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Phrases/Words that bother you. Opinions?

ebonics for sure, or people that just refuse to use any semblance of grammar or spelling in their typing or speaking.

its just freaking annoying.

people that call me bud are annoying as well.
"baby's daddy"

"Boo" (significant other)

When young people say "my old man" or "old lady" when referring to thier husband or wife.

Any form of ebonics

and "LOL", although I do use it all the time. It still feels weird typing it.
it really bothers me when i hear "funnest" ITS THE MOST FUN or "funner" ITS MORE FUN

also, the wrong use of good. like "hey your band played really good tonight" NO! its "your band played really WELL tonight."

when refering to guns someone says clip instead of magazine.

when refering to drums/percussion someone spells cymbal symbol. CYMBAL is the big metal thing in the air that you strike.

i hate cetain text/I.M. things like using the letter u in place of you. or 2 instead of to, too. cuz instead of because.

and this one could get some people upset (i hope it doesnt) but using gay to describe something. like "thats a gay idea". really? i thought the idea was completly heterosexual... (make sense??? no)

also as someone said, "son". excuse me but your not my father.

"same difference" if its the SAME then its not DIFFERENT.

i could keep going but... idk ive g2g see my bff. k. ily all. gn. lol.
ROR is better than LOL

Also, the fact that retard speech has a formal title, "ebonics".

The ROR will be used, ROR.

IMO, after reading some of what bothers you guys, some of you should be medicated. Just my opinion ROR.
Also, the fact that retard speech has a formal title, "ebonics".

The ROR will be used, ROR.

IMO, after reading some of what bothers you guys, some of you should be medicated. Just my opinion ROR.

x2 :doh:
Tragedy is another one that the media misuses constantly.
I am bothered when people don't know enough words that they have to throw a four letter expletive between the words the DO know

I work with guys that do exaclty what you just described. It drives me crazy. Especially when I start parroting the same garbage. I want to slap myself sometimes.:us:
I use the words "fool" and "son" specifically to degrade and insult someone who acts infantile or irresponsibly. The intent is to make them feel foolish or childish. I don't pretend to tolerate the stupidity that I am presented with. Which is contrary to social norms. And that brings me to the attitude that offends me the most, being "politically correct" at all costs. While I try to be polite and informative, some folks just need a tongue lashing of the worst sort.:lecture:
ROFLMAO!!!! Ya'll foolz is off the hizzle fo shizzle... Why ya'll up in each others grills about this shit noin bein dope enuf for ya'lls english yappin society..

Ya'll need to just roll wid it and get off that dead horse...
ROFLMAO!!!! Ya'll foolz is off the hizzle fo shizzle... Why ya'll up in each others grills about this shit noin bein dope enuf for ya'lls english yappin society.
Ya'll need to just roll wid it and get off that dead horse...

I want to strangle you.:flame:
getting called "dude"

someone trying to get my attention by whistling at me,.... I'm not a dog!

Chill dawg, i gothca back, you just gotta pop that colla like a pimp yo... Holla atcha boi!!
New one I noticed. "Frickin'," especially pronounced like "frickun" or "frickon." I swear it has to be on page one of the ignorant white trash dictionary.