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WARNING: Rainbow Family(?) in Steamboat 7/1 to 7/7


NAXJA Forum User
This stuff cracks me up. FYI: Just in case you want to crash or avoid.

Tensions run high in forest
Forest Service abandons checkpoint after incident with Rainbow group
By Matt Stensland
Wednesday, June 21, 2006

"CLARK — The Rainbow Family :greensmok peace gathering turned hostile Tuesday when a group of attendees began hurling rocks and sticks at law enforcement officers, U.S. Forest Service officials said."

"Between 60 and 70 illegal gathering citations had been issued to Rainbow gathering attendees as of Tuesday morning. As many as 20,000 people are expected to attend the official peace gathering from July 1 to 7. About 500 people already have arrived."

"Also, about 15 miles of National Forest system motorized trails (numbers 1204 and 1199) near the Rainbow gathering have been closed. Ritschard said the trails were closed to keep the public away from the gathering."

Link for the whole article appearing in Drudge today:
These people???

What is the Rainbow Family ?
Some say we're the largest non-organization of non-members in the world. We have no leaders, and no organization. To be honest, the Rainbow Family means different things to different people. I think it's safe to say we're into intentional community building, non-violence<---- remember this, and alternative lifestyles
. We also believe that Peace and Love are a great thing, and there isn't enough of that in this world. Many of our traditions are based on Native American traditions, and we have a strong orientation to take care of the the Earth. We gather in the National Forests yearly to pray for peace on this planet.

From wall04's post
CLARK — The Rainbow Family peace gathering turned hostile Tuesday when a group of attendees began hurling rocks and sticks at law enforcement officers, U.S. Forest Service officials said.

So.. is hurling rocks and sticks at law enforcement officers "NON-VIOLENT"?
Be a good time for a forest fire :D
They all came through La Junta about a week ago, in town 5 min and the police were all over them, they were panhandling at Wal Mart
When working for a paper in SE Tennessee (Cleveland Daily Banner) about 10 years ago, me and a writer had to go spend a day with them as the rangers of the Ocoee National Forest moved them to a wilderness area to keep them from the public. Many campers, hunters, etc., were pissed.

One ranger said it was because they were filthy, stank and had a lice outbreak. We didn't believe it so asked for a tour of their campsite.

I never smelled such bad funk in my life:pig:. No one bathed (didn't believe it one of them told us), they did have lice :puke:, and did just about every drug imaginable in front of us:smoker:.

They also didn't believe in wearing clothes, or some of it. Really disgusting people
This may be a stupid question but how can it be legal to gather in such a large, organized manner in a National Forest where it will, undoubtedly, cause damage? I had never heard of them but obviously others had. If they showed up in La Junta (and probably not nearly as large a number of them) and got chased out as quickly as Justin says, why are Park Rangers, Government Officials, Police, etc., OK with them being in the wilderness? Outta sight, outta mind? I'm somewhat ignorant b/c I've never tried it but what would happen if I got 3000 of my friends (if I had that many) together in close proximity in the woods? I don't care how lightly we tread or how responsible we are...we're going to leave a trace. How is this right?
riverfever said:
This may be a stupid question but how can it be legal to gather in such a large, organized manner in a National Forest where it will, undoubtedly, cause damage? I had never heard of them but obviously others had. If they showed up in La Junta (and probably not nearly as large a number of them) and got chased out as quickly as Justin says, why are Park Rangers, Government Officials, Police, etc., OK with them being in the wilderness? Outta sight, outta mind? I'm somewhat ignorant b/c I've never tried it but what would happen if I got 3000 of my friends (if I had that many) together in close proximity in the woods? I don't care how lightly we tread or how responsible we are...we're going to leave a trace. How is this right?

The easy answer is that it's not right. I think they show up in such huge numbers that the local enforcement can't do anything.

"Meanwhile, the Rainbow Family and the Forest Service are at their annual impasse over a permit. The truth is, short of bringing in the National Guard and risking a Waco-type conflagration, the government will not choose to stop a Rainbow Gathering."

If you're not mad about it now read this: http://www.nevadaappeal.com/article/20060709/OPINION/107090078

There was a followup story saying that they completely destroyed a hudge area of the park and it will have to be closed for restoration.
You're right Wall...that didn't help much.

That really pisses me off. Ya know...I gotta say...I saw this thread when it was originally started but I was getting ready to move and was busy and really wasn't on the boards that much so I never read it until yesterday. I started going through old threads seeing what I missed. How can this be? They were throwing rocks and sticks at Enforcement officers (be they Police, or Parks it really doesn't matter). Partying and shatting in the woods. It doesn't matter if it public land or National Forest it's still wrong. It really chaps my ass when some groups of people think that b/c of their sheer number...that they march to the beat of a different drummer. When I camp with my g/f and dog, I'm careful. I obey the rules. When I camp with a bigger group (like a few more couples) I try and be more careful. I always make sure that the area looks like it did when we got there. Can nothing be done about this? Obviously it's not like it's a secret when they do their annual extravaganza of drinking, drugging and ruining beautiful land.

I get that the government doesn't want to have an incident like Waco but...
I see no difference in a mass group of people destroying precious land resources and inconveniencing others (ranchers, locals, tourists) and another mass group rioting in an urban area and destroying stores and property. The National Guard gets sent in when riots occur over sports teams not winning large games, whats the fawkin' difference? Fly over the area and dump a few tons of pepper spray on them. The message should be: If you destroy what's not yours...it's a crime and it simply doesn't matter where it takes place or what the circumstances surrounding the incident are. If I go into Denver with a bunch of friends and throw rocks and sticks at security officers...I expect to get fawked up. Someone tell me the difference. Rant still going on in my head.

I say slurry bomb the fawking bastards. That'll put the fires out and push 'em out of the forest.

Environmentalist my happy arse. 10K people can't leave no trace and if they are going to disobey the law, First Amendment or not, then they should be arrested.

Hell, if one of us went in there and started a campfire, we'd be arrested.

Having met them once before, they make me sick.
The First Ammendment does not give you carte blanche to do what you wish. In the case of camping, you need a permit if the campers in your group exceeds a pre-determined number. AND....you can't have fires when there is a ban in place. My g/f agrees with me but says that Law Enforcement should have gone in and taken over. From what it sounds, the local LE attempted to do so and got assaulted. If 20,000 African Americans, or KKK members or NAXJA members for christ sake gathered in the woods, would it be handled in the same manner. I don't think so.
Bunch of dirtbag commies IMHO. Earth friendly? I didn't see any Prius' in their pictures, just worn out polluting rolling junk... They did an article on the in the Rocky, kinda turned my stomache. Lots to be said about strength in numbers.