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This disgusts me!


NAXJA Forum User
My sister got a message from a girl she was friends with in Jr High who is Korean born as well as currently resides there. She is pretty upset that a fellow So. Korean could so this which led me to wonder what the media is telling them over there, besides her coming to America with her parents at a silular age as Cho while her Dad was going to school here. Then I found this artilce a few minutes ago and I'm really aggrevated that people are taking the actions of a what appears to be one looney tune and making about his race as a whole.
I saw something on cnn about the Asian students are worried about backlash toward them. I know that on the Virginia Tech campus, this would never happen, retaliating against others won't bring the victims back, or wake us up from this nightmare. I know i speak for Hokies when i say that we will not, and don't condone, people retaliating against Asian-Americans.
While I certainly don't condone retaliation for that act, the fact that a large number of people would does not surprise me at all.
Here in Roanoke which is very close to VT and B'burg, there is no talk of any retalliation violence. There has been enough violence for us.
Relax it just a few blow hards. There isnt anything to worry about. There isnt any back lash from the IA that was a drunk driver and killed those two girls. He wasnt even suppose to be here. Had multipile convictions for DUI and the judge let him out on the street.
This kid had problems plan and simple. He doesnt reflect the community as a whole. If a group of asian kids had done it then you might see something but this aint 9/11.
well i am pretty sure a few assholes will go around blaming asians but still the minorities w/ the most Hate issues are still gonna be blacks and muslims not saying that i agree im just saying they take the most heat
I also think this has been blown way beyond proportion. Some people just like to talk big on the Internet.

It is ridiculous that Koreans would be scared of backlash. I myself, have not been afraid to go out in public.

Hell, I just went into a gun shop yesterday and bought a new handgun. They asked my ethnicity and I said "Korean". Nobody in the store gave a crap.

But at least, this part is true. "Koreans are the most...macho of East Asians" :)
There is never any shortage of bigots looking for somebody to lash out at.
I was stationed in Nam with a company of ROK's, to this day I still love Koreans.
Like I alway said, 3% of the population (any Population) is certifiably nuts and likely psychopath or Sociopath not to mention the serious Paranoids who are likely to lash out.
Only two people have said anything about the whole episode that made any sense to me. One said in England where guns are unlawful, people have run through the streets and randomly stabbed people. Another said if any one of the dead students had a permit and was carrying a weapon, the outcome may have been markedly different.
i find asians to be pretty calm people not to gernalize a whole race but from the ones i know usually pretty intelligent and quiet not exactly my idea of killers but killers are a breed of their own if u ask me its an unfortunate even blown out of proportion by our wonderful media i am not trying to say it is not tragic but the unrelenting news coverage is a little much then the next crazy depressed guy is going to see all the attention "Cho" is getting and decide to pull the same sort of shit
Ironic isn't it? Gun-free safe zones are the target of mass murders using firearms......cowards target the defenseless.
Bjoe, I'm not sure which part of that article disgusted you the most, but I'm in the "It's just Human nature" camp.

When something bad happens, and the Media dwells on it, then the Talking Heads do their little bit to rile folks up, then the Politicians have their say (all parties with their own adjenda I might ad) regular people start looking for a place to lay the blame. Then you find out who people are at heart.

As with the Shooting of a party of deer hunters here in WI (on their own land) by a Hmong fellow who was trespassing, a certain number of folks blamed the Hmong community, a certain number blamed the Government for bring them here as welfare cases, and a certain number actually believed that he had a right to be where he was or that the Hunters provoked him un-necessarily.
Guns don't kill people. Koreans kill people ;)

At least that is what I told my wife

She responded 'we only kill white people' :D
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Yeah, I really think keeping things like this in our face keeps people riled up. That's how the media gets ratings. Anger people so they have to tune in and stay angry.
cracker said:
Guns don't kill people. Koreans kill people ;)

At least that is what I told my wife

She responded 'we only kill white people' :D

When it's all said and done, the ladder is likely the most deadly weapon devised by mankind. And the most likely cause of serious injury and/or death, is yourself.
BlackSport96 said:
Yeah, I really think keeping things like this in our face keeps people riled up. That's how the media gets ratings. Anger people so they have to tune in and stay angry.
Did anybody besides me notice that shortly after the news has been focused on Virginia for a few days, the suicide bombing campaign in Iraq has escalated. It would be interesting to see what happens if the news media played down the violence in Iraq for awhile. Maybe if the bombers only rated a sentence or two in a newscast, they would loose interest in that tactic.
8Mud said:
Did anybody besides me notice that shortly after the news has been focused on Virginia for a few days, the suicide bombing campaign in Iraq has escalated. It would be interesting to see what happens if the news media played down the violence in Iraq for awhile. Maybe if the bombers only rated a sentence or two in a newscast, they would loose interest in that tactic.

It would be interesting if they only covered good stuff in iraq for a couple of weeks. But we already know the media is liberal and hence NOTHING GOOD can come from our military by definition.
To me if the media has a choice between covering the good news or the bad news they will cover the bad news, if they have a choice between covering the good news or overkilling the bad news they will choose overkill every time and thats been true for the last 25+ years...
8Mud said:
One said in England where guns are unlawful, people have run through the streets and randomly stabbed people. Another said if any one of the dead students had a permit and was carrying a weapon, the outcome may have been markedly different.
I told the wife.
"I bet things like this wouldnt happen if every teacher was allowed to carry a firearm or weapon on campus"
She agreed with me.
its a shame that with the hundreds of people around noone could do anything but run and hide.
Yes brand me as you will, i am a gun owner, i support the right to protect yourself.
As xjeeper said cowards target the defenseless.
alwaysready said:
I told the wife.
"I bet things like this wouldnt happen if every teacher was allowed to carry a firearm or weapon on campus"
She agreed with me.
its a shame that with the hundreds of people around noone could do anything but run and hide.
Yes brand me as you will, i am a gun owner, i support the right to protect yourself.
As xjeeper said cowards target the defenseless.

My wife is not allowed to carry her snubbie where she teaches. Gotta admit though their doors are security doors and visitors have to go thru a man trap to get in during the day..
Turns out there should be no surprise that this guy flipped out - there was plenty of warning. He maintained a presence on the web and his writings for class were apparently very ominous. His problem wasn't being Korean, it was suffering from depression.

Two things though: 1) Not one media automaton on the tube has even mentioned his parents - not even just a "Declined to be interviewed" - just nothing. 2) I am sure (and my memory is none too dependable, as my wife can attest) but every classroom I entered at UMC had a lock on the door. Anybody here at, or been to UMC? Did the classrooms lock?