAXJA now?
All this talk of injuries..... In my younger years I was throwing down what I thought was some good freestyle moves while shagging a gal and apparently got a little too much air time and pulled off a right angle pelvic crash landing.....no bueno...
what does this spell?




They is not the same werd!!!
I'm guessing one begins an f and the with a c, since we can say XXXX now, wow I guess we can't say XXXX. lol
XXXX, this place is slowly bringing the suck more and more.... But I guess if I want to say XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, whore, ball licker and XXXhole I will just have to say them at home or in public in a drunken stooper :D
Yes, there has been a few more words added to the filter. It is all good.

We really need to keep the family friendly atmosphere that separates us from other sites.

If you really need to use cuss words in your post to make your point then you're doing things wrong.

Please don't try to get around the filter, if you do then you WILL get an infraction, and i really dont want, nor do I think I will have to do that.

Your support is appreciated.

Fore 'cuss like a McTruck driver in person, not here' Wheeler.
Yes, there has been a few more words added to the filter. It is all good.

We really need to keep the family friendly atmosphere that separates us from other sites.

If you really need to use cuss words in your post to make your point then you're doing things wrong.

Please don't try to get around the filter, if you do then you WILL get an infraction, and i really dont want, nor do I think I will have to do that.

Your support is appreciated.

Fore 'cuss like a McTruck driver in person, not here' Wheeler.

I'm glad Glenn laid the law down on that matter. It's a pointless arguement that needed to be over with. Now all "bad" words are filtered for some family friendly NAXJA enjoyment!
I don't really care either, but why simply put XXXX's in place of the words? Why not let the people take the responsibility and punish the one's that choose not to follow the rules? If somone want's to say it they will get away around the filter. not being able to type pXXX or XXXume with XX's is just plain ridiculousA

I don't really care either, but why simply put XXXX's in place of the words? Why not let the people take the responsibility and punish the one's that choose not to follow the rules? If somone want's to say it they will get away around the filter. not being able to type pXXX or XXXume with XX's is just plain ridiculousA


Keep it up and I will use the conservative approach to punishment, throw you in jail and waterboard you later to figure out why.

It's over with. Stop bringing it up and stop making the filter show up because you have nothing better to do.