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Eeerie fog and dead silence here. Weird just hearing wolves and no moon visible. Seems like the calm before the storm. Snow melting up here some but no rain. Finished plowing form the 2 earlier snowfalls. Hoping I don't get the freezing rain here now that I plowed.
Thus "Mount Morris"......

By flooded, do you mean river over, or standing water?

Water running across the road....

At 7 mile creek. Mosquito Creek was close to going over also

and the Condo farm at the South end of Byron was full of water...
we were without power for about six hours.

that was yesterday....today is time to.....BEAR DOWN

woo hooooo


I was in Chicago yesterday, I thought 80/94 would be flooded glad to see all lanes opened.

From snow boots to waders, crazy weather.


Just finished the main features on Pink Floyd: Pulse. *INCREDIBLE* Pink Floyd concert DVD set.
Picked up a new camera today.

Stylus 850

Shockproof, waterproof, dustproof.

Moab did our old one in.

BTW - Anyone want tires?

gonna be selling the originol equipment tires off the 250

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OK....all you bow hunters.

I know NOTHING about bow hunting.....nada

I am looking for.....

Something for small game.....think rabbit.






Do they come with heads?

Thinking about picking it up as another hobby.

Hey Rev,
I have contacts in the hunting field that I can get you a good bow at cost and shipped to your door. Seeing how the professional hunters/film makers come to our farm for deer and turkey season, it opens a few doors for us on good deals on hunting equipment and accessories. Too bad I dont hunt much anymore or I would have a better handle on some of the items. PM me if your interested.

Remote from Georgetown, FL.

i'm on vacation for a few days. There is no cell service here and the roads are grass in this nieighborhood!