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Scored some awesome Apple G5's

Just wondering why you hate flash so much? You have any real reason other than just because Apple hates flash? I doubt you do.

As far as still being "power houses", sorry but they are outdated and are not still "power houses". They have a sick looking case, that's about it. However, they were overpriced, as are most Apple products, when they came out. I would agree that they are probably good enough for most people because most people just surf and use some type of word processor, but I use my desktop for more than that. I do write code on an XP laptop though.

Well, I certainly ran photoshop, Reason, rebirth, pro tools and a slew of other applications on my old g4 450hz(before that my g3) so I am sure a dual core g5 2.0ghz will be an improvement for me. No, it may not be the bench mark queen that some random spare parts from newegg thrown in a case could be, then again I don't want a bench mark queen style box. I don't need specs to make me feel better about my computer, I can be productive on an older box. Sure, if I had 5 grand I would be all over the newest 12 core apple machine but I don't want to dump 5 grand into that.

Comparing an apple computer to a pile of spare parts tossed into a case to me is like comparing an Aston Martin to a honda civic. Sure you could throw enough ebay parts into the civic to make it faster, get better mpg but... it's still a civic. I don't like to cheerlead or try to talk anyone into using anything that I use, use whatever you like but those on the other side will never understand so why bother bringing up an apple Vs. debate, it's so 1990's.

Also, I never said I hated flash so I am not sure where you even got that from. I said I don't use it and feel I am not missing anything by not having it. I am not sure how that equates to me hating something so much? You don't like Apple, great, do you want a plaque to show that or how should people respond to you not liking a particular product?
I still mess around on a Tandy color computer 3. Still play the games I programed for it too
I'm with ya on old school computers

Neat little computer for it's time. I swear Tandy gave Microsoft it's start.

I had one of the 1st gen Coco's. When I was done with it, it had 64K, 2 floppys, and a non-Tandy DMP which I wrote a assembly language program to do screen dumps to.
Flash, Acrobat Reader, and Java are the three best ways to get your computer infected with malware. They are all horribly riddled with security holes and never updated quickly enough.

Yah, but Business uses PDF format for a lot of stuff, and a bunch of websites/media are in Flash. Java, well, it's a web thing.

Still, I wish Adobe and Apple would get over this tiff they have. I would certainly like to not run into stuff on the web I can not view on my iPhone because 2 manufactures can't play nice together. But that's Apple, and always will be. The most open they were was with the Apple II, and when that went away, the door closed.