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Oh, my!

To Arms!

I have to admit, there's a significant part of me that likes the idea. I think it's the same part that recalls "... preserve, protecte, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America from all enemies, foreign and domestic."

It's much the same thing John Ross was talking about when he wrote Unintended Consequences - which is quite a good read on its own merits. The first third takes a little while, since he's setting up backstory - but it moves along quite well once he gets there.

And no, I honestly don't care if it gets me put on another "list" - I'm probably on most of the "lists" they maintain anyhow. I once got put off the tarmac at SJC (I was doing some work for one of the smaller aviation outfits there) when POTUS Billy-Bob Clinton was coming in. I never threatened him or his office in any way - I just made no bones about the fact that I didn't like a lot of what he was doing then.

It's truly a pity that the Detail agent that ran across him skulking around the White House late one night didn't drop the hammer - while it would have given us two years of Gore, I think it would have been recoverable and might have served to point up the idiocies of the Democrat Party. It's really too bad we don't have a viable third party, to be honest - but I digress.

Re: To Arms!

Kinda extreme, don't ya think? I'm all for the right to bear arms, but I'm also all for not being pumped full of 5.56mm entry wounds...
I sometimes joke that there should be a double-O license for stupidity. You see someone doing something stupid, you plug 'em. Cops ask why, you show them your license. "Ahhh," they say with a wink, and go on about their business. While a good many of the folks she's going on about would be candidates for prosecution under such a license, I have to say: so would she.
this country NEEDS armed insurrection. We need to hang the traitorous bastards in the state legislature and congress. Our representatives forget that they are in the employ of the people, not special interests or corporations. I hope it comes to this in our lifetime, I am sick of seeing our country sold to this highest bidder and the entitlement generation ruining this great democracy. Fuck em all, a little chaos will do us all good.
from the Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security
SeanP said:
this country NEEDS armed insurrection. We need to hang the traitorous bastards in the state legislature and congress. Our representatives forget that they are in the employ of the people, not special interests or corporations. I hope it comes to this in our lifetime, I am sick of seeing our country sold to this highest bidder and the entitlement generation ruining this great democracy. Fuck em all, a little chaos will do us all good.

SeanP said:
this country NEEDS armed insurrection. We need to hang the traitorous bastards in the state legislature and congress. Our representatives forget that they are in the employ of the people, not special interests or corporations. I hope it comes to this in our lifetime, I am sick of seeing our country sold to this highest bidder and the entitlement generation ruining this great democracy. Fuck em all, a little chaos will do us all good.


Our country's beliefs were sold out a long time ago.... and nobody really seemed to mind???
SeanP said:
this country NEEDS armed insurrection. We need to hang the traitorous bastards in the state legislature and congress. Our representatives forget that they are in the employ of the people, not special interests or corporations. I hope it comes to this in our lifetime, I am sick of seeing our country sold to this highest bidder and the entitlement generation ruining this great democracy. Fuck em all, a little chaos will do us all good.
It's coming sooner than most think.
I think probably a much more doable idea is to vote in the people who will work for us. If they turn, vote em out. That's what our country's all about. Every 4 years we have a revolution and a new leader takes over. That in itself is amazing that its done peaceably (even if one side seems to cry a lot about it a lot lately). All you that x2'd or whatever, let's see you take up arms and go rally the troops to go to Washington and start "hanging the traitorous bastards"...we'll see how quickly you move and how long your insurrection lasts...;)
SeanP said:
this country NEEDS armed insurrection. We need to hang the traitorous bastards in the state legislature and congress. Our representatives forget that they are in the employ of the people, not special interests or corporations. I hope it comes to this in our lifetime, I am sick of seeing our country sold to this highest bidder and the entitlement generation ruining this great democracy. Fuck em all, a little chaos will do us all good.

"NagasakI Vector" L. Neil Smith 1983

I particularly liked the coyote PI. Good stuff.
BlackSport96 said:
If they turn, vote em out. That's what our country's all about. Every 4 years we have a revolution and a new leader takes over.
You don't get to vote a new leader in every four years only the leader the partys want in.
Dissent is Patriotic folks.

People may think Militias are a bunch of kooks, but be prepared. There may come a time, sooner or later, that you take up arms against your fellows in defense of this Country, and our Constituition.

2offroad said:
You don't get to vote a new leader in every four years only the leader the partys want in.

No shite. Our two party system is corrupt on both sides. You have millionaire legislators that have never worked for a living or built a business (my generalization there are exceptions) who need to spend 60-70% of there time raising money for the next election. They are beholden to those that donate and expect quid-pro-quo for their donation in the form of favourable legislation and pork. Our environmental, food quality, and medicine laws are tilted far in favour of Big Business, whilst the Left finds more ways to give freebies to those who don't want to or cant work because they are raising 10 kids. Am I the only one who thinks this way? Am I just defective because this shite keeps me up at night? I don't think so, I think that america is in the process that I will call the Great Awakening. Once we get past our desire to buy the next shiny thing and focus on what is important and how we each add value to this country, our government and those doing harm to our democracy BETTER WATCH THE FAWK OUT.

Yes I am a wacko. And proud of it.
IMHO, activism isn't really necessary. Just ignoring government will make it much weaker and eventually collapse: If government tries to actively enforce it`s existence, it is usually in the last throws of the dieing beast. The only reason government exists, is because people allow themselves to be governed. If enough people just ignore it, it becomes mostly irrelevant.
Sure they can step on individuals, make examples and generally intimidate. But if the citizenry, ever unites, government becomes much less relevant.
As long as the citizenry is divided by class, education, profession and race, they become much easier to govern. If the majority, irregardless of class, education or race, gets feed up with the whole situation, it won´t last for long.
Having said that, the people most invested in the government, are usually those most supportive, the bureaucracy and the Dependant.
I remember when survivalist, was a dirty word. If you made even the simplest preparations for a national disaster, you were somehow being unpatriotic. The fallacy of government, becomes apparent, when things really turn to chit.
People who have been against gun control, can now say, I told you so. The people who have said, sure I've taken steps to survive in a catastrophe, can say I told you so.
Governmental policy, seems often, not to be in the best interest of the majority of the citizenry. Quit the contrary, it seems to be either a theoretical (social) experiment, wishful thinking or designed to benefit the few.
The people who have put there faith in the government to supply them with everything (or even very little) in a catastrophe have been disappointed. The people who have counted on law enforcement to protect them, have been disappointed.
In some states, there are laws against snorkels of all things, wanna bet they become legal in Louisiana. 4X4 or SUV have become dirty words, but if you have to get out of town, chances are you may really need all wheel drive. 4X sure makes things safer in the snow belt. But policy says, you should drive a sub compact, that is easy on gas, even if you die in it.
I really believe, many of the laws and regulations are passed for very base and negative reasons. And definitely not for the benefit of the majority.
Maybe my view of the world is skewed to the negative. Too many times I've been in the thick of things when it has turned to chit. Have pretty much been on my own, with little or no support, in catastrophic situations. War or natural catastrophe.
My nightmare, is being out in the middle of nowhere with no matches, no knife, maybe even no shoes and no hope of relief. A pocket knife, a lighter, sturdy boots. The the next step, ground sheet, string, warm clothing, back pack compass etc. I've made preparations for personal (and family) survival well beyond the basics, almost to the comfortable. Guess I´m unpatriotic.
Last point in my disjointed ramble, is appearance doesn't count for squat. Expectations are often false and the only thing that really counts is survival. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO LOOK PRETTY; IT JUST HAS TO WORK: The only really positive and lasting thing a person does in this life is to pass on there genes and/or help others so they can survive and pass on theres.
Oh yeah - I'm REAL unpatriotic!

My wife and I both DD XJ's. She keeps a towel, a blanket, and a rope in hers (and I've taught her the basic knots.) She's gotten to where she can handle the taste of both MRE's and Coast Guard bars - so she can handle that fortnight's food I've packed in the 25mm ammo can in the back of her truck. There's also an ammo can full of water packets (which will carry her until I get another 6.5 gallon water jug to keep in there.)

I don't bother with off-the-shelf first aid kits - unless it's the nucleus of an kit that will be actually useful.

We both carry at least one full 5-gallon Jerry - and the damn thing comes in handy sometimes...

A dozen flares is a bare minimum - anyone who says two is useful has lost his mind. Two means that I'd damn well better go get more! (and I carry the 30-minute flares, not the little ones. I just wish they were still using WP instead of whatever poor incendiary it is now...)

I have at least three ropes, as well as two towels, a poncho liner (best packable blanked made,) and an old T-10 canopy that used to be one of my reserves (tent, truck cover, ground cover, solar still, sleeping bag, ...)

I always have at least one knife with me (folding,) with at least one fixed in the truck (next to the ax, shovel, and 3' crowbar.) She wondered why I always had a knife, until I bought her one as an explanation.

I always wear a belt - it's a rigger's belt. Strong enough to use for a tow strap, has a delta ring for attaching to climbing/rappelling ropes, and holds up nearly everything I care to hang off of it. It's a "slide buckle" belt - which makes it work well for tie straps and tourniquets (I keep a couple issue BDU belts in my kit - since they can be ganged to make longer tie straps.)

And that's just the short form.

Yeah - I'm not patriotic - but all that government training money didn't go to waste! I'm definitely getting their $400,000 worth...

Think I was 19, when my world view changed forever. The Russians invaded Czechoslovakia. We were sitting up on the border with three tanks, five scout vehicles and a squad of German Border Police. Looking over the border at a battalion of Russian tanks (and a Brigade of BRDM´s). Watching MIG's making practice bombing runs over Munich. For three days, I didn't see any German soldiers, any American Officers, or senior NCO´s. Our only communication with the outside world, was a transistor radio with weak batteries. As dumb as I was at 19, it suddenly dawned on me, that I was the sacrificial goat. And if I didn't look out after myself, nobody else was going to. Semper Paratus (always prepared), took on a whole new meaning for me.
My time in Vietnam didn't do much for my expectations either. Seemed to be a noticeable lack of direction.
After Croatia my expectations died forever. Spent hours picking my way through a miles long line of refugees (mostly on foot) traveling East, after bluffing my way through a half dozen check points manned by squads of who knows what kind of soldiers (with one hand in my pocket holding the ring of a M-27). I spent the next few hours, trying to pick my way through another long line of refuges traveling West. I always wondered what went through the minds of the refugees, when they meet (in the middle of nowhere) head on.
Reality Check.
With the history of Germany, I've almost expected it to happen here again sometime. Those who say it can't happen in America may be right, to an extent, something different, but nearly as bad is likely. If you expect Government to take care of you, you may be really disappointed.