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? for the medically inclined

imma honky

NAXJA Forum User
Augusta, Ga
Why do doc's prescribe pot for people with glaucoma(sp?)? I know glaucoma is generally high pressure in the eye or around the nerves. How does pot help?
Are you sure that's the right qustion?

Shouldn't it be something more like:

"So how do I convince my doctor that I have glaucoma? Is there any topical solutions that mimic the effects?"

GSequoia said:
Are you sure that's the right qustion?

Shouldn't it be something more like:

"So how do I convince my doctor that I have glaucoma? Is there any topical solutions that mimic the effects?"

Funny, and partly true. But I don't think there is "medicinal marijuana" in GA. Seriously though, I went in for an eye exam b/c i've been havin all these probs with headaches and such. Well, I have swelling on BOTH optic nerves. I am not afraid to admit it, i smoked pot regularly for almost 4 years, but stopped cold turkey for my job (almost two months). Now all of a sudden all this crap starts happening. maybe it's just coincidence, I don't know. But it's got me wondering.... should I take it up again?
imma honky said:
Funny, and partly true. But I don't think there is "medicinal marijuana" in GA. Seriously though, I went in for an eye exam b/c i've been havin all these probs with headaches and such. Well, I have swelling on BOTH optic nerves. I am not afraid to admit it, i smoked pot regularly for almost 4 years, but stopped cold turkey for my job (almost two months). Now all of a sudden all this crap starts happening. maybe it's just coincidence, I don't know. But it's got me wondering.... should I take it up again?
Yes, you should smoke as much MJ as possible.
I think I have glaucoma, as well, so I'll join you!:greensmok:
Okie Terry said:
Yes, you should smoke as much MJ as possible.
I think I have glaucoma, as well, so I'll join you!:greensmok:
I shall remember this next time I'm in OK.....
I don't think I have glaucoma, but damn, if smokin da refus will get rid of the keep the headaches away, I may have no choice. Cause as of right now, it a helluva lot cheaper than going to the doctors and having tests done OVER and OVER and OVER....... In the last month, i've spent about 400-500 bucks on doc visits, blood work, and a head CT(i haven't gotten a bill yet). Insurance is covering a good deal of it, but im still out co-pays and deductables.
What causes the swelling? It's nearly always better to treat the cause than the symptom...

Given that cannabis, and specifically, THC, is a mild depressant, I'd think it would have the effect of reducing swelling due to mild decrease in metabolism. Also, I believe that THC is a painkiller as well - so that would help reduce perceived pain with glaucoma (I say "perceived" because everyone's pain threshhold is different.)

Granted, I'm trained more as a trauma medic, so take this with a suitable grain of salt (about grade two, I think.)

I do know that cannabis/THC is also prescribed for patients undergoing chemo - both as a painkiller and as an appetite stimulant.

While I've not personally experienced increased intraocular pressure that I can remember, I would think that it does hurt, and a painkiller would be good for that. THC seems to have a lower incidence of side effects, used in moderation, than most prescription opiates and morphine derivatives, so it would make sense for it to be used in their place (probably takes longer to build up a tolerance as well, but I don't know much about that. Perhaps I should...)

Anyhow, those are my guesses on the subject. I'm not "medically inclined," just someone who is a voracious reader, researches damn near everything, and still manages to retain most of it.

Still, I'd look into the cause, and see if that is treatable, before just attacking a symptom. Just my thinking...

imma honky said:
I shall remember this next time I'm in OK.....
I don't think I have glaucoma, but damn, if smokin da refus will get rid of the keep the headaches away, I may have no choice. Cause as of right now, it a helluva lot cheaper than going to the doctors and having tests done OVER and OVER and OVER....... In the last month, i've spent about 400-500 bucks on doc visits, blood work, and a head CT(i haven't gotten a bill yet). Insurance is covering a good deal of it, but im still out co-pays and deductables.
Man, for that much, think about the quality......:gag:
5-90 said:
What causes the swelling? It's nearly always better to treat the cause than the symptom...

Given that cannabis, and specifically, THC, is a mild depressant, I'd think it would have the effect of reducing swelling due to mild decrease in metabolism. Also, I believe that THC is a painkiller as well - so that would help reduce perceived pain with glaucoma (I say "perceived" because everyone's pain threshhold is different.)

Granted, I'm trained more as a trauma medic, so take this with a suitable grain of salt (about grade two, I think.)

I do know that cannabis/THC is also prescribed for patients undergoing chemo - both as a painkiller and as an appetite stimulant.

While I've not personally experienced increased intraocular pressure that I can remember, I would think that it does hurt, and a painkiller would be good for that. THC seems to have a lower incidence of side effects, used in moderation, than most prescription opiates and morphine derivatives, so it would make sense for it to be used in their place (probably takes longer to build up a tolerance as well, but I don't know much about that. Perhaps I should...)

Anyhow, those are my guesses on the subject. I'm not "medically inclined," just someone who is a voracious reader, researches damn near everything, and still manages to retain most of it.

Still, I'd look into the cause, and see if that is treatable, before just attacking a symptom. Just my thinking...


That's about what I was thinking. I know a fair amount about the human body, drugs, and pain (my mom wad a RN of 20 years). I have also lost almost 10 lbs since i stopped (never been a heavy eater). You are correct about the side effects of pot Vs. script painkillers. I have noticed almost 3x's the ill effects of the painkillers/ muscle relaxants over the last two weeks than my previous 4 years. I'm not trying to make this a "pro pot" thread. I am 100% serious about possibly taking the risks of taking up the habit again so I can at least function "normally". IMO, everyone reacts differently to all drugs. I was never "that guy" when I was high. Most people could never tell I was ever high (unless they were present during the deed). I understand the treat the problem, not the symptom. I'm pretty sure that the problem is an increase pressure in my head and therefore on my optic nerves, muscles in my neck, and ears. But if for some reason this has been an "unknown" problem over the years b/c I was unknowingly treating it..... what do I do.
Okie Terry said:
Man, for that much, think about the quality......:gag:
Yeah, no kidding. I won't get into specifics, cause i'm sure people are in the "know".
...if you take it with a grain of salt...be careful...sodium increases blood pressure ....lol. Just smoke the pot and keep tellin' yourself "its ok,its medicinal".

P.S I don't drink,or smoke anything so I guess you can take this with a grain of salt too.

...but if you take it with a grain...blah blah blah
I agree with 5-90, find the cause then figure out how to treat it. Masking the symptons is not a good long term solution.
RichP said:
I agree with 5-90, find the cause then figure out how to treat it. Masking the symptons is not a good long term solution.
Oh don't get me wrong, I agree with finding the real problem, but the crap im taking now doesn't help like it did when I first started taking it... only 2-3 weeks ago.
CNN said:
"If you want to maintain a low interocular pressure with marijuana, then you have to smoke a joint every 1 to 2 hours which is 10 to 12 joints a day, which is 4,000 a year," he said. "That's by anybody's definition -- no matter how liberal you are -- a considerable consumption."
And? I don't see how this isn't possible. Who smokes J's anyways. Can we say WASTE.
It's funny, that this article was done here in my city. But, like I said, I don't think I have glaucoma, but I do apparently have an increased pressure......

P.S. - I could rip this article apart with it's false reports.. I did a 15 page report in college about pot. LOTS of research. I was one of 4 people to get an A. Not to mention, this article was written in 1998.
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Don't be a .....

5-90 said:
While I've not personally experienced increased intraocular pressure that I can remember, I would think that it does hurt, and a painkiller would be good for that.

High occular pressure does not hurt, that is why Glaucoma is such an incidious disease. It pushes back the optic nerve over time and causes a gradual reduction in peripheral field, then blindness. A few points over the "norm" is about where I score and have gotten the lecture many times over the last 35 years. About anything can affect that reading. I have found that pretty nurses bounce the reading up a good 3-5 points :D
and that the "puff" test is usually high, so most take a second "direct" reading (something like a dial indicator).

Cannibus use reduces occular pressure, probably for the same reason is reduces just about everything else ;)

Headaches surrounding optic problems generally occure not because of internal pain issues, but because there are muscles which change focus and move the eye around.
When these muscles get strained, they act like any other muscles that are over worked. If your focal length changes, the muscles which adjust the lens get strained, causing headaches. IIRC There are no pain sensors in the eye itself.

Swelling of the optic nerve is nothing to fudge with, it can leave you blind as a deaf bat.