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You need to re-read my full statement.

At no point, did I say that every XJ with a full sized spare had an LSD. Please don't put words in my mouth.

1. of or pertaining to all persons or things belonging to a group or category: a general meeting of the employees.
2. of, pertaining to, or true of such persons or things in the main, with possible exceptions; common to most; prevalent; usual: the general mood of the people.

You said that generally, if you have a full size spare, then you have a LSD. I know you meant that not every XJ with a full sized spare has an LSD, I own one without an LSD so I know that was not even a possibility. So, I'm sorry that I forgot to type "generally" inside my quotation marks, but that doesn't affect anything else I said, all points still valid.

But, what your statement means is that rule of thumb is, you have an LSD if you have a full size spare, and that Jeeps without an LSD was the minority. I was saying this is not true, and is in fact the other way around, the axles with LSD's were the exceptions, not the rules. I was only responding to the words that actually came out of your mouth.

LSD was an option on any model, and was never standard. Like I said, the LSD package came with the full sized spare option, but the full sized spare option didn't necessarily come with the LSD option.
1. of or pertaining to all persons or things belonging to a group or category: a general meeting of the employees.
2. of, pertaining to, or true of such persons or things in the main, with possible exceptions; common to most; prevalent; usual: the general mood of the people.

You said that generally, if you have a full size spare, then you have a LSD. I know you meant that not every XJ with a full sized spare has an LSD, I own one without an LSD so I know that was not even a possibility. So, I'm sorry that I forgot to type "generally" inside my quotation marks, but that doesn't affect anything else I said, all points still valid.

But, what your statement means is that rule of thumb is, you have an LSD if you have a full size spare, and that Jeeps without an LSD was the minority. I was saying this is not true, and is in fact the other way around, the axles with LSD's were the exceptions, not the rules. I was only responding to the words that actually came out of your mouth.

LSD was an option on any model, and was never standard. Like I said, the LSD package came with the full sized spare option, but the full sized spare option didn't necessarily come with the LSD option.

Flame On

I fail to see why you continue to insist on taking a statement I said out of context. You seem intent on defending your failed position to the end. Do you think people are going to think you are smarter that way. I love how you failed to mention the last line of my statement. "The best way is to spin the wheels or pull the diff cover."

Other than doing either of those things, it's all guess work if you have an LSD rear end or not.

Oh...and BTW...
generally adv1. usually; as a rule
2. commonly or widely
3. without reference to specific details or facts; broadly

Main Entry: gen·er·al·ly
Pronunciation: \ˈjen-rə-lē, ˈje-nə-, ˈje-nər-lē\
Function: adverb
Date: 14th century
: in a general manner: as a : in disregard of specific instances and with regard to an overall picture <generally speaking> b : as a rule : usually

generally [jen-er-uh-lee]
1. usually; commonly; ordinarily: He generally comes home at noon.
2. with respect to the larger part; for the most part: a generally accurate interpretation of the facts.
3. without reference to or disregarding particular persons, things, situations, etc., that may be an exception: generally speaking.


And while your at it, please atleast post the definition for the word I used, and not the definition for a similar word.
Definition for a similar word? General is the ROOT word of generally (General is the adjective that the adverb generally modifies). Your second definition not only uses "general", it links to the definition for general, and the same words are used in the definitions of the two.

As far as why I "failed to mention the last line of your statement." Why would I bring a method to identify if you have a LSD into a conversation about what option warrants a LSD? You seem to think that that is your proof positive that you are right. I'm not taking your statement out of context, I'm going by the definition of the words you said. I also see no where that my position is failed.

If you want to continue this discussion, please PM me as I think we have derailed this thread enough.
Definition for a similar word? General is the ROOT word of generally (General is the adjective that the adverb generally modifies). Your second definition not only uses "general", it links to the definition for general, and the same words are used in the definitions of the two.

As far as why I "failed to mention the last line of your statement." Why would I bring a method to identify if you have a LSD into a conversation about what option warrants a LSD? You seem to think that that is your proof positive that you are right. I'm not taking your statement out of context, I'm going by the definition of the words you said. I also see no where that my position is failed.

If you want to continue this discussion, please PM me as I think we have derailed this thread enough.

First off, let me say I agree with your final sentence. Winning an argument on the internet is like winning at the special Olympics. You're still retarded. For that reason, I'm going to tap out and unsubscribe to this thread before you drag me down to your level and beat me with experience.

Thank you, and I now return to your regularly scheduled program.