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Uttermost Off Road

holy freeking typing. I can't believe this. to all involved: the guy just wanted to wheel with some other people with the same beliefs. I don't care if the group is christians or a bunch of pig fawkers, whats it matter. is this really what you want to be doing the day jesus comes? I can't believ I just read through this whole thread.
glfredrick said:
Its been fun -- really. I do this for many reasons, and partly because I get to learn as well.

If you are ever in the Kentucky area and you want to try some of our wheeling, drop us a line. Love to ride with you. I'm sure the conversation would be stimulating.

2nd that, would love to ride with ya anytime.
Making up one's own religion, however sincere one is, is a disaster in the making

As you have clearly just stated, you feel your religion is a disaster, since protestantism was all started by one guy who was unhappy with the original church. Then that church had offshoots, and so on. Just because that one person had a following makes it right?

Oh, and your posts are too long and continue to cite the bible, which has been edited countless times over the past umpteen centuries.
I knew he was here on some quest for god to convert heathen souls! And all you christians that think your being bashed, what do you call blatantly shouting every other religion is "heathenistic" or "selfish" or "leading one to hell", isn't that also bashing the religion of others. Even to come to a jeep site trying to convert people is rather disrespectful, for you come with the belief that all other religions are lesser. So suck it up, you wanna dish it out, well take a little in return. At first i thought he may be well read, i've had philosophy professors who were christian, but were much more intelligent about it. For instance, it is ignorant for christians to enjoy all the benefits of science while simultaneously dismissing it. It makes more sense to incorporate science into your religion. What if evolution IS gods plan? What if evolution IS intelligent design? It always seemed kind of intelligent to me.................cellular evolution that is.....
I also must disagree with an assumption of the good Uttermost when he said, "the romans wouldn't have took the body and hid it, they would've shown the body to destroy the religion." Actually that is entirely contradictory to how the Romans became the largest empire in the world. They assimilated people along with their beliefs, allowed them to practice their own religion, hence the jewish council which Mel Gibson blames for Jesus death, were not forbidden by Pontius from practicing. It actually works better for the Romans to institute christianity, which they later did, because it keeps the poor masses from leading astray, keeps them subserviant and trying to live the "good" life, rather than overthrowing the roman empire/governments which are in cahoots with the church, which is why very few atheists are voted into office.
chubbyhick said:
is this really what you want to be doing the day jesus comes?

Not going anywhere for a while?

chubbyhick said:
holy freeking typing. I can't believe this. to all involved: the guy just wanted to wheel with some other people with the same beliefs. I don't care if the group is christians or a bunch of pig fawkers, whats it matter. is this really what you want to be doing the day jesus comes? I can't believ I just read through this whole thread.

Absolutely, I want to be found doing this when Jesus comes back. Being a witness to Him is EXACTLY what He asked us to do.

goodburbon said:
As you have clearly just stated, you feel your religion is a disaster, since protestantism was all started by one guy who was unhappy with the original church. Then that church had offshoots, and so on. Just because that one person had a following makes it right?

Oh, and your posts are too long and continue to cite the bible, which has been edited countless times over the past umpteen centuries.

I don't think that is exactly what I said. In fact, I do think that I said that a religion of one's own making has all the ingredients that can lead to disaster.

You are half-heartedly citing the work of Martin Luthere -- who BTW was a Catholic. He did not make up a religion from out of nothing -- instead, what he actually did was have the audacity to actually READ the Bible. From that, he learned just how far HIS church had strayed. In fact, her never intended to form a new denomination -- that is, until the Catholic church took him to task for reading the Bible and for standing on its principles instead of doing what many of you have accused the church of doing -- collecting money in exchange for souls -- which is exactly what the Catholic church WAS doing in Luther's day (and sometimes even in our day).

You want to debate the Protestant Reformation -- I'm certainly game. Have at it.

About the Bible being edited "countless times" -- bring the proof. I think that you will have a very difficult time.

Your turn...

and the catholic version has an extra book or 2

Look, I totally understand your position, I was in a church for the first 20 years of my life. I was TOLD that there was a god, I was TOLD that he was good, I was TOLD that Jesus was his son......all of the same parts of the bible over and over and over on their yearly cycle.

The chuch purposely picks and chooses what to tell you, if you have read it in entirety you should realize that your god "grows up" as the bible progresses. He threw tantrums in the beginning, then he lost interest in his pet project for a few thousand years. Then came back as an adolescent and so full of himself it was silly.

anyone who believes that Jesus was god should realize that their god throws fits, as seen with Jesus and the Pharases.

If God be for us then who can be against us? How about 3 million muslims who believe in the same god. He just told them to kill us........mull that over for a bit.

I am truly sorry for the loss of your daughter. My first wife put a bullet through her head, and the Catholic church says she is in hell for that. Fawk the catholic church, If there was a god and he creates all then the sonofabitch created her just to go to hell? Fawk that!

If all of these "new age churches" are then offshoots of a flawed religion, no one of them can have it all "right".

Baptist churches taking over communities and getting "blue laws" passed is not religious freedom. It is some religious people forcing their beliefs on me. I will not tell you not to believe in god, or that you have to drink......DONT tell me I can't drink and also have a good life, because that is bullshyt.
Those Kansas Baptists must be on to something,,,,,ah ya right.
This whole thread was like arguing with pee-wee herman "i know you are but what am i?"
And I didnt even get to hear from my favorites, the Hasidic Jews and the LDS....
goodburbon said:

and the catholic version has an extra book or 2

I am truly sorry for the loss of your daughter. My first wife put a bullet through her head, and the Catholic church says she is in hell for that. Fawk the catholic church, If there was a god and he creates all then the sonofabitch created her just to go to hell? Fawk that!

1. NIV, King James, New King James, NASB, NAS, Good News... Apart from Any books added to the bible it is still the Bible. Just like Websters dictionary they have College and kids and regular and upteen (actually on 11 now of the regular dictionary) None of the "definitions" change Each one is just a little more user friendly. So...don't think it holds sorry.

As far as your wife, I am definately sorry to hear about that. However if I may...
Many people look at God like he is a little boy with a magnifying glass just buring ants on the sidewalk...thats crap.

Have you ever stopped to think that God has given us free will? The decision is still up to us? None of us are robots.

WHAT IF- God is really a loving and carring God (which He is) What if all the bad stuff that happens only happens when you have left the umbrella of Grace God has provided for you.
If their is a Tornado outside over your house you wouldn't throw your youngest child outside and say good luck would ya? HECK NO! You would lay over top of the child and give your very life to protect them, You would be in a basement and you would be covering them.
See IF we believe in God And trust HIM, He is just like that, He covers us and protects us...Do bad things still happen? WELL Yeah! but He gives you the HOPE to pull through to the otherside.
It is only when we think that we can do better on our own with out God that we start to see a different perspective that leads to all kinds of Junk you name it. *See Genesis- Adam and Eve knew better they could eat that fruit--well they got kicked out of the best place on this earth* Yet we like Adam and Eve get dropped out of Eden every day b/c we TELL God we know better than HIM (comical if you think about it) Yet that is why things sometimes don't go right.
here is an example of the protection your god offers to its faithfulhttp://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12467604/?GT1=7938


That sure looks like ants in a magnifying glass to me.

Go and worship it, have a grand ole time, but don't try to feed us bullshyt and call it "truth". It is "control". You even call yourselves (christians) sheep. I don't ever aspire to become a sheep, no matter how much greener you say the grass is.

oh and there was no garden of eden, no adam and eve, it's all folklore. like valhalla, and olympus. What makes you so arrogant to believe that other peoples beliefs that are/ were just as strongly held as yours are flat out wrong because you are right?

I'm done, because you can never be wrong.
See IF we believe in God And trust HIM, He is just like that, He covers us and protects us...Do bad things still happen? WELL Yeah! but He gives you the HOPE to pull through to the otherside.
It is only when we think that we can do better on our own with out God that we start to see a different perspective that leads to all kinds of Junk you name it. *See Genesis- Adam and Eve knew better they could eat that fruit--well they got kicked out of the best place on this earth* Yet we like Adam and Eve get dropped out of Eden every day b/c we TELL God we know better than HIM (comical if you think about it) Yet that is why things sometimes don't go right.

Interesting point of view. I, on the other hand, can happily live my life with the same exact issues as anyone else regardless of religious beliefs...and have a LOT less to worry and think about. I grew up with the church and have studied other religious views. I have to say, I made my decision not to waste anymore time with an ancient belief system that had answers for the unexplainable. When I die? WORM FOOD. Circle of life. :confused1
glfredrick said:
Ok -- I'll bite... Let's get out the shovels and start doing some digs. We ought to be able to find some factual, historical evidence to coincide with the testimonial evidence -- right? Also, do you have collaborating witnesses? Can I cross-examine the witness to see if he is mentally fit?
That's another tenet of our religion. You really should look at our website...it will explain a great deal to you. www.venganza.org


Interesting point of view. I, on the other hand, can happily live my life with the same exact issues as anyone else regardless of religious beliefs...and have a LOT less to worry and think about. I grew up with the church and have studied other religious views. I have to say, I made my decision not to waste anymore time with an ancient belief system that had answers for the unexplainable. When I die? WORM FOOD. Circle of life. :confused1

ECKSJAY sounds great if you're right than I guess we are both Worm Food and everyone else on here. However, if you are wrong and I am right than your soul and all of your body will be like a piece of coal that never burns out in Hell and my Soul with all of my body will not be in Hell. So either way I have nothing to Fear.

Jeremy and Pastornator see you around.

If I offended anybody but what I had to say about what Jesus said and did I am not sorry, because at one point in my life the TRUTH hurt as well.

May all the Glory be with God.<><
No, now in all actuallity I can joke about being Right, however in all reality, if I am wrong I would rather be wrong on the side of God rather than be wrong on the side away from God.
I don't blame you. Better to have a pretend friend, than not.

Normal people may laugh and poke fun at you for thinking there is some invisible guy helping you through life..... and that is great, some people need invisible friends to cope in the real world. You can copy and paste kewl fiction all day long... Us normal folk love it. I prefer Steven King or Tom Clancy though.

But yeah, the joke will be on us should there actually be some big invisible guy up in the sky somewhere. But I am sure he would not be judgemental.... and would base his decision to let us in to fantasy land based on our deeds, rather than our total immersion in something a mere mortal invented and penned? I mean, he is all forgiving and all of that, no? In the interim, I don't care. I would still jeep with you anyhow.

I am firm in my belief that when I die, I will be worm food. Plain and simple. I find it highly unlikely I will be bopping around clouds living the good life. I am doing that now.

Peace. :D

One last question... does your God read the internet? Or is it my thoughts he will be reading? If he reads the internet, what browser and OS does he use?
uttermost said:
ECKSJAY sounds great if you're right than I guess we are both Worm Food and everyone else on here. However, if you are wrong and I am right than your soul and all of your body will be like a piece of coal that never burns out in Hell and my Soul with all of my body will not be in Hell. So either way I have nothing to Fear.

I'll make sure to drink a 40 just before I die so I can piss on the fire in case I go. ;)

I'm actually a Purgatory kinda guy anyway.