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Illigal immigration.

XJ Jeepin Girl said:
How is it that every other post here is about illegal immigration?

:idea: because it concerns some folks...

I am an illegal immigrant... (well not really-but) My mum came from the olde country in the 50s and didn't actually get her citizenship until the mid 90s.. I joined the Army in the mid 80s, and on every clearance form I ever filled out, I put both parents as US citizens, along with their birthplace etc... Never was questioned about it for my clearances... However when Mum bragged about passing her citizenship test (in the mid 90s) I was like... <gasp> "YOU DID WHAT?" :dunno: The last to know LOL.
From where? Just curious...

MY family came over from Scotland, but there wasn't an America then, so I guess the whole "legal/illegal" thing doesn't apply in this context.

However, I have more outlaws in my family, apparently, then not. Go figure - kinda explains my mental outlook, doesn't it?


woody said:
:idea: because it concerns some folks...

I am an illegal immigrant... (well not really-but) My mum came from the olde country in the 50s and didn't actually get her citizenship until the mid 90s.. I joined the Army in the mid 80s, and on every clearance form I ever filled out, I put both parents as US citizens, along with their birthplace etc... Never was questioned about it for my clearances... However when Mum bragged about passing her citizenship test (in the mid 90s) I was like... <gasp> "YOU DID WHAT?" :dunno: The last to know LOL.
87manche said:
I think we should have landmines at the border. Simple, effective and maintenance free, not to mention cheap.
unfortunately the liberals would have a heart attack about it, and the first thing the news would show is a family of 5 that's missing legs.
It would stop the problem though, I know I wouldn't navigate a minefield.

I think I have seen this somewhere before.........I like it. But the liby's might like it as well, because it would keep all the scavenger birds fed, you know how they care more about the environment than people anyway.
Fine - it keeps the vultures amused.

And, it should keep the libbys from putting up water stations out there as well. They can take more direct action to keep the carrion birds fed, for all of me. I just don't care about them either.

As long as we're dreaming, how about a 200y wide cordon sanitaire after the minefield - with potential graduates from the US Army Sniper School waiting on the inside of that. Granted, it will make things easier because the targets can't hide, but paper targets don't move, and those guys could use the practise. Maybe share the cordon with USMC Scout/Sniper school, and FBI/HRT out of Quantico...

My mother just recently achived her citizenship. Her green card expired and didn't know about it.

I support programs for helping illigals become citizens so long as they are willing. Not amnesty. I like the program bush set forth, 5 years for green card, and 10 for citizenship. After that amount of time... I think they desurve it. Flame me all you want. I'm usually a very conservative republican but I do support this.
BRIANHO13 said:
I think I have seen this somewhere before.........I like it. But the liby's might like it as well, because it would keep all the scavenger birds fed, you know how they care more about the environment than people anyway.
We're just gonna have to go down there with big bottles of Gene's tequila and some fires.
MWCA represent on the border.
Slonopotam said:
It did feel like a slap on the face when we heard about it.
I am here for the fifth year on H1-B, which has a bit more than one year left till its limit. I am trying to negotiate with the company which brought me here to make a green card for me - something they have been promising for 5 years.

Recently the immigration department started to process green card cases very fast. It used to take a few years, but now it takes about 2 monthes to the point when you know whether it'll fly or not. The amnesty will bring the department down again and processing time will get back to a few years.

It will feel wrong to have to go back while people who are here illegally will stay.


This is why I dont give a rats ass about illegal immigrants. They will send away GREAT people who have done good things in america because "they cant be biased". Andrey, whatever it takes for you to stay, i will help. I would hate to see a friend move ALL THE WAY to Russia cuz of our jacked up system.

Anyways, illegal immigrants = criminals. People that murder and "get" away with it only to be caught in 30 years STILL GO TO PRISON. Just cuz you came here illegal 30 years ago, doesnt mean your safe.
Wow! I think we found the few folks who still support that ignorant chimp, G.W.Bush.................................and i've never heard more contempt for freedom and the ideals that this country was founded upon.................or more fear of other peoples of different cultures...............i guess MAYBE i would feel differently if i lived in a state on the border, but then again, they're the ones who's citizens are taking advantage of illegal workers. And i'll bet they're mostly republican farms and ranches that clean up on the slave labor, as the "bleeding heart" libs/dems are so, well, conscious of human struggle. And as far as the 10-20 dollars a day that Pepe sends back to Mexico, it pales in comparison to the billions of tax dollars cheated this country by its own corporate criminals who seek to take advantage of international offshore banking scams.
As for the monkeys plan, its a piss poor attempt to cover up the fact that the republicans passed on the opportunity to fund more border patrol units when we had the money to do so. He's ruined everything, he knows republican ranches and gated communities depend on paying slave wages, he knows he's put the country in tremendous debt, so now he must use the guard for another job they're not trained or ready to do. They don't get paid as much as a border patrol agent either.
That's why the term is ILLEGAL... not "undocumented", whatever that watered down misnomer is supposed to mean. Illegal is illegal whether it's armed robbery or entering the country via any means other than legal.

As far as the President's apeasement speech... I'm not sure what's up in the White House but his 'stand-up and do what's right' attitude has been getting harder and harder to find over the past months, now he's trying to please everybody by telling the people what they want to hear in order to appease.... That never worked in previous administrations and never will. 'You must stand for something, or you'll fall for anything!'

1. 6000 National Guard troops on the border without any enforcement authority, much less shoot when necessary permission. What's THAT ?!?!
What exactly are they going to do? Hand out maps and drinking water, work the 'Welcome to the USA' hot dog stands, provide HumVee rides to the older and disabled illegals to safe-houses, clean and pave the trails for the illegals' convenience...? Gimme a break, if you aren't going in full force to win then no need to go in at all!

2. Have them deployed by 2009??? If I remember correctly, his term will be up in 2008... Who exactly is going to follow up with this sham when he leaves?

3. What ever happened to utilizing the active duty military. I served in Desert Storm and think I still remember that it is their PRIMARY job to serve, protect, support, and defend OUR country, FIRST!! I fully support our troops and feel like they are each and everyone doing a necessary and important job. Not that I am against any of the 'terrorism' deployments or the Iraqi issues, after all the job we started needed to be finished before he could regroup, but when it comes to our borders, it's time to regroup, ourselves, and determine our priorities. BTW, We need more young willing, ready, and able souls to commit themselves to a few years of full-time defense of our country...

4. Amnesty and rewards for committing illegal acts, not against any individual but against an entire country...... Hardly!!! "We can't round them all up"... No, not at once but rather than taking a name and releasing them (which is exactly what is done when they are cought here in Missouri by the van load) when they are caught, secure them, process them and treat them like the criminals they are!!! Even if one at a time.

The Hillbilly
I don't support him - althought he's probably somewhat better than the alternative...

Frankly, I can't see much anyone in the way of politicians that I can support in good conscience - most of them are liars, and the rest are soft in the head.

I'd not mind taking a shot at the job myself, but the road I'd have to take to get there would result in my hiring someone just to kick my arse every day!

Appeasement? "Those who appease the tiger do so in the hopes that the tiger will eat them last."

You know, I'd just like to see ONE politician, anymore, that makes his principles and stance known, and STICKS TO IT! No waffling on the issues, no flipping back and forth - have a position and STAND IN IT!

"If you stand for nothing, you'll stand for anything." I forget who said that one as well, but it applies to politicians as well. I'd sooner see someone stick by what he says than cater to the "politically correct" lunatic fringe - and, as far as I'm concerned, the whole PC movement can go to away! I'm sick of hearing them - call a spade a spade, and have done with it!

Now I'm rambling - that's how much this idea effects me...

This was a letter to the editor somewhere in N.C. Well put.

Let's say I break into your house. Let's say that when you discover me in your home you insist that I leave. But, I say, "I've made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors: I've done all the things you don't like to do. I'm hard-working and honest ... except for that part where I broke into your house.

"According to the protestors, not only must you let me stay, you must add me to your family's insurance plan and provide other benefits for me and my family. My husband will do your yard work because he too is hard-working and honest ... except for that breaking in thing.

"If you try to call the police or force me out I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my right to be here. It's only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I'm just trying to better myself. I'm hard-working and honest .... ummmmm .... except for that breaking in thing.

"Besides. What a deal it is for me! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of selfishness, prejudice and being anti-housebreaker!

Did I miss anything? Does this sound reasonable to you? If it does, grab a sign and go picket something. If this sounds insane to you call your senators and enlighten them because they are stumbling in the darkness right now and really need your help.
Ironmen77 said:
Did I miss anything?
Yea! you missed the part were they ate your food, used all your medicine, spent your retirement money, threw all their trash out on your front lawn, and because you couldn't do anything about they moved in all their friends and relatives to do the same. Anybody watch Tucker Carlson tonight? The Heritage foundation put the numbers together and with this new bill, and the way it is written there will be 193 million more imigrants by 2026. Which is 60% more than the population of the country right now. Enough is enough already!
SNAFU, same old, same old, make some noise, pass some legislation, do as little as possible. Maybe have some manic acticity so it looks like something is being done. Give it a few months or a year and everything is back to normal or worse.
Bubble gum fixes aren't, haven't and won't get the problem solved. It is going to require a lot more effort and time than anybody is actually willing to invest in the process.
If you do the math, every man, woman and child, who is here illegally, paid $521 into bogus Social Security accounts last year. I don't see anybody following the money back to the employers and trying trying to get to the bottom of this windfall. This has been going on for decades.
What will happen, if say, twenty percent of the trained workforce is suddenly deported (or even drivin into hiding) in certain areas. It could possibly be as upsetting to the economy as a gas shortage. Sure Americans can do the jobs, but how long will it actually take to train them and get (a sometimes) marginal business back into the black again (if ever). How many Americans are willing to work like a dog for peanut wages.
I still say the whole thing is a crock, some election year gimmic to unite the voters.
If they were serious about the whole thing, they would phase in some serious hiring controls. The bottle neck seems logically to be with the employers, not at the border. The employers are the logical control (choke) point.
I still say the only long term solution is for the expansion of America: Trying to control the borders and exclude immigrants, is wishfull thinking. I can think of few migrations in the whole of history that have been sucessfully controlled. The immigrants have been killed, driven, harassed and starved, but not stopped. Often assimilated after some growing pains.
One long term solution is to export America, instead of trying to control immigration. I'd start scheming tomorrow (yesterday) to annex Baja California and some of the Northern States in Mexico. This would have a dual purpose. Any society that tries to remain absolutly stable is likely going to stagnate (sociology 101). Societies, political systems, whatever you will call them are either growing or shrinking. The Status Quo is the most unstable state of all.
WVXJ said:
x2, 8mud, well put.

Well, like I said before, perhaps some reasonably priced ocean front property on the gulf or baja IS in my future...... :D
Albert Einstein
We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein
WVXJ said:
And i'll bet they're mostly republican farms and ranches that clean up on the slave labor, as the "bleeding heart" libs/dems are so, well, conscious of human struggle. He's ruined everything, he knows republican ranches and gated communities depend on paying slave wages, he knows he's put the country in tremendous debt, so now he must use the guard for another job they're not trained or ready to do. They don't get paid as much as a border patrol agent either.

You have no no idea how ignorant you really are...