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Meet & Greet at Wright's Farm Restaurant

Majo said:

My silly SWB roommate with a TJ went full width but used hummer rims. They have like 7 inches of backspacing or something. It will bring the wheels in more, that way in case you wanna narrow them down(axles) in the future you still have that ability too. plus you keep the nice short axle width. I still believe you gain some wheelbase by going fullwidth and hummer rims over stock axles. You will be a little wider than stock WMS according to him. You can keep the tires under ur rig and not need huge fenders?

I didn' tknow if you've looked into it.
looked into it, but if I'm going fullwidth, I want the stability associated with the width ;)
I will at Stop and Shop at 9:30 myself,

Black 2 door lift with MA plates

I was hoping to get my discos, lca and Trac Bar, but RE can ship the TB till tommorw... oh well!

Sea yea there,

6 hrs is alot until you wheel with 20 rigs and play on every obstacle.. and allow an "unfixedXJ" to play along.... :anon:
that should be plenty of time to get thru and out to wright's in time.... always allow more time than you think..

actually, between NEOW and here, plus a couple other little circles, the wheelin group is lookin to be around 20 rigs.

6 hours should be just fine!
20's very cool......Dont get me wrong, last time with 30 and 3 breaks (1 Major)
it was 6 hrs ......Im thinkin the "mud"/"Ice sludge" pit may not come into play,
thats an hour of Joy by itself........Please correct me if Im wrong,Im thinkin
we wont need to plan for so much "down time" this time...after all...Its all
about the Chick'in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we Prepped???????

WATCH............I'll be the guy that BREAKS!!!! :twak:
I bring tie rod end s and one pitman arm currently on the shelf just in case!

Will be worth the time unbloting the frount sway bar considering my order w/ RE is on back order?

So is is there anyone who is going that isnt wheeling? I am still not sure if I will beable to make there early enough to wheel, but will try. Either way, I will be there for the chicken.
Looks like a big crowd for wheeling... the NEOW forum tread on the trip list s :gee: about 35 rigs!

I will be there at 9:30 , just picked up a nice tow strap!
WoooHooo! what a difference a few days makes! :D

I'll definitely be there too, after riding shotgun last weekend I can't wait...no better way to build up an appetite for all you can eat CHICKEN :thumbup:
Moto said:
So is is there anyone who is going that isnt wheeling? I am still not sure if I will be able to make there early enough to wheel, but will try. Either way, I will be there for the chicken.

I'm not wheeling. The XJ isn't ready and I blew the rear brakes on the MJ last week and haven't had time to fix them.

But I will be there for the chicken.
Ive got myself, another XJ,a YJ and possibly one other comin......expect to
role in at about 10am.

Were comin up from the south on 95 if any one wants to hook up!! :eyes:
we will be rolling OUT at 10!!! if its as big as it sounds we will have nearly 50 rigs if all the rumors are true.... will definately split into groups anyways..... thats alot of rigs to get thru there in the alotted time..