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Career decisions....

hahaha somethin like that...
Mike like i said call the union take the test and then join the program and learn for free all the trainning you need in heavy equipment. This year im on track to make over 100,000 and thats not even working that much overtime. I worked for chevrolet dealer and was a master tech there and the comission work sucks and dont go to UTI.
My advice is to go for a degree...they are typically universally accepted whereas certificates are not (as much)...which should translate to more flexibility in where you can work (since you want to be able to travel) and more money. Of course the school/program where you get the degree and/or certificate matters...I dont know anything about UTI, but those that do apparently know of someone who has gone there or have gone there themselves. You should definitely talk to someone who has gone to any of those tech schools before choosing to go there because they know firsthand of the pro's and con's. Obviously, if you go the Junior College or University route that doesnt matter... Dont worry about it too much, you are young and can try both...hell, I didnt start medical school until I was 27...and a half! :)
No tech schools for me.....
XbajajeepX said:
Who knows, with how indecisive I am, that could all change tomorrow...

NAUGHT AH !!!! STOP IT !!!!!

I went in today.... there were like 7 jobs posted...... keep an eye on the web site for them to be there soon if not filled internally...... guaranteed a few if not all won't be filled internally.

Whatever full-time job you go after, make it a part-time job to get a piece of paper called a college degree. Unless you already have the business nose to make it as self-employed, that piece of paper will go a long way in helping you climb in whatever job / career / profession you go after. It is no guarantee, but does smooth the way for you and tilts things in your favor. I would not say "I am young and healthy and have time." The next thing you know, you have a wife, kids, debt, car payment, mortgage, blah-blah, and you are working your arse off to make ends meet with no time for education. Start college education NOW. Take a class or two in the evenings, at a local community college. It could also help open your mind to other job possibilities that you never thought about.

Good luck

My 2 .. Maz
My experience is that I went into the military and spent 8 years as a helicopter mechanic. I got out and studied for and took my A&P exams. After 16+ years in the field and having an A&P license and IA (inspection authorization) I am bored with it. It is very repetitive. I make good money but I am not thrilled with it. I am seriously considering taking a significant cut in pay (as much as 50%) to work on 4X4's doing lift installs and other upgrades. That is my passion and I am just about ready to take that route. The biggest thing holding me back is I am the sole provider for my family and I will give up a really good defined benefit retirement plan to chase my dream. I didn't go to college but I wish I had because I would have more options with a $.25 piece of paper that says I can remember things. Fair or not your odds are better with a degree. The point is that you have to find something that will make you happy and still provide for your family. Hopefully your future wife is well employed and the burden is not solely on you for support. That would help you if the field you want doesn't pay alot to start. Just some food for thought.
Get the degree. I am working on mine now (better late than never) & it sucks with a full time job and family. I always thought I would get by without one, but I have come to see the light I have denied. A degree will give you options, when your first plan does not pan out. I am working on my back up plan now, not tomorrow when I need it. I have had to give up countless wheeling trips with my local club and other fun things in life, but it will be over one day & I will be back in action with a degree in hand. Oh yeah, degrees don't expire like tech certs.

Rob $.02
I did my 4 years in teh Military as a fire fighter only to find out that it had nothing to do with civialian fire fighting. Now I'm struggling to get my ass into cal fire and its like starting over at the age of 19, and I'm 23. You really gotta find what you wanna do and make sure its what you want and that it'll make you happy. if not, you'll get lost and end up on the back roads... riding a elephant, drunk on Jack D and viles of red bull, on the coast of thailand.
Gerr said:
"get lost and end up on the back roads... riding a elephant, drunk on Jack D and viles of red bull, on the coast of thailand."

That doesnt sound bad at the moment

Beats being unemployed...in Greenland.

The whole "degree" thing has been bugging me a lot today!! You guys are getting into my head! I think if I go to school it will be for construction management?? Good or no??

Lets here some feedback on that! please...

Gerr said:
"get lost and end up on the back roads... riding a elephant, drunk on Jack D and viles of red bull, on the coast of thailand."

That doesnt sound bad at the moment

It was great untill I got out and ended up no where...
should have gotten a degree like all my peers and ended up and a way nicer job.
selarep said:
should have gotten a degree like all my peers and ended up and a way nicer job.

The odd thing is that all the fools I graduated with couldn't wait to escape the valley and "go to live at the beach" then 5 years later they're ringing me up at the local quick stop regretting leaving and not using their mega $ education or burnt out with a year or less to go..... meanwhile I'm 4 yrs. into a lifetime career with great bennies and they're wish'n they'd stuck around.
I'll never be rich, but I'll never need for ANYTHING....
I'm think'n like Scott Mc.(not the heart attack thing) I'm glad to be a little older and retirement is closer then the starting point.... Look'n at the 24th. year with maybe 15 or so to go.
While I'll agree with the school and degree thing for the most part I think it needs to be in an area the you'll apply it......

Mike get a job ya BUM !!!! :wave:

GrimmJeeper said:
so you told the wind farm "blow me"?? :roflmao: sorry i couldnt resist hahahahaha

I love the new quote mike.... newfound respect is right!

im probably the only one that will find that funny :roll: