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Whats The Deal Folks?

I'de have to say for me it's school and time. I'm not working at the moment due to shoulder surgery, but when the meet n' greets were happening I had something (project, loads of HW, work, etc.) that would prevent me. As far as COFest goes, I plan on having the Juggy done for summer wheeling, but when I wheel will be determined on whether I can land an internship or not, and where. Last two years has been an issue of money, but more so getting time off from work. Distance isn't really too bad of a problem if it is in Denver, but CO Springs tends to be an issue...
Time and money here too. It's hard to do much of anything with the full time student/job/internship combo in effect. I would not attempt to wheel my rig in its current state. It's all I can do to keep it going down the road until I can fix some things properly. I really wanted to help/learn on the give away rig build, but I had to study. Plus, @ $4/gallon gas, Thornton was a really long way from Castle Rock.
Graduated in Dec. and time is less of an issue now, but still need to find full time work (got GIS job anyone?).
I'd really like to become more involved and meet some of you guys/gals, but life keeps getting in the way! Half the reason I moved to CO was the skiing, and this is the 3rd season running that I haven't been up. My skis, golf clubs, camping gear, and pretty much the rest of my fun gear are turning to dust from non-use.
should be able to make it to COFest this year. last year couldn't make it cause the wife was in school, and i had to take care of the little guy. i didn't show up to the meet and great cause my criipled ass does drive to well in the snow.
Time and funds have always been the overriding issue from the past discussions I've had regarding this topic.

I like JohnJohn's suggestions, but unfortunately, they're not new and un-tried. The only difference that I see in his suggestion is to get 'em planned at the beginning of the year, with locked in dates and give them an official event name so that it sticks in people's minds. Having the benefit of a date set way in advance generally enables a few more folks to be able to plan for time off or whatnot.

The Colorado Fest thing still puzzles me too. This event - when held in Buena Vista - offers the best variety of trails and proximity to facilities (campground for HQ and a town for supplies and parts) that Colorado has to offer - from my experience anyway.

I'd have to say though, I think we had our best attendance (measured for the entire event) when we did the combination event - Buena Vista/Ridgeway. It appealed to a wider variety of folks and IIRC, brought in the largest number of folks from other States.

However, the combination event was a logistical nightmare and finding camping facilities that caters to groups in the Silverton/Ouray/Telluride area has proven nearly non-existent.

Our current obstacle for the upcoming year - in my opinion - is still going to be the economy. Folks with families in particular aren't looking to spend - it's all about saving - or hell, just keeping up with the bills.

Our hobby is at best - secondary to our daily lives. Not many are THAT dedicated to 'wheeling. How many rigs have we seen go up for sale this past 6-8 months? That's pretty telling in itself.

It's been my opinion for the past 2 years that our Chapter has failed to be committed to holding Chapter meetings on the rotational schedule like we established from the beginning. Regardless of attendance, keeping these meetings scheduled and routine allows folks to see that there are scheduled meet/greets happening. Once folks actually attend a meeting, they generally feel more welcome, make new friends, Chapter forum discussions generally increase.......

My .02 :thumbup:
I think attendance is low cause you are so CRANKY all the time DJ? :rolleyes:

Seriously though I think many have already expressed many issues and thoughts I would have said. So I won't repeat, but with what we do I think what ever we get is good.

The Coloradofest is awesome but for example this year I planned on attending but things came up and now I should be expecting our second child so of course plans got changed. I think individual trail setups work great as well even if they are not sanctioned by the chapter essentially it is the brothers and sisters in the chapter anyway. Last year I had 5-6 trips I took the initiative to setup and worked out great, wish more could have come!

If one thing I say add more sanctioned Meet-N-Greats througout the year at diffrent areas of the state so many get a chance to possibly attend. I work 40-60 hours a week, my wife works 30 hours a week, we take care of someone (adult foster care), and I have a 15 month old with a new one on the way. I rarely get time to spend with my wife let alone go to a sanctioned meeting without feeling guilty. I like coordinating things with my family involved as in general my hobby is my life and my family is deeply part of this hobby.

I don't think you will ever get 100% of the chapter members to attend any given time due to basis of something called everyday LIFE.

Deep down I love all you guys & gals! :smootch: :D
That took you 20 minutes to type. I'm sorry, I had to give you shit, I was sitting there watching your profile..................:laugh2:

Ewww..... creepy stalker.
It gets hard to make events down south when you live all the way north. When was the last meet and greet that was north of I-70?

I would like to see the folks in Northern Colorado start getting together more, like the Springs people do. I am hoping to set up a M&G at the Hooters off I-25 in Loveland.

We also need to do more informal runs here in Northern Colorado. I can't remember a NAXJA run where I didn't have to drive 3+ hours just to get to the trail head.
yella sums it up best. I've had some finiancial issues the last few years. Got stuck in a whole and have done my best to crawl out of it so I can do these things, but with the economy it's hard to commit and then have something go south on you. I've really wanted to hit meetings, but they always happen on bad days for me and or the coloradofest I thought I was going to be able to pull off tell some dental work sucked me back in a hole and spent all my gas money on fixing my teeth. Last trip to moab I spen 400 just of fuel and that was with lower prices than this summer high we had.

That and my membership getting pulled out from under me with out notice and pretty much an owell you can deal with kind of leaves a bad impression for me.

I'm really hoping if gas stays under the 2.25 mark next summer I will for sure be hitting more trails and having more money to dump into upgrades for the jeep to be able to go on some of these runs.
It gets hard to make events down south when you live all the way north. When was the last meet and greet that was north of I-70?

I would like to see the folks in Northern Colorado start getting together more, like the Springs people do. I am hoping to set up a M&G at the Hooters off I-25 in Loveland.

We also need to do more informal runs here in Northern Colorado. I can't remember a NAXJA run where I didn't have to drive 3+ hours just to get to the trail head.

You and I can have a meet up for the northern division meeting any time. :thumbup: and any others close enough to join in. man did you see some of the holloween outfits this year. WOW :roll:
It gets hard to make events down south when you live all the way north. When was the last meet and greet that was north of I-70?

I would like to see the folks in Northern Colorado start getting together more, like the Springs people do. I am hoping to set up a M&G at the Hooters off I-25 in Loveland.

We also need to do more informal runs here in Northern Colorado. I can't remember a NAXJA run where I didn't have to drive 3+ hours just to get to the trail head.

move south duh... we need more access to you and your cool tools anyway
It gets hard to make events down south when you live all the way north. When was the last meet and greet that was north of I-70?

I would like to see the folks in Northern Colorado start getting together more, like the Springs people do. I am hoping to set up a M&G at the Hooters off I-25 in Loveland.

We also need to do more informal runs here in Northern Colorado. I can't remember a NAXJA run where I didn't have to drive 3+ hours just to get to the trail head.

I think you put a lot out there I agree with, in Fact JohnJohn, Yellaheep and others kind of said things as well that makes sense. Have a planned scheduled for year with M-N-G's at the beginning middle and end of year. Like John said maybe sections north, middle, south and once or twice a year have a big one for the whole group.

I will do it this year as well with taking the initiative to have small runs and invite anyone that wants to join. Look at the Eage Rock run Yella setup, that ended up being a lot of poeple and wasn't an official sanctioned meeting?

With all this how many people bring their whole family to a meet-n-greet?
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I also think that a more diversive list of trails in terms of difficulty would also bring out more folks as far as trail runs go. I know that the eagle rock run would have probably been a stretch for my rig as far as making in out without major damage. Also I just saw the April shake down run post and there would be NO WAY I would attempt Chinamans. (Right now, unless I had a different DD and a lot more mods to the heep)
That and my membership getting pulled out from under me with out notice and pretty much an o well you can deal with kind of leaves a bad impression for me.

Why was your membership pulled out from under you and did you complain to someone?

Just curious?