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"The Walking Dead" on AMC

So who thinks that whole bus scene was where Shane got infected?
And when did Randall get infected? Hell who else is infected and doesn't know about it? I thought the virus kills you and turns you into a zombie. Wasn't that explained in the CDC in season 1 with the dude's wife?

They are all infected is what I think. The virus is in them all and is "dorment" till you die. That is what the Dr at the CDC wispered to Rick. At least that is my theory.
Did anyone else notice Shane's heavy breathing and the way they focused on him being "labored" before he died? Was that them showing that he was infected and starting to come to the realization?
The doc told Rick that his wife was pregnant

It could be that they are all carriers, so wont die from small exposure because their immune system protects them from that, but if they get bit like Sophie they get high dosage and can die from that. Either way once they die they get reanimated nothing to stop it.
[Youtube ] . [ / Youtube]
everything behind the = in the url

IE: httpblahblahblahyoutube/zombiedeath/yadayada=thisiswhatyoucopy
Shane killed the kid in the woods by breaking hes neck. The reanimation seems to depend on the central nervous system, as in: the reanimated "brain" doesn't need the body to live. (the decapitated zombie head from earlier didn't die) but it needs the CNS to control the body.

A question: Wouldn't any CNS damage stop a zombie? Pain, massive internal injury, etc won't, but you cut an bicep muscle to the bone, the zombie can no longer flex that arm. Wouldn't a broken neck/spinal nerve damage leave a zombie unable to move its reanimated body? If you shot a Zombie in the spine, wouldn't that shut down the lower body?
Shane killed the kid in the woods by breaking hes neck. The reanimation seems to depend on the central nervous system, as in: the reanimated "brain" doesn't need the body to live. (the decapitated zombie head from earlier didn't die) but it needs the CNS to control the body.

A question: Wouldn't any CNS damage stop a zombie? Pain, massive internal injury, etc won't, but you cut an bicep muscle to the bone, the zombie can no longer flex that arm. Wouldn't a broken neck/spinal nerve damage leave a zombie unable to move its reanimated body? If you shot a Zombie in the spine, wouldn't that shut down the lower body?

Your logic is sound however we are talking zombies and tv..... :rof:
Blast from clear back in season one: The tanks are apparently Chieftans, not -60s in dress-up kits.

google images

Thanks to Zoomy97ACR for pointing that out.
They are all infected like I said. And that is the prison that I'm guessing Rick tries to hold up in. Not a bad idea actually. However the accommodations would suck! Cannot wait till season three. When does it start.
What's with laurie acting like such a self rightious bitch? Rick tells her what went down with shane and she gets pissed at rick. WTF? Didn't she tell rick shane was a threat? I wanna see laurie die now.
These self righteous, dividing bitches need to be sent packin.... without any of group's supplies. Shit cant POSSIBLY be worth all the crying.... Its was a shame to see Andrea possibly going down, glad they didnt go that way.

Great season, S03 should be awesome with JJ Abrahms on the writting staff. Who else wouldve brought in lady blade with the gimp twins?

Ive been screaming at the last 10 episodes, bullets wont solve this problem, BLADES. Bullets dont last forever.
All i gotta say is... Andrea got saved by a XXXXING NINJA!!! Who called it? This guy :D

Lol but in all seriousness, Rick has turned into a badass, looks like he's gonna show more of a dark side next season. And am I the only one who things riding a motorcycle in the zombie apocalypse is a BAD idea?? I know i sure as hell wouldnt be on one... And for those vehicles they drive, I would definitely gather up a few car batteries and weld something to reinforce the front of the vehicles up so they can run over/plow through some zombies. Mad Max'ed to the max.