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Legalize marijuana

Should Marijuana be legalized for recreation?

  • Yes for 18 and over

    Votes: 54 23.5%
  • Yes for 21 and over

    Votes: 78 33.9%
  • No

    Votes: 98 42.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
8Mud said:
Smoking herbasides sure can't be good for you. I'd sure enough bet, most of the tests done with marajauna by the advocacy groups, is with unadulterated stuff. Smoking stuff that is adulterated, but with only trace amounts, is likely accumulative.
Here the dealers sell Hash, that's adulterated with traces of Opium. It's arguable how much the Hash affects a person, but the Opium will sure enough keep you coming back for refills. Not enough Opium to cause serious withdrawel, just enough to induce a craving.
I wonder how many people who smoke dope actually know what they are smoking. I wonder how many care after they are stoned.
I watch the pictures on TV about the erradication of this Opium crop or that Opium crop. You watch them knocking down the plants with sticks and I have to laugh. Opium Poppies are a perrenial, not an annual. Unless you poison them or dig the roots out, they come right on back next year, as strong as ever, often even healthier. One plant can live decades, 20-30 years.
The Poppy crop is probably just as important for the local Police and anti drug forces as the growers and distributors. The Police don't really want it to go away, they just want some occasional press, showing that they are fighting it. Heck if they ever won the war on drugs, they would be out of work.
If you apply the same arguements to crime in general, in Urban areas. You can draw some fairly obvious parrallels. The leadership, doesn't want to erraticate crime, or even suppress it very much. Crime is a cash crop and keeps a lot of people employed. Keeps the leaders (organizers) leading. You reep what you sow.
If you think back to the principles that drove the American revoltion. Remove the specifics and think about the generalities. They were a group of people sick and tired of being manipulated by the English. Or administered and governed by proxy.

Now you are getting into the system, ever wonder why a first offender gets the book thrown at them while repeat offenders get wrist slaps ? Reason is the 'first offender' usually won't be back, they come in to court once, hire a lawyer once, go to jail once and then are gone. Repeat offenders however, they provide a product for the system, they use lawyers or public defenders multiple times, prosecuters multiple times, jails multiple times, judges and courts multiple times, repeat offenders are the reasons jails get built, lawyers have work, prosecuters have work and judges have work. Eliminate repeat offenders you reduce workloads. The one timers also provide a good product for the parole depts, the parole depts in some cities are geared towards getting the offender to screw up so that they can be put back in, this increases revenue to the jails and prisions. Govt is a growth industry and that includes all depts within govt. Just my take. The parole part I was wised up to by a couple of NJ cops and a parolee I had working for me. His daughter was killed by a drunk driver on the nite before her graduation prom from HS. At the trial the judge dismissed all charges on a technicallity that he himself caused because the perp was a relative and friend of the PD. He attacked the perp and judge verbally and got 5 years times 2 for a total of 10, spent 2 in prision and the rest was probation where the probation officer kept trying to screw him up by giving him conflicting report times and dates, when I covered him the scum bag PO threatened to 'take care of me' at which time I called a couple of officers I had trained in the guard that were fairly up in the state AG's office and gave them the story, one came down and posed as a worker when I was threatened a second time, phone intercoms are handy for this, problem fixed. The system is for sure broken but enough still functions that the broken parts are not visible unless you get involved in them and are not 'newsworthy' enough for the reporters.
I would say three-fourths of my high school smokes weed or has at least tried it. A lot of my very close friends smoke it daily. I knew most of them before they did, and now they are just plain lazy and don't do anything, it's almost like if you don't smoke weed you don't fit in. I love when people use the line "you should smoke, it brings out another part of you" yeah I guess if I want to see the lazy, laid back part that gets nothing done. I voted no because I think you CAN get physically and mentally addicted to it no matter what "studies show", and I've seen it screw up a few of my friends lives for the moment anyway. If it was legalized, it would make it even more available and we'd just have a bunch more lazy slobs running around this earth.
Definitely just my $.02
I do not think it should be legalized at all for anyone. There will always be an arguement over this no matter what happens. There would be huge gains economically with the legalization of pot, the tax revenue, the decreased man power to control it, the greatly reduced jail populations, reductions in resources to process offenders and so on. On the other hand, it would also mean a great deal of job losses, the further degredation of society and lack of productivity. Worst of all it would give people more grounds for arguement as to the legality of prohibition of other drugs. It is difficult to compare any of this to alcohol becuase alcohol has been prominent in our society forever. Unfortunately, anything that you can not have is something that you want all that much more, kind of the "forbidden fruit" scenario. I am sure that if pot was legalized tomorrow sales would be off the charts and tons of people would become pot zombies. But over time the sensation would wear off and it would not be a big deal. Just like some of the countries that do not have an age limit on alcohol or the age is set very low, everyone knows they can have it so its like having a glass of soda. Sure there are still people that abuse it bu those countries also has a MUCH lower rate of alcoholism.

Personally, I dont even drink alcohol except for a special occasion like a new years or wedding toast just because of tradition. I have done some SERIOUS partying when I was younger and woke up wondering where I was and how I got there. I never tried any Illegal drugs becuase the effects did not interest me. I came to the realization that the alcohol didnt really do anything for me except make me act like a fool. So from then on I went to parties just for the laughs of watching the idiots get high/drunk and make fools of themselves. I have nothing against anyone that chooses to look like an idiot and stumble around, puke on themselves, sit there looking like a zombie, pass out and all that great stuff which are the effects of what ever items they have taken. I just choose to not be one of them. I have seen and dealt with too many people who have been seriously hurt or killed due to the effects of drugs or alcohol. I am an EMT, so I am usually scraping people off the sidewalk, out of their cars or wherever they land.

Now I know not all people that use drugs/alcohol are going to fit in the situations that I have mentioned above. I do not intend to offend anyone, the users or the abusers, these are just my opinions and views/experiences on this subject. My uncle could be a great study for this arguement. He has been smoking pot for 30 years now. Before he started smoking and was younger he was a really smart guy(so I am told). Now after all the years of pot he is a total waste case. He is so far lost he cant even hold an intelligent conversation and he is only 50. Over the years, he has faded away and now he can barely hold a job. I feel sorry for him but he has to live with the choices he made. Before anyone tries to find an alternate reasoning for his degradation, he has been tested may times for everything imaginable, had more CT scans and what not then 10 people would ever need. He is just so fried there is not much left up stairs.

So to end my discussion, NO pot should not be legalized. I think all laws for illegal drugs need to be strengthened, possesion = min sentence of 5 years with no time off, intent to sell =20 years with no time off, a second offense of either = 2,5 times the original sentence. The message is not strong enough for people to stop breaking the law. I also think that the prisons should go back to hard labor doing something productive so the inmates can "earn their keep" and not be a burden on society. They should also pull out the tv's and most of the other priviledges that inmates get. Hell we have tons of homeless and poor people in our country, divert the funds used to pamper people in prisons to the poor people. I dont believe prisons are a reform method, they are just a cage to keep you in. Sure some people wake up and change their life after spending some time there but then their name is marked for the rest of thier life as being a bad person so what is the incentive for people to change? Well I am getting off on another subject so I will end my thoughts here. Feel free to start a thread on the prison system and the welfare system, homeless and poor people, heck anything..I have lots of ideas and opinions.
BigBlackHeep said:
If it was legalized, it would make it even more available and we'd just have a bunch more lazy slobs running around this earth.

I completely disagree. If it were legalized it would make it harder to come by for those under the legal age. Just like alcohol is now. I can get a hold a a bag of weed 10 times easier than I can get a six pack. I think that if it was legalized it would make it harder for those under 18 or 21 to get it.
60thAnivrsryXJ said:
I completely disagree. If it were legalized it would make it harder to come by for those under the legal age. Just like alcohol is now. I can get a hold a a bag of weed 10 times easier than I can get a six pack. I think that if it was legalized it would make it harder for those under 18 or 21 to get it.
Fair enough.
I once read a study about Marajuana by a naturalist. The forrunner of what today might be called an ecologist. Interaction of plants and animals, symbiotic relationships and such.
He hypothosized, that because the stength of the THC was in direct proportion to the fertility of the soil (the poorer the soil the higher the concentrations). That one reason for THC could be to improve the soil and at the same time eleminate the herbavoirs (and/or insects) that eat the plant.
The herbavoirs eat the plant, then become lethargic, careless and often become easy prey for predators. Whatever is left over is fertilizer.
My own twist on the hypothosis, is how does it feel to be outsmarted by a plant. People, no matter how intelligent and advanced, seem to be just as susceptable as a rabbit. And often end up pretty much the same way, stoned, lethargic and careless. And often enough fertilizer.
8Mud said:
People, no matter how intelligent and advanced, seem to be just as susceptable as a rabbit. And often end up pretty much the same way, stoned, lethargic and careless. And often enough fertilizer.

Hee-hee! Where do "burn-outs" come from? If you are of the opinion that pot does not do anything to your head,,It may be working on your head right now.
8Mud said:
... Opium Poppies are a perrenial, not an annual. Unless you poison them or dig the roots out, they come right on back next year, as strong as ever, often even healthier. One plant can live decades, 20-30 years.....

Then why is good Thai stick so hard to come by?
Tom in KY said:
Hee-hee! Where do "burn-outs" come from? If you are of the opinion that pot does not do anything to your head,,It may be working on your head right now.

Pot, alcohol, stimulants, steroids etc.; they are all drugs. Any mind or mood altering chemical, even those that supposedly affect only the body, affect the head. Burn out; hang over, crashing? The only difference that I see is that one is caused by a liquid drug, the other two are not; each are your bodies reaction to no longer being under the influence of a drug.
Is there some kind of club with it's own secret hand shake for the alcoholics? Hand shake, get it? Oh wait, that would be caused by some effect on the brain; alcohol doesn't do any damage. Why is it that drinkers all feel entitled to their own personal substance? Are members sworn to blame each others behavior on their drug of choice while all maintaining they could stop using tomorrow? (if they wanted to) If a guy want to sink a few down the tube, get a buzz; all of a sudden they are out in force, pointing their fingers and chanting, 'that stuff is dangerous, it's bad'. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy laughing at their hypocrisy, very much. I'm not saying that everybody that drinks is a hypocrite, not by a long shot;
only those that want to keep pot illegal.
Bent said:
Then why is good Thai stick so hard to come by?
Isn't Thailand one of the places they execute dope dealers? Just like oil, the Cartels keep an artificial perpetual shortage going to drive up the prices. The customers are most likely consumables (they get used up quick). And the war lords are often fighting each other, to control the source. A whole bunch of reasons.
Speaking of reasons and reason in general.
Make yourself two list, side by side. Label one "plus" and the other "minus".
The plus list might read, it makes me giggle, it relaxes me, I don't really give a darn when I'm stoned etc. Everybody else does it. It helps me get layed. The penalties aren't that severe, if I get caught. It's a soft drug.
The minus list might read, life gives me every opprotunity to screw up so why not add to my problems. I don't often really know what I'm smoking (it's rarley FDA approved). I see a whole lot of guys that have been smoking for years (am I impressed?). The person who you are having sex with, probably has just as poor as judgement as you do and is possibly septic. etc. I'm pretty much screwed for any job that requires a clearance, if I get caught. Some people are more prone to dependancies than others and the only way to know for sure is the hard way.
Write your own list and see how they compare. Maybe post it so we can all expand our knowledge.
Funny we should be having this conversation, two cars collided down at the corner about an hour ago. One driver reeked of Gin and the other couldn't figure out how to use her cell phone and reeked of weed. She was so busy trying to work the phone, she didn't even notice the other guy climb in his car and drive away. Should I give her the licsense number? She was at fault, right before left at an uncontrolled intersection. Or just forget it and be thankfull there wasn't a baby carriage stuck between the two cars.
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Smoking pot, drinking until you're drunk, cranking, cracking, popping pills, turning around in circles,,if it affects your ability to provide for your family or just your ability to use good judgement, then you are putting your own life at risk. Two teenagers smoking pot is no more dangerous than two adults smoking pot. Throw in a loaded gun or a moving vehicle and eventually it will all come to an ugly end. I don't drink, smoke, shoot up, pop pills, turn around in circles or anything else that impairs my judgement. I am imperfect enough as it is. I have made/will make bad decisions. BUT, impairing myself further could not possibly make it any better. My Grandmother (Mom's side) and my Grandfather (Dad's side) had alzhymer's. I may be at risk soon enough. THEN I can tell you stories over and over and they'll always be new and interesting and hilariously funny to me. Until then, none for me, thank you.
Originally Posted by Okie Terry
This thread sucks....


That just may be why.

To outlaw nature is to say "god has made some mistakes". I don't believe nature makes mistakes, only ignorant-assed dim wits. The fact is marijuana has NO toxicity. Meaning it has never been proven to cause death, ever, in the thousands of years it has been cultivated. Yeah that's right, thousands! Only became a problem when rich racists in this country became scared of those "reefer smoking jazz" musicians back in the 20's and 30's. The pharmaceutical industries spend lots of time trying to mimick the chemical makeup of cannabis while spending even more money telling everyone to eat their "obviously harmful" drugs. I know more kids who have died from oxycontin and legal heroin patches than anything else i can think of. The ONLY reason it remains illegal is because of money. As for adverse effects, I'd bet you'd all be surprised how many good doctors and lawyers, teachers, scientists, geologists, chemists, etc. smoke it regularly.
the only reason i think it should be kept illegal is because it is a CASH CROP for many farmers to supplement incomes after being screwed by the gov. on subsidies. The high black market cost also keeps it out of the hands of children.
NOW go read some friggin books!!!!! The truth will always come out, no matter how long or hard they try to keep it from people.
WVXJ said:
As for adverse effects, I'd bet you'd all be surprised how many good doctors and lawyers, teachers, scientists, geologists, chemists, etc. smoke it regularly.

Lets see... how many good doctors, lawyers, ,etc... smoke cigarettes, or are very overweight, or beat their wives, or molest little kids?

That something is done by high acheiving people does not make it harmless.

You need to find another argument (and it needs to be better than a completely irrelevant stab at the president) to make a decent case for this...

Sure, OK for you. Not OK for some. Alcohol is legal and it ruins more lives than pot ever did. The biggest personal problem with pot is that it saps your incentive to get anything done. This debate has been going on since the 60's. Always the same outcome. Right now in California the biggest fine you can get is $100, about 1/10th of a DUI fine and about 1/40th of the total cost of a DUI. I can dish out $100 to get high, but I'd get fired from my job.