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SHould I step up to 33s from 31s


NAXJA Forum User
Currently rocking 4" lift and 31s. Just locked the 8.25 about to lock the D30. Got a line on some good used 33s for relatively in expensive. WIthout re gearing would I just hate the 33s? The best wheeling spots are in 1-2 hours from Orlando so it has to hit the road a lot plus I like driving it to work more then my new truck. I am swapping bumpers with someone regardless as I get into mine too much as it is.


You won't enjoy it. It will get the job done, but you'll kill your MPG. I would regear before/during the 2nd locker. You can always grab the 33's now while the grabbins good, and hold on to them until your ready.

at 4", you should be bumpstopped as well before going to 33's. Hell, I smashed my fenders in on 3.5" and 31's with no bumpstops.

I dont think anybody here will tell you its a good idea to run 33"s on stock gears
Good input. To install the flares I had to cut the fenders pretty high, I mainly get into that damn bumper in the front. but that's just with 31s. Locker is way cheaper then gears, $200 for used under 1000k on it, gears look to be over 500. I can prob get through the locker install but not sure on the gears and places want a lot for labor...
You won't enjoy it. It will get the job done, but you'll kill your MPG. I would regear before/during the 2nd locker. You can always grab the 33's now while the grabbins good, and hold on to them until your ready.

at 4", you should be bumpstopped as well before going to 33's. Hell, I smashed my fenders in on 3.5" and 31's with no bumpstops.

I dont think anybody here will tell you its a good idea to run 33"s on stock gears

Thank god I built my junk before ever reading this friggin forum...If I read first, I would have never just built my junk the way I wanted/could afford due to predictions/warnings of impending doom and catastrophic failure :rolleyes:

I'd get the 33's, especially if you don't need to get rid of the 31's to do so
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You won't enjoy it. It will get the job done, but you'll kill your MPG. I would regear before/during the 2nd locker. You can always grab the 33's now while the grabbins good, and hold on to them until your ready.

at 4", you should be bumpstopped as well before going to 33's. Hell, I smashed my fenders in on 3.5" and 31's with no bumpstops.

I dont think anybody here will tell you its a good idea to run 33"s on stock gears
What utter bull:):):):), I ran my laast rig locked f/r with 3.55's and 33's worked awsome never ran it in drive and got 12mpg's city and 17-18 hwy gps verified
Thank god I built my junk before ever reading this friggin forum...If I read first, I would have never just built my junk the way I wanted/could afford due to predictions/warnings of impending doom and catastrophic failure :rolleyes:

I'd get the 33's, especially if you don't need to get rid of the 31's to do so

I agree 100% with bob get the 33's and go wheelin while the others web wheel
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I ran 33's and 3.07's for the longest time, didnt know what I was missing until I regeared. Looking back on it, I wish I had done gears sooner, it made a world of difference.

I also was chasing a chronic overheating problem with the old setup. Tried every trick in the book : hood vents, ZJ clutch, late model E fan, 3core rad. Would still get hotter than I was comfortable with after a long day on the trail.

Regeared to 4:10's and no more overheating.

Get the 33's now if you like, but you should start looking to regear. If you are trying to do it on the cheap, find a HP 30 from a 4cyl, and a Ford 8.8, both can be found with 4:10's cheaper than a gearset by itself, not to mention labor costs.
I say get the tires and try them out. If you hate if, throwthe 31s back on until you can afford to regear. I have 35s on stock gearing, its not ideal but i can live with it for now. 1000$ to regear is out of my budget and will be for a while.
He asked a subjective question: will I hate 33"s without regearing. Some people might, some people might not.

I ran 33"s on stock gears (3.72 or something close) on my old chevy 1500 and it was a dog. I did not enjoy it, and I shoulda stuck with the tires it came with. That was at sea level(FL, like you). Out here at elevation I feel the effects much more just on 31"s. When the Jeep is loaded down with camping gear and bodies, I'm flooring it at 10000'+ to climb and I'm still crawling- that's with intake, exhaust and injectors.

OP will get more out of a regear than a 2nd locker.

Sorry ROB no time for web wheeling living on the Western Slope with thousands of miles worth of mountain roads to explore and Moab is just a 2.5 hour day trip away.
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Thank god I built my junk before ever reading this friggin forum...If I read first, I would have never just built my junk the way I wanted/could afford due to predictions/warnings of impending doom and catastrophic failure :rolleyes:

I'd get the 33's, especially if you don't need to get rid of the 31's to do so

Are you negative about everything? Nice way of bypassing the language filter too. They are looking out for the well being of his trans. I'm still on stock gears with 32's and it blows. I have the 4.10's but need to install the rear axle, t-case and gears. Kinda hard to do when its my only vehicle though.
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OP will get more out of a regear than a 2nd locker.

Couldn't disagree more. IMO a front locker is about the best thing you can do to a wheeling rig. Especially since where he lives is pretty damn flat.

Like Bob said, I'm glad I just built my rig and tried stuff instead of reading about it on the Internet. For me to spend 3 years and 50,000 miles with 33's, 3.55s, and a 5-speed it can't have been all that awful.

And in fact, it worked fine. 4th gear just became the new 5th most of the time.
Do it. I ran 33s on 3.55s locked and loved it. On the highway it kinda sux but you get used to it and once in 4low good times await. Mine wasn't a DD though.
Are you negative about everything? Nice way of bypassing the language filter too. They are looking out for the well being of his trans. I'm still on stock gears with 32's and it blows. I have the 4.10's but need to install the rear axle, t-case and gears. Kinda hard to do when its my only vehicle though.

On the contrary...I'm being positive.

Get it right:rolleyes:
Holy crap I just spit water out my nose reading these at work! haha Thanks for y'all making me laugh. I do take all forum suggestions with a grain of salt, kind of just seeing if anyone had done the same thing, go from 31 to 33.

Here's a shot of my buddy rocking 35s he stepped up from 31s and does not complain.


I know the long term affects, and what "should" be done. But the right way often is not as fun or as cheap! haha Only the future will tell me tire destiny. thanks again for input, keep em coming!