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Legalize marijuana

Should Marijuana be legalized for recreation?

  • Yes for 18 and over

    Votes: 54 23.5%
  • Yes for 21 and over

    Votes: 78 33.9%
  • No

    Votes: 98 42.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
And, Mr. Zebaru, your personal politics, religious views, or even health mindedness, is no basis for telling the rest of us, whether highly accomplished or otherwise, what the hell we can and cannot do. It's a melting pot folks, if you like fascism so much, corporate or military, maybe you should try china, and let the free be free!
completely irrelevant stab, hahaha. Maybe you should learn a little more about your president and the bush families large pharmaceutical stock holdings, try Eli lilly et al. But, if one can't see the forest for the trees, maybe go straight to Dr. Donald Tashkin of UCLA, who it would seem has been called americas foremost lung expert. See what he has to say about it. All it takes is time and effort folks, not unlike working on your xj! You can find the truth if you look for it. The corporate run media has no interest in telling you the truth, only selling you products.
Legalize it. Treat i like some other contries do, as a health issue, not a criminal issue. And since it poses no real health dangers think of all the money to be saved by taxpayers.

Problem is, if you take away the crime then you take away some of the power and control of the government and the employer, like that is ever going to happen. People who have power want to keep it and those who don't want to get it.

There is NO argument for keeping it illegal while keeping alcohol legal and taxed.
For me, I no longer smoke it. I knocked off enough brain cells. The way I see it, two packs of smokes costs about what a dime bag goes for. Why would you want to get the governemt involved. After taxes, packaging, and corporate profit, the costs for a doobie would be a buzzkill. You wouldn't be allowed to smoke your weed indoors anywhere. So, what are you gaining?

I don't smoke it either however, when your friends or family members get locked up with rapists, murderers, and child molesters for pot, it kind of lights a fire under your arse. I would never want to see it on the counter or otc at the local gas n' sip, kids don't need to see that or be enticed into doing it, but I do believe in liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I do think the black market prices help the farmers who are screwed by the government, as well as keeping it out of the hands of kids, but it isn't really on the same page as rape, murder, etc. Not to mention there's a judge in Vermont that recently gave a repeat child molester 6 months in REHAB, while pot growers go straight to jail. Thats just screwed up priorities in my opinion. One might go so far as to say maybe the FBI and central lack of intelligence agency have been kicking in the wrong doors for a little too long i.e., what the hell were these guys doing when osamas folks were over here in flight training.
By the way, pot smoke DOES NOT KILL BRAIN CELLS. All those lies perpetuated by Nancy Reagans Partnership for a Drug Free America (just certain drugs, mind you) were based on now de-bunked gutter science studies. You may all remember seeing a monkey with a gas mask on who was forced to inhale pot smoke for a period of time. It turns out, no one thought to pump oxygen in with the smoke ( real geniuses) so basically they asphyxiated the ape. His brain cells died from lack of oxygen. Just a word to the wise, alcohol is known to kill brain cells, as well as your liver, and any child can see commercials for this swill on a daily basis. Please excuse me if i come off as the "all knowing" PITA, but nothing ever changes unless people want it to, too many good folks are locked up in the name of ignorance, and damn it, I'm not going to take it anymore! Now i better shut up before W's gestapo come for me.
Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side
Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side
It a gonna burn, give me music make me jump and prance
It a go done, give me the music make me rock in the dance
ParadiseXJ said:
The biggest personal problem with pot is that it saps your incentive to get anything done.

Stop buying dirt weed.

ParadiseXJ said:
Alcohol is legal and it ruins more lives than pot ever did.

I get so tired of people getting this wrong. Alcohol or any other drug does not ruin people’s lives. Period. End of story.


The number of people who ruin their lives with alcohol and/or other drugs is staggering. You all can bicker back and forth on this until you're out of your beer or weed; the drugs are not the problem, the people are. If they without their drugs, alcohol or weed or whatever else, all of them living in a truly drug free environment, for any number of years, they would still ruin their lives.
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man I smoked the stuff for damn near 30 years and I will never touch the stuff again. I really don't care what the studies say etc. The stuff WILL F*$@ you up sooner or later and thats a fact! Bottom line NO to legalizing pot.
IMHO I've been sheeding vices since my early twenties and haven't really been gaining any more along the way and am the better for it.
Just because it is no worse than, or even better than whatever, is no arguement, because in all likelyhood it would be in addition too. Just another vice to be added to the list.
Driving too fast, drinking too much, recreational sex, smoking too much, eating too much, etc. ad nauseum. Lets legalize it (sarcasim) and add it to the legal vice list. Or even the marginal vice list. Or even the slightly illegal vice list.
One guy mentioned about nobody ever dieing of Pot. I still have a mental picture of one of my brothers doper friends, stoned to the gills, trying to relight his joint and walking off of a thirty foot cliff. No he didn't die, but pretty darned close. Same guy did a "Gone Postal" number in Arizona (maybe he should have smoked more). Did Pot make him that way, maybe, maybe not, but I doubt it helped much. I doubt it improved his judgement or made him less careless.
I still think some people have a suseptability to become dependant or abuse most anything. And some don't and offering them more opprotunities to find out the hard way, isn't very wise. At the minimum, youngsters should be discouraged from finding out the hard way, before they are mature enough to even think or care about the consequences.
Personnaly, I worked high rise construction for awhile. Told my guys, I'm not gonna even try to dictate your behavior, but if I even think your hung over or have a pot hangover (or worse), there will be consequences. My advice was to stop, whatever they were doing at around 3 AM on Saturday morning and show up to work with there head screwed on straight monday morning. After I tied up the second guy to a girder for the day in the sun, they finally caught on I was serious. Told the union rep, that they had a choice, sit in the sun and sobber up or take a urine test and be fired. Or if he wanted to, he could transfer them to the fourth level basement to work, where they couldn't fall very far. Funny the only fatality we had on the job in three years, was a guy that crushed himself to death, in the fourth level basement.
I remember grabbing and snatching any number of guys from *between* two moving tanks in the military and looking at there eyes. Invariably they would look like two ripe olives floating in a glass of tomato juice.
Your gonna have to find somebody else to sell this Pot is harmless line or better than line, I'm not buying.
We had a tank catch on fire one day with full load of ammo on it, a bunch of guys come running up with five pound CO2 fire extiquishers, put there lives on the line, trying to save an explosion. First one missfired, then the second, then the third. What the heck is going on here. Found out later a bunch of guys were unscrewing the nozzles and using them for hash pipes. All the nozzles were clogged with ashes. If it wasn't so sad it would be hillarious. Good judgement and the possible consequences were way down on there list of priorities, they wanted to get high.
Reality check. We did a urine check on the whole company, not one of the guys that showed up with an extinguisher tested positive. Most of the positives, were from guys just standing around with there mouths open (or giggling) looking stupid, when the fire broke out.
It's hard enough to make good decisions when your straight. Do you really want the guy working next to you, driving the fork lift, to be stoned?
Hey Rock Rash,

How's this work'n out for you? Can we go home now?
Someone mentioed professionals using wacky weed and seeming to function at the levels required by there profession.
Guy I knew, College football star, played for the Rams for a few years. Said he stopped playing for the Rams, because he wanted to hold onto what brain cells he had left. Married a really pretty young woman (who was one of the original Mousekateers). They adopted a couple of children, one white and one chocolate, they were into the liberal causes. He became a Beverly Hills lawyer, her a housewife.
The last time I saw him, he looked like a Nick Nolty mug shot.
If your smart you'll learn from other peoples screw ups. If your convinced it can't happen to you, you are probably just kidding yourself.
8Mud said:
Someone mentioed professionals using wacky weed and seeming to function at the levels required by there profession.
Guy I knew, College football star, played for the Rams for a few years. Said he stopped playing for the Rams, because he wanted to hold onto what brain cells he had left. Married a really pretty young woman (who was one of the original Mousekateers). They adopted a couple of children, one white and one chocolate, they were into the liberal causes. He became a Beverly Hills lawyer, her a housewife.
The last time I saw him, he looked like a Nick Nolty mug shot.
If your smart you'll learn from other peoples screw ups. If your convinced it can't happen to you, you are probably just kidding yourself.
I'll take your advice, no pro football for me......
WVXJ said:
And, Mr. Zebaru, your personal politics, religious views, or even health mindedness, is no basis for telling the rest of us, whether highly accomplished or otherwise, what the hell we can and cannot do. It's a melting pot folks, if you like fascism so much, corporate or military, maybe you should try china, and let the free be free!

An advocate of reading like yourself should actually go back and read what I wrote. Nowhere did I pass any judgement one way or another on using pot in any way shape or form, or tell anyone what they should or should not be doing with their lives.

The statement was very clear and simple:

That successful people use pot does not mean it is harmless.

Note also that this argument does not actually adress whether marijuana is or is not harmless, only that the 'logic' you chose to present it as harmless is faulty...
