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IF you won it, what would you do with it?

Hmmm...seeing that I'm only a couple of hours from the Hammers and only a few more hours from the Sierra trails, what would I do?
Wheel the hell out of it!!! I would make sure to drive it all around town first too so everyone could see what a badass XJ it is. Hopefully put some of these ridiculously lifted high diesels to shame that currently clog up the area around here. Plus, I could de-lift the DD and go back to a stock ride and get better MPG's. Oh yeah, put in 3.73's so I can tow it back to Moab next year:laugh3:
Give it to my friend, I bought him the tickets as a thank you for helping me with my build for over a year so if I win its his. He is jeepless and has been trying to find a good one for some time now but we can never find one that is what were looking for.

I would use it as my primary vehicle to show it off, then give it to my neice when she gets back from her tour in IRAQ with the Army (she's a Combat Medic) She deserves it more then I do as she is over there helping our soldiers and doing her duty for this country. God Bless The USA!!!!!
part it out, just cause it would piss Kittrel off... j/k:smootch:

I would probably cross breed it with my current rig and sell of the lesser of the resulting 2 (and buy Led and Jeff a few brews with the proceeds.) :cheers:
Id certainly keep it and use it. I wouldnt even abuse it lol Id treat it like it was something I built myself. Id certainly not baby but you know what I mean. :repair:
I will:

Donate it to Darky for his birthday.

:D There, fixed.

I'd keep it and wheel it. If taxes were going to be too much, I'd sell mine to pay the taxes on it. Then probably lower it back down to around 6" all around...maybe. Depends on how it feels to me havin something that high off-road.
I'd keep it and use it how it was built to be used. While I was doing that, I'd semi-retire my 2 door while I rebuilt it.
I would keep it and take it to as many NAXJA events possible. Then possibly convert it for my friend that has been in a wheel chair since he was 9 years old (23 now). Hes always wanted to join in an the wheeling fun, and he would need this rig more than I do.