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Another Pines Run


NAXJA Forum User
So it's been just about a year since our last NAXJA Pines Run... Anyone up for another run? Nothing hardcore (avoiding the deep water) but just a fun run on some trails and shallow water, maybe up to the hill climb?
Let's go!!!! As long as I'm free on those which ever days everybody decides to go!!!
Anybody else?? Let's get ride together!!
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Ok... I'm in if I get the bumper installed by then.
what hill climb? the only real hill I can think of is Apple Pie (the fire tower)
warpigxj said:
i think the hill climb your talking about is off limts

On Jan 6th of this year there weren't issues? Check the photos. Did something change in the last year? I know there's 2 "hill climbs".
Sweet Chuck: You have the trails all mapped out on GPS, right? Do you have the hill climb located or do we have to find it again?

Everyone: I am thinking we should do this when it warms up a bit, but not too much.. 50-60* is fine for these runs. 20-40* kinda sucks... a lot, if you sink your stuff... I'm thinking April or so unless people want to do some easy trail riding before then? (Avoiding the water as much as possible and just cruising).
GhostDakota said:
On Jan 6th of this year there weren't issues? Check the photos. Did something change in the last year? I know there's 2 "hill climbs".
pretty sure that is the same spot, somebody posted pics that looked like it on a diffrent sight and caused a little trouble. i asked the guy that would know, when i find out i'll post it
I've been going down there alot since our last run. Both on the dual sport and in the XJ. I know a ton of trails in Wharton and in the other Forests close by, all legal but not necessarily great for a large trail group. And some trails get VERY tight and scratchy. I am much more farmiliar with the area now than last year. If you want to end the day at the fire tower, than it is best to start south and work your way up to it.

As to the legality of the hill climb, there are no signs posted. I also went one step further and asked a ranger if it was off limits, he said that it was O.K. as long as we didn't blaze our own trails.

P.S. Only a flat-lander would call that a hill climb. Get up in the mountains some time to really get the pucker factor.:roll:
Let me know when you are planning for the run, I'll schedule to make it.

I just loaded my bike in the truck, I'm training for the GNCC and hitting all those south Jersey forests by 6am tomorrow. I will take advantage of the 50 degree saturday (rain or shine) And yes, a registered, insured, dual sport is completely legal in Wharton.

You pay taxes, you can enjoy SOME public land without being a criminal.
Hey people let's pile them in for a good run!!!! I have at least one passenger for this run!! Let's try to nail down a date for this run!! Not that I'm anxious or like to wheel or anything but I need to block out a date on my calendar so I can get more people to join us.

Carman :party:
Sounds like we'd have a decent turnout again. Does anyone have a preference between cold weather months (Jan, Feb, March) or warmer weather (April, May, June)?
6 months is pretty far ahead to plan for a local trip. lol shoot for February/March. I don't have any routes saved on my GPS, some of the trails are in the base maps, though. I can get from the 1/4 mile to Apple Pie Hill without too much difficulty. :)
I'm trying to wait 'til I get mud tires, just for the water holes.. but the A/T's did nice back there, even in the mud... so I guess it's not big deal going with 'em again.

Yah, my GPS had some of the larger/main trails mapped, but going back to the 1/4 mile from the one main trail, I didn't see anything listed.. would be cool if you could "record"/create roads...
So according to what I am researching, Apple Pie Hill is the one with the Fire Tower... anyone know the name of the "Hill Climb" area shown here from last year:


I am e-mailing the State now to see what's the deal.


I'm an avid enthusiast of taking my Jeep on the trails in Wharton and surrounding area's. Word on the grapevine is that there's now a "hill" area that's illegal/off limits to vehicle and/or foot traffic? If this is indeed a fact filled statement, could I please have any and all information regarding the location of this hill so we know to avoid it.

Thank you very much."