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Interested in protecting your freedom of speech??


NAXJA Forum User

I won't even go into the scary stuff that Bush and his right wing religous freaks are doing...because to tell you the truth I hate politics. But when they start stepping on the constitution something needs done.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
-The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

I know not everyone is a fan of Howard Stern, but the stuff that is happening is way bigger than him. For those of you who don't know he was pulled off the air today. No more Howard :eek:
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Howard Stern has no redeeming social qualities. He should have been given the boot ten years ago.

I strongly support the Constitution, but I think it would be an extreme perversion of it to claim that Howard Stern has a Constitutional right to offend millions of people. The purpose of that article of the Constitution was to ensure that people were not punished for expressing dissident political ideas.

Besides, Howard Stern can still say whatever he wants. The Constitution (if you choose to apply it) guarantees a right to speak your mind. It does not guarantee that you will have an audience, or that someone has to pay you to say what you want to say.

Good riddance.
Eagle said:
Howard Stern has no redeeming social qualities. He should have been given the boot ten years ago.

I strongly support the Constitution, but I think it would be an extreme perversion of it to claim that Howard Stern has a Constitutional right to offend millions of people. The purpose of that article of the Constitution was to ensure that people were not punished for expressing dissident political ideas.

Besides, Howard Stern can still say whatever he wants. The Constitution (if you choose to apply it) guarantees a right to speak your mind. It does not guarantee that you will have an audience, or that someone has to pay you to say what you want to say.

Good riddance.

Big time ditto!

The FCC did not cut Howard off. The private company that airs the shows in some markets did. Do not try to trick gullible people in to believing the garbage that the government cut him off. Private industry did, and has every right to do just that. Just like NAXJA could delete any post it wants.... does not mean the Government did it.

Well he wasn't pulled off the air, it was an April fools joke...but notice I put in my post that I understood that not everyone is a fan of his. If you don't like what he has to say, don't listen to his radio show. Just because he offends you, doesn't mean I don't have the right to listen (if I was a fan). That is the reason the radio and television has so many channels. The fcc is digging back 3 years to level fines against Stern. None of this started until he started voicing his opinion of President Bush (actually changed his opinion, he was pro-Bush). The radio stations who pulled Stern off the air are very Pro-Bush, and contribute heavily to his campaign. The FCC has not defined what is and isn't allowed to be said on the air, they just throw fines out as they see fit, and if a radio station tries to go to court to find out legally what is allowed and what isn't the FCC makes it all but impossible for that particular broadcast company to do business. In addition to this the government just passed a law that upped the maximum fine for indecency on the airwaves from $27,500 to $500,000. The same law also made it so the fines could be imposed on the radio DJ instead of the radio staion. It also made it so the fine was nationwide (i.e. every staion that aired the show could be fined, even if it is a syndicated show and that station isn't responsible for the content). If you call into a radio station they can hold you accountable for what you say on the air (if they can figure out who you are). One last little tidbit about the conspiracy. The heads of the FCC are apointed postions, the head of the FCC just happens to be Colin Powells son. I smell a huge stinky rat, and I don't like it. I am not a big fan of Howard Stern's, I just don't like the things that are going in the Whitehouse lately.
The sky is falling.

Kennedy murder was part of a govt cover up.

Nixon is not a crook.

Regan is covering up for Ollie by faking a disease.

Clinton did NOT have sexual relations with that women

Carter? What the heck can I say?

Come on, this is the real world. If you are looking for saints, I am afraid you will not find them in normal humans. Look on the bi.. Science Fiction area at your local library.

Oh yeah, duck! The sky *IS* falling.
ahhh yes...varied opinions. i like it. this is why we are americans...and our jeeps take on different characteristics. personally, i am a nut greenie who also happens to be a macarthy type conservative...i.e. i am totally for the spotted owl, but i would also like to see the fireing squad and public executions levied against murderers. as for the fcc...well, they are crooks who are supporting a witch hunt for sure. if you can see the flip side, though, howard stern shouldn't be televised or on the radio, at the very least i would never let my children listen to it...too low brow. i dislike rush just as much as howard so i listen to savage and npr. go figure!
biscuitboy87 said:
ahhh yes...varied opinions. i like it. this is why we are americans...and our jeeps take on different characteristics. personally, i am a nut greenie who also happens to be a macarthy type conservative...i.e. i am totally for the spotted owl, but i would also like to see the fireing squad and public executions levied against murderers. as for the fcc...well, they are crooks who are supporting a witch hunt for sure. if you can see the flip side, though, howard stern shouldn't be televised or on the radio, at the very least i would never let my children listen to it...too low brow. i dislike rush just as much as howard so i listen to savage and npr. go figure!

I am totally for the spotted owl as well....dipped in a little bisquick and deep fried to a golden brown.
All I have to say is:

Screw Bush and the FCC.

He's a draft dodging, drunk driving, religious freak...

Vote ABB....Anybody But Bush

Go here: http://www.fcc.gov/commissioners/powell/mkp_photo_gallery.html
and see how the tax payers $ is spent. We pay Michael Powell to meet Sponge Bob, then we have to pay someone to put the pics on a server we pay for.

Bush's #1 priorities are: Janet Jackson's boob (and the FCC), Gay marriage, and making sure our scientist make no advances in stem cell research (other countries are making huge discoveries that will eventually cure people and create more revenue and jobs).

What about the war, our crappy economy (and the dwindling middle class, too many families dropping into the lower class while the rich get richer. Bush says our economy is strong, I guess that's only if you make over $200k/year), social security (or lack there of), the way over inflated budget (Clinton actually had it balanced, then in came Bush). When was the last time Bush really deeply talk about these issues?

W is for: What the F*&K is this wacko still doing in office.

Ya, the alternatives may not be better, but then again maybe they will be. Bush has proven to me that he should not be President, give someone else a chance.

As far as Howard Stern is concerned: I think he as ever right to be on the radio. Is he indecent? All depends on your views. But if you turn on Howard Stern, you know what you are going to get. Just like if you turn on the Playboy channel. You know not to do it with kids around or if you don't want to see 'indecent' material. Marie Osmond said "You have to be 18 to go to a strip club, so why bring the strip club into my living room." Another damn religious freak that needs to shut her freakin pie hole. If you don't want the strip club, don't turn it on. It's as simple as that.

People don't want to take responsibility for their children. They expect everyone to change so our children are 'safe'. As parents, it's our jobs to monitor what they are doing, watching, hearing, etc, and keep them 'safe'. Sex and adult content are and will continue to be one of the top industries in this country. Taking Howard Stern off the radio is like shutting down all the strip clubs. It would make many people happy, but what good does it do for those that enjoy strip clubs. All the people complaining about Howard Stern are the people who don't listen. You don't like it, don't turn it on. Period.


Willis said:
He's a draft dodging, drunk driving, religious freak...
Draft-dodging? You're confusing him with the sexual predator POS that we were saddled with from 92-00. President Bush didn't serve in Vietnam, but neither did several million others who served during that period. He flew a plane for the National Guard that was involved in the other war we were involved in at the time - a little thing called the Cold War. Maybe you've heard of it? Or maybe you believe the political teachings on MTV...either way I don't care. The National Guard unit Lt Bush flew with was involved with aerial intercepts of Soviet/Cuban planes that we were sure were on the way to bomb the US. He served.

As for developments like the "Patriot" Act...I can't support those but no way in he** will I waste a vote on a turd like John Kerry.
He dodged the draft by having his daddy secure his spot in the National Guard, then proceeded to go awol for well over a year. He never showed up for over a year!!!! Not to say that if faced with the terror of going to Vietnam, I wouldn't do something drastic, however I am not the president of the United States. He has attempted to present himself as a patriotic Vet.. it is utter B.S. I am with Willis, I am voting for anyone except Bush. If that has to be kerry, so be it. IMO Bush has been the worst president of my adult years (the short time I have actually paid attention). In the time he has been president the unemployment rate in my county has risen to the highest rate since my birth (one of the highest in the nation). But hey I got a $400.00 check from mister Bush just for having a child (that should make the the 1 1/2 I spent eating Top Ramen on unemployment all better) . If he thinks a tax refund is going to secure my vote, and excuse him for runnning our country into the crapper he has another thing coming. :soapbox:
So for everybody that likes to fling the term "dodged the draft" I'd like you to consider something. As a Marine, I know of many Vietnam-era Marines who "dodged the draft" by enlisting in the Corps, often because they knew that their draft number was coming up. They decided to enlist because they wanted some choice in what type of service they were going to provide. I know of one Marine who actually received his draft call-up (Army) notice while in his third week of Boot Camp. According to your standards, he "dodged" the draft as well, didn't he?

I pity the country with all the wasted votes that are going to be given to a turd like Kerry just because "ABB" types are so ready to throw their rights away. Before you make up your mind to do something so irresponsible, do a little reading.

Vietnam Special Forces Against John Kerry:

Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry:

I'm glad you note that you haven't been paying attention; it makes me wonder if you have even considered the fact that the previous presidential foreign and domestic policies had any bearing on the mess that George Bush inherited. I don't agree with all the policies that have been implemented post 9/11, but I assure you that the planning for the attack was in motion long before Bush's January 2001 inauguration. The country doesn't go to crap in a week, likewise improvement doesn't come immediately either.
well my age has a lot to do with the fact that I hadn't been paying attention. I was never interested in politics, I guess I am getting old :huh: .
I don't consider the people who enlisted before they got drafted dodgers. The served there time didn't they? Bush used his fathers influence to get himself into the national guard. Then didn't even bother to show up for well over a year. Now he tries to use the National Guard as a chip with the american people. Like he is some kinda war hero. I don't know much about what Bush inherited when he became president. I do know however that some of the stuff that has happened recently is getting very very close to stepping on our rights. He has begun pushing stuff at us at a frantic pace because he realizes he may not have another four years to execute his religous agenda. I have read some of the stuff on Kerry. I am not thrilled with him either. I believe he is the lesser of two evils.
Actually, he served his obligated time and moved to another state, one where his type plane wasn't flown. You can't just hop in the seat of any plane and fly it, and in the post-Vietnam years that you are talking about, there were plenty of senior pilots around who were able to take the shrinking number of flight hours available.

As I understand it, it wasn't uncommon for pilots without a billet to do exactly what he did; fly for their obligated service time but get approval to move to another area where they weren't needed. The services had a surplus of qualified, senior pilots and only a limited number of seats to put them in. Letting one or a dozen pursue other interests was no harm. From what I recall, then-Capt Bush did report in while out-of-state for the annual flight physical, it's not like the ABB crowd would like to say that he 'went AWOL' for a year.

Oh, by the way, your Golden Boy Kerry tried to defer his draft status for a year so he could study in Paris. When the draft board denied that, he joined the Navy in what was originally a 'safe' offshore billet. It wasn't until later that he was reassigned to (i.e. did not volunteer for) the Patrol boats. He racked up ungodly amounts of medals in only four months in country, losing maybe two days to superficial wounds. As soon as he received his third Purple Heart from those wounds, he requested transfer out of country, and soon asked for release from the Navy and immediately began to pursue his anti-war campaign with Jane Fonda's group of traitors. We don't know the extent of his wounds though, because unlike the White House with President Bush's pay records, Kerry will not release his service records documenting the "wounds" that earned him a (self-engineered?) ticket out of Vietnam.

Back to your "lesser of two evils" though. What legislation has John Kerry ever proposed in his twenty years in the Senate? When has he voted against the other Senator-for-life from Massacusetts, or has he been a rubber-stamp approval vote for anything Ted Kennedy proposed?

What is John Kerry's stand on anything? Is it firm, or does it depend on the money/influence of the person asking the questions?

Some people applaud Kerry for not taking Federal Matching Campaign Funds. This tells me two things; 1-He's got sh**loads of money (but we knew that), and 2-because he didn't accept matching funds, he is under no obligation to report who gave money to his campaign, and there is no limit to how much influence any single person, group, or country can buy.

In 1971, John Kerry threw 'his medals' over the White House fence in protest. However, he now tries to rely on his "I'm a heroic Vietnam Vet" image thinking it will gain votes...it will, from those who don't know better. He now claims that the medals he threw were those of another veteran who could not reach the fence...yet another example of saying whatever it takes to make the listener happy.
Willis said:
All I have to say is:

Screw Bush and the FCC.

He's a draft dodging, drunk driving, religious freak...

Vote ABB....Anybody But Bush

Go here: http://www.fcc.gov/commissioners/powell/mkp_photo_gallery.html
and see how the tax payers $ is spent. We pay Michael Powell to meet Sponge Bob, then we have to pay someone to put the pics on a server we pay for.

Bush's #1 priorities are: Janet Jackson's boob (and the FCC), Gay marriage, and making sure our scientist make no advances in stem cell research (other countries are making huge discoveries that will eventually cure people and create more revenue and jobs).

What about the war, our crappy economy (and the dwindling middle class, too many families dropping into the lower class while the rich get richer. Bush says our economy is strong, I guess that's only if you make over $200k/year), social security (or lack there of), the way over inflated budget (Clinton actually had it balanced, then in came Bush). When was the last time Bush really deeply talk about these issues?

W is for: What the F*&K is this wacko still doing in office.

Ya, the alternatives may not be better, but then again maybe they will be. Bush has proven to me that he should not be President, give someone else a chance.

As far as Howard Stern is concerned: I think he as ever right to be on the radio. Is he indecent? All depends on your views. But if you turn on Howard Stern, you know what you are going to get. Just like if you turn on the Playboy channel. You know not to do it with kids around or if you don't want to see 'indecent' material. Marie Osmond said "You have to be 18 to go to a strip club, so why bring the strip club into my living room." Another damn religious freak that needs to shut her freakin pie hole. If you don't want the strip club, don't turn it on. It's as simple as that.

People don't want to take responsibility for their children. They expect everyone to change so our children are 'safe'. As parents, it's our jobs to monitor what they are doing, watching, hearing, etc, and keep them 'safe'. Sex and adult content are and will continue to be one of the top industries in this country. Taking Howard Stern off the radio is like shutting down all the strip clubs. It would make many people happy, but what good does it do for those that enjoy strip clubs. All the people complaining about Howard Stern are the people who don't listen. You don't like it, don't turn it on. Period.



Yeah be a rocket scientist and continue to vote democrat, the only place you will be able to wheel your jeep is the mall, and that will only be if you get a permit, of course that may not matter to you.

I for one am glad the fcc has stepped up, I don't care to here that crap and I certainly don't want my kids to listen to stuff like that untill they are old enough to choose too. I also prefer radio edited songs, because I really don't care to hear all the swear words in some of the songs.

I also think marriage is between Man and Wife, people aren't born gay they choose to be. The problem is now people think its the popular thing to do. And I am proud our president is making a stand on it. We voted that marriage was between a man and a woman (in California)just a couple of years ago, but I bet you the 9th circuit court will reverse that law because now some whackos in the bay area make the law, not the people.

Go ahead call me a religious freak I will take it as a compliment!

The economy was good when Clinton was in office because George senior provided the platform for a good economy, it lasted for 8 years till Clinton ran it into the ground!

George Junior may not be perfect or the most polished but he mentions what this nation is founded under nearlly every time he addresses us, and in case you didn't know thats GOD.
Uh, dude.

I mean, thats awesome that you stand so rigidly behind something. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But, um, America....freedom of religion.

If we are going to take Howard Stern off the air because (*gasp*) he's a potty mouth, we should make it illegal to eat fish on Friday because damnit I was raised as a Catholic.

Anybody caught eating fish will be castrated.

Now just what the hell am I to do if I am a polytheist or an atheist and Bush starts turning this into a theocracy?

Don't give me this shite about the government doing something because Jesus wants us to.

And PLEASE don't tell me you think Bush is a good president because he loves Jesus
Dirk Funk said:
Uh, dude.

I mean, thats awesome that you stand so rigidly behind something. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But, um, America....freedom of religion.

If we are going to take Howard Stern off the air because (*gasp*) he's a potty mouth, we should make it illegal to eat fish on Friday because damnit I was raised as a Catholic.

Anybody caught eating fish will be castrated.

Now just what the hell am I to do if I am a polytheist or an atheist and Bush starts turning this into a theocracy?

Don't give me this shite about the government doing something because Jesus wants us to.

And PLEASE don't tell me you think Bush is a good president because he loves Jesus

Absolutely not, thats a horrible example for your case, if we forced everyone to refrain from eating fish on friday would be an infringement on our religious freedom, thats why this country was founded by pilgrims that wanted to practice their religion in the ways they wanted. And if we punished people for eating fish we would certainly be taking away their rights. We all have the right to worship our God whatever we call him as long as we don't take others freedoms. And if you think your God doesn't exist (athiest) thats your choice. I won't try to force you to beleive.

I am sure if you want to continue to listen to howard you can get cd sent to you.

And you can try to cheapen it whatever way you want but I absolutely will tell you that any leader in any station will do greater good by thinking more about what is morally correct rather than which lobyists will give him the biggest donation. Thats the problem is that politics isn't about the greater good its about getting re-elected and forging alliances. And yes I beleive President Bush is more worried about the greater good than those that would run against him, Kerry, Gore and other major oponents are more concerned about not offending any group and not making any stands.

Clinton was a complete joke, how can you expect a man that disrespects his family, and takes blowjobs on the job to give a second thought about what happens to the rest of us. Obviously he cannot honor his companion what makes you think he can make morally correct decisions.

I also don't want to sound like I am on a high horse, I am a simple guy and make lots of mistakes myself. I have listened to Howard, and his show can be entertaining, however it is all about demoralizing and degrading people and I just don't see how that makes my day better.
So what exactly makes the freedom of religion part of our constitution more important than the freedom of speech? If Howard Stern is taken off the air there won't be a radio show to tape. Therefore it would be very difficult to record a CD for distribution. I am not a Fan of Howard Stern (he is entertaining at times), but I am a fan of my freedom of speech.
Gary E said:
Clinton was a complete joke, how can you expect a man that disrespects his family, and takes blowjobs on the job to give a second thought about what happens to the rest of us. Obviously he cannot honor his companion what makes you think he can make morally correct decisions.
Come on Gary, what's really worse here. Relaxing in your Oval Office while getting your pipes cleaned, or sticking future taxpayers with a $100 billion+ bill for a war to clear Daddy's "good" name? I hope YOUR kid has a big allowance to pay off that bill because I got 2 Jeeps to maintain so I'm a little short this week. I'm actually surprised to hear you and Mark siding with the non-wheelers on this freedom of speech issue. If you don't like Howard, Lush Blowhard, O'Whilley,or even my posts, there's a power switch on your radio, TV, and computer. Just wait untill we're back around the campfire :flame: this summer, then I'm going to set you straight on that bush guy. I'll have you turned into a Libertarian yet! :soapbox: