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Petition to Secede

I would sign but with my luck I'll get in trouble. That and I don't necessarily feel it needs to happen, buy hope the petitions themselves will at least cause a good shake up on their own.
I wish you lucky bastard luck
My state won't do it
So I'm a fan of the secessionist ideology, as I am of the opinion that the south had every right to secede pre-civil war, and the tyrant lincoln began the destruction of the republic by "saving" the union. That said, I think these petitions (Texas and others too) are fairly silly. Can you picture the American colonists petitioning King George for the right to leave? It isn't really a situation where you ask permission, its a situation where a group of people TELL, not ask, the government that they've had enough.

If these folks wanted a petition that would work, they'd petition for a ballot amendment at the state level asking their state to itself secede, IMHO.
I don't get it. It's a petition specific to the State of Colorado and yet the majority of signatures are from folks NOT from Colorado? Hell, not even from the U.S.? Shouldn't the signatures be from residents of Colorado?


Monsieur C
Nouvelle France
November 13, 2012
Signature # 14,113
France is a touch odd -- as for signatories from other states, maybe they just want to get rid of our healthy, pot-legalizing asses? :D
You know that the pledge was written by an avowed socialist with the stated goal of achieving a nationalist fervor in what was at the time still a "nation" of individualists, right? ... I think it may have worked.

I tend to think that the only real principle that the civil war established was that when you have a tyrant in the white house with no regard for the natural rights of men, you may end up with several hundred thousand of them dead.
Sorry guys but imma have to disagree, I don't think we are at that point yet, I absolutely despise the Obummer but unless it can be proven that the election was won due to cheating and vote stealing. He won and that's that.... I hate that we've turned onto a country that votes that way but it is what it is. And we need to fix it not just run away and start over. Any of you that know me know that I'm as conservative as it gets and I think this country and the Republican Party for that matter are broken but let's not loose our perspective. I pray every day that the north east and the far west would just OPPS fall off into the ocean but even if that doesn't happen I'm an American thru and thru and will die to defend the union. It's still worth fixing!

we all know that Colorado went blue and would never vote to leave the union nor would I want to if we did.

the previous statement was write in a drunken stopper so plz excuse the misspelling and possible nonsense.
WARNING. More rambling to follow

btw I have read the constitution and I truly believe that our federal gov has waaaaaaaay overstepped her bounds and should be snapped back like a bitch at the end of her leash. But we have to be careful that we don't create a zombie apocalypse in the process. Witch I prepared for btw. Hehe
I agree, I love this country and what it stands for. However, I feel that our federal government has grown far to big and powerful for its own good. Too much power has been taken away from the individual states. Sorry, but CA and New York shouldn't have any say in what we do here in CO.
I agree, I love this country and what it stands for. However, I feel that our federal government has grown far to big and powerful for its own good. Too much power has been taken away from the individual states. Sorry, but CA and New York shouldn't have any say in what we do here in CO.

Dutch I agree 1000% yes that's one thousand, and thus why I think we should do away with the electoral collage( or how the hell ever you spell it)
If every single vote counted the same more people would vote and we wouldn't be on this spot cause there's more people on our side just not as many electoral votes. I really didn't wanna rock the boat I think the "flyover states" would be better off without the coasties but I'm REALLY not ready to go that far just yet! Not far from it, but not quite there yet!
The flyover states won't get a second look without the electoral college -- with better than 50% of the US population in a few urban centers, and with that population certain of their superior views and desire to tell you how to live (i.e. they voted for the guy most of you didn't), do you REALLY want candidates to focus only on individual votes? Economics dictates that they will focus on those votes clustered together, and ignore anyone that happens to live in less densely populated areas.

America's founders detested democracy, and structured the republic to try and temper the "tyranny of the majority" that is democracy at every turn. It's evident in the electoral system, diluting the "one man, one vote" concept of democracy so as to protect isolated populations that might not otherwise matter. Its even more evidenced in the federalist system whereby the federal government's authority was to be profoundly limited, with fundamental freedoms guaranteed, so that no matter what tyranny a religious, financial or other majority might wish to force upon everyone, they would be unable to do so. I speak in the past tense, you note. Because that republic, and those limits on power no longer exist.

I love the American experiment as much as the next guy, but we should sometimes remind ourselves that we are a nation born of secession, and that Jefferson was not wrong in telling us (and King George at the time), that when the abuses of government become too numerous and too restrictive, it is our duty as free men to throw it off and form a new one.

I still think petitioning the despot to let you go is pretty dumb, but it does show that more people are awakening to what is lost and yearning for something better.