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Severe Weather Assistance Team gets national TV coverage


NAXJA Forum User
Some of you may recall a while back I got a group going called SWAT - Severe Weather Assistance Team. It's made up of 48 volunteers from the Nova Scotia Jeep Club.

It's mandate was to help our communities when they needed it most - and to that end, we volunteered our Jeeps, time and, yes, money for gas, to the local hospitals.

Figured it was time for an update for anyone who thought the idea was neat...

Well, we've had 2 severe weather events that we've been called out for. Here are some of the rough stats:

~ People moved - 142 - doctors, nurses, etc. - no patients (we only move staff)
~ Jeeps involved - so far, we've called on 25 of our members - some twice
~ Gas used - roughly $1400 worth
~ Total time on call - 21 hours combined
~ Hospitals supported - 6

Now for the good stuff - I've given 4 media interviews so far explaining what we do and why we do it. The first round went nationally through the papers. Not front page stuff, mind you, but still VERY positive press for Jeepers and our club.

Round two saw 2 radio interviews (again nationally run) and one TV story done on us. The reporter and cameraman came along with us, interviewed the drivers and hospital staff - it was very, very positive.

So, that brings me to this little link:

Inside there, you'll find all kinds of vids on our off-roading here in Nova Scoita. You'll also find a file labeled SWAT (CBC) - that's the story that was done about our group during Monday's storm.

It might take a few minutes to download - and wait or it to fully download before playing it or it's just choppy and crappy to watch - but I think it was very positive, and maybe even inspiring...*I'm gonna cry* LOL

Part of my intention in forming this group was to be able to raise the public profile of our club in a positive manner. By partnering with the local hospitals and becoming relied on, we'll have valuable allies if/when land use issues really become a problem here.

If anyone has questions, feel free to PM me - it might take me a day or two to reply, but I will. If anyone just wants to rip me for toutin', feel free, but I did the work, so I'm spreading the word - I'm damned proud of this group!

If anyone else thinks they want to start one up, go for it - it's a lot of work, but definitely worth it.
I suggest making a simple page with the details of the videos and the size of them.

People would be crazy to go clicking on a random FTP link and downloading anything to their PC.
Glenn said:
I suggest making a simple page with the details of the videos and the size of them.

People would be crazy to go clicking on a random FTP link and downloading anything to their PC.

Good point - never thought of that, but it's someone else's gear and FTP, and since I know him and go there often, it just never occurred to me...let me work on this.