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Grrrrrr!!!! tailgaters!!!

i know all too well the stupidity of people in all countries. the idiots in kuwait and iraq the last trip liked to think that they could just swerve around a bobtail truck pulling a trailer with an expando van on the back (not the most maneuverable) to top it off i had the best truck in the unit (of that type anyway) and had a lot of fun scaring the beans out of people. hitting people with brush guards seems to work pretty well too, which i've done a time or two in the gun trucks.

and yes, military folk are stupid too.........like guys in tracked vehicles WITH ONE HEADLIGHT!!! i've damn near been ran over in a vehicle TWICE cuz they didnt fix the drivers side headlight!! or of course the constant example of people who like to drive way too fast....and cant stop near fast enuf....i swear the military needs a better/longer drivers training class....c'mon...they gave me a license for FUEL HEMMIT! i've driven a hemmit....mmm.....ONCE. but that doesnt mean i'm stupid and gonna go bomb it around post as fast as i can go, either.
Hmm... "Road Rage Cards" - I kinda like it.

Of course, since I worked at a rifle range for four and a half years (part-time,) I've learned to make myself heard over pretty much anything - including that "Jungle-Jump" crap that kids listen to.

Honestly, if you want to listen to it, fine. However, not everyone else is interested, and I will ask you to turn it down - civilly. If you make me do it for you, you'll be replacing your stereo, and maybe spending time in hospital as well. That crap makes me violent...

As far as driving, I'm just about the last person to say "There ought to be a law!" and I think most laws could be rescinded without ill effect. However, cell phones while driving is idiocy at, or very near, its peak - the next person who nearly hits me and holds up the phone like it's an excuse will be run over with his own vehicle, hung, drawn & quartered, boiled in his own juices (it's almost universally a man...) and his head will go on my trailer hitch as a warning to other drivers.

Hell, I'm thinking about getting a manikin head, gluing a 'phone to it, and mounting it as a warning anyhow...

Drivers out here are bad enough to begin with - they don't need any distractions.

BlackSport96 said:
I was in left lane doing 85...) (remember, I'm doing 85) and when I came back on and followed him at the next exit,............. yet the cop looks at me with my wife and our beautiful 4 month old (at the time) daughter and claims its my word against the other guy's.............. Hello! I had my wife and our infant child in the vehicle with me, on the way to visit my in-laws (who I love and get along with great).............. I was ready to kill this guy, no one endangers my family... :mad:

"NO ONE ENDANGERS YOUR FAMILY" Except for that Idiot...............AND YOU!!!!!
I realize that I am not the fastest driver out there, but I never squat in the left lane. That is one of my pet peeves. If you happen to come up behind me and ride my bumper, I will first speed up a couple of miles an hour. If that does not gain me some space, I will gradually slow down. If you still continue to ride me, I will tap the brake pedal two different times. If you still insist on being there, I feel that it is my job as a state inspection mechanic to give you a free brake check. There are a lot of squirels and cats to avoid on the roads around here. I would never want to hurt an animal.
wolfepack215 said:
"NO ONE ENDANGERS YOUR FAMILY" Except for that Idiot...............AND YOU!!!!!
And nobody brings up a dead thread from 3 months ago except you!
woody said:
Two words for tailgaters:


I need a new bumper & hatch anyway.

I've done that or the mash down on the brake method. Lately I've been getting good results and enjoyment too, I might add, by simply taking my foot off of the gas. Granted, there is not the same effect on their seat covers, they are entertaining to watch with the rear view mirror. When they get close enough you can see the veins in their neck and forehead bulge.
My tomken rear bumper paid for itself the first week I had it, some girl ran right into me while I was parked nose out in a parking space, she was in the space behind me. The tomken w/2" receiver is not saturn plastic nose friendly.
Here in WA brake checking tailgaters is considered a form of road rage. I had a buddy who was driving around and had an outback on his tail so he slammed on the brakes to get them to back off. They did back off but also turned on there flashing red and blue lights. It was an undercover police car, he got slapped with road rage and an SR22 (or is it SR24?).

I either change lanes to let them pass or continue to drive the speed limit. I'm not going to stress over someone on my tail, I admit it is very annoying but usually they will find a way to pass.

TORX said:
I either change lanes to let them pass or continue to drive the speed limit. I'm not going to stress over someone on my tail, I admit it is very annoying but usually they will find a way to pass.

I had a guy in a van climb right up on my tail to pass me on surface streets about a week ago. Road's open, but no, he has to run right up on my bumper then swoop out at the last possible second. Fortunately, both the name of the company he evidently worked for and their phone number was printed on the van, so I decided to give them a call. About this time I had caught back up to the van and noticed the driver rolling up the window while I was waiting for the phone to be picked up. Sure enough, the number on the van went right to his cellphone. When he asked 'what vehicle his driver supposedly tailgated', he wasn't really expecting the reply of, 'the red Cherokee to your left'. Guy backed right the hell off and suddenly couldn't be apologetic enough. Wouldn't get within two carlengths of me for the next couple of miles, either.
casm said:
I had a guy in a van climb right up on my tail to pass me on surface streets about a week ago. Road's open, but no, he has to run right up on my bumper then swoop out at the last possible second. Fortunately, both the name of the company he evidently worked for and their phone number was printed on the van, so I decided to give them a call. About this time I had caught back up to the van and noticed the driver rolling up the window while I was waiting for the phone to be picked up. Sure enough, the number on the van went right to his cellphone. When he asked 'what vehicle his driver supposedly tailgated', he wasn't really expecting the reply of, 'the red Cherokee to your left'. Guy backed right the hell off and suddenly couldn't be apologetic enough. Wouldn't get within two carlengths of me for the next couple of miles, either.
Thats hilarious, just make sure you dont call the 1-800-EAT-$#!T number :D

Here's a fun one for all you volunteer firefighters, peace officers, and first responders. Someone starts tailgating you, throw on your emergency lights. I've got Whelen remote strobes in my tail lights and I can tell you they back off real quick, and it's better than slamming on your brakes possibly causing them to lose control or worse running into you and possibly killing you.
wolfepack215 said:
"NO ONE ENDANGERS YOUR FAMILY" Except for that Idiot...............AND YOU!!!!!
Let's see how you react in a situation where you've got some jacknut trying to pull alongside you. Will you sit there and let him pull up and maybe pull a gun? Or maybe I should've hit the brakes to avoid him...
I will have to try the rear windshield washer trick. I never use the thing for its intended use anyway.

I'll preface my next comment by saying that I do realize the cause of a lot of wild fires, especially along interstates and roads, and I do have and use an ashtray in my Jeep. Anyway, I smoke and I've noticed that cigarette butts follow the slipstream of the Jeep nicely. With tailgaters, the butts will follow the slipstream and pick up theirs--usually lands right on their hood or windshield on the driver's side. Better effect at night.
TORX said:
Here in WA brake checking tailgaters is considered a form of road rage. I had a buddy who was driving around and had an outback on his tail so he slammed on the brakes to get them to back off. They did back off but also turned on there flashing red and blue lights. It was an undercover police car, he got slapped with road rage and an SR22 (or is it SR24?).

I either change lanes to let them pass or continue to drive the speed limit. I'm not going to stress over someone on my tail, I admit it is very annoying but usually they will find a way to pass.


Why was the officer tailgating him in the first place, wouldn't that also be road rage?
TORX said:
Here in WA brake checking tailgaters is considered a form of road rage. I had a buddy who was driving around and had an outback on his tail so he slammed on the brakes to get them to back off. They did back off but also turned on there flashing red and blue lights. It was an undercover police car, he got slapped with road rage and an SR22 (or is it SR24?).

It's not a brake check if you happen to "see" an animal about to dart into the road. The cop can't really discount your word since there is no way he would or wouldn't be able to see the "animal," being as close to your bumper as he was. Also, you could claim that you didn't even realize he was behind you since you didn't see his headlights, again being as close to your bumper as he was.
TORX said:
Here in WA brake checking tailgaters is considered a form of road rage. I had a buddy who was driving around and had an outback on his tail so he slammed on the brakes to get them to back off. They did back off but also turned on there flashing red and blue lights. It was an undercover police car, he got slapped with road rage and an SR22 (or is it SR24?).

I either change lanes to let them pass or continue to drive the speed limit. I'm not going to stress over someone on my tail, I admit it is very annoying but usually they will find a way to pass.


We have this asshole cop here in town, who we call 'big ears' or 'doofy', who likes to give by Avatar shit about his Honda rice rocket. He was out driving his car, and the officer, who has an SRT4, comes flying up on his ass, and continues to ride it. So he brakes checks him, knowing it was the officer, and then he backs off. Then a few hours later, the officer pulls him over and gives him a ticket for brake checking or whatever it is. He got it dismissed in court because the officer whitnessed it off duty, but when on duty, he never did. Plus he was driving too close, which is another law here in WA.

I like the bright lites or washer fluid trick. I don't want to get my pile-o-junk totalled by insurance because some asshat who is riding me too close deserves a check.

I still like the bumper sticker on girls cars, " If your going to ride my ass, at least pull my hair!"
One Arm Steve said:
When people ride your ass they are trying to tell you something. GET THE FU#! out of my mother fu*%!&#* WAY!!!! Have you ever been pushed sideways on the freeway at 70mph. ?? Not yet just keep playing games with people you will and they will just keep on going while you spin out into oncoming traffic.

Actually the thing they are trying to tell you is that they place a higher value on getting wherever they are going in a hurry than they do the lives of everyone else on the road. While it’s safest to get out of their way, they deserve to be delayed as long as possible.
I don't like to brake-check tailgaters. That's too obvious. I like downshifting until I'm going maybe ten or fifteen miles per hour below the speed limit. I'm happy to drive at that speed, too. I always allow a few extra minutes for tailgaters whenever I drive somewhere.

I tend to get a lot of tailgaters behind me when I drive, probably because I never drive above the speed limit (it's a limit).