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NAXJA Members who recently joined or renewed:


Membership Support
NAXJA Member
If you have joined :NAXJA: or renewed your Membership recently, but have either not received anything in the mail, or not had your Members forum features activated, we need to know ASAP. The club elections are upon us, and we are striving to get everyone able to vote before the polls close on 11-30.

We have issued Member numbers to most everyone who joined in the month of October. The new member and renewal mailings for the October folks are all in the mail within the last couple days. (the last batch went out this morning) There were a few Members who renewed in October whom I could not find on the roster. I will sift through the archives this evening, and try to get those few sorted out.

The membership duties have changed hands and it is difficult to determine where it was left off. During the change-over, the forums crashed and a lot of data & forum accounts were lost (mid sept through mid oct) We appreciate your patience while we work to get this squared away.

Feel free to PM 'MEMBERSHIP' or send an email to [email protected]. if you are among those affected. Please be sure to include your real name, full mailing address, the screen name that you are using to post along with the email address linked to than name, and the type of membership you purchased (1 or 2 year new or renewal) This information is critical to helping sort things out.

Thanks for your understanding...

:NAXJA: Membership Team
I never got a sticker or any and i joined awhile ago..
Mtb Jak said:
I never got a sticker or any and i joined awhile ago..

"Feel free to PM 'MEMBERSHIP' or send an email to [email protected]. if you are among those affected. Please be sure to include your real name, full mailing address, the screen name that you are using to post along with the email address linked to than name, and the type of membership you purchased (1 or 2 year new or renewal) This information is critical to helping sort things out."