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don't call for an off-road tow in Mass


NAXJA Member
NAXJA Member

WALPOLE, Mass. (MyFoxBoston.com) -- A local man says when he got his Jeep stuck in the mud, a Walpole tow company charged him nearly $50,000 to tow it out. [...]

Assured Collision billed him $16,000 for an on-scene supervisor at $1,250 an hour. He is being charged more than $10,000 for an off-road recovery incident response unit. There is also a $5,000 fee for dangerous condition liability insurance. All the equipment and manpower totaled $48,835 for the 12 hour job.
I thought he was just a jughead banging his beater through the woods or something. Is he supposed to be clueful? Why didn't he call a buddy?

police probably found him before he could, and called then tow company they knew would bang him for the most money possible
police probably found him before he could, and called then tow company they knew would bang him for the most money possible
This is the thing that doesn't make sense to me. The article says he called a tow, not the police. A reasonable person would ask how much is it going to cost before signing off on it. The police can impound the car and stick him with the bill for towing that way, but the article makes it sound like its not impounded. Maybe its just written poorly but it doesn't make any sense as its presented. Anybody know the details?

Either way the guy is screwed, declaration of bankruptcy screwed
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Crazy story!

If a towing company really had to send 7 guys and multiple vehicles out to the site, and it really took 12 hours to recover the Jeep .... then somebody is certainly going to get stuck with a big bill. $50k seems a little ridiculous, but it ain't gonna be cheap.
I used to work at a beach you could drive out offroad on, and every once in a while we would have people in cars (like a ford mustang one time) get confused and try to drive out onto the beach and get stuck. Any time they needed a tow truck, for them to drive offroad it automatically jumped up to a few thousand dollar bill. Few thousand is all, $50K is straight up corruption.

If you click on that link again, the story has been updated. The MA towing association says although they haven't seen the exact itimized bill, that amount is in excess of industry standards.

"While Assured Collision charged $1,250 an hour for an on-site supervisor, the association says the industry average is between $175-$325 an hour. "

They must also be a very sh*tty tow company if it took them 12hrs to get that Jeep out of there. You can't charge someone for your inept abilities.
the over-all bill is ridiculous, but the story doesnt elaborate on the actual recovery.
my guess is he called for the tow, and wth it being on private property, the towing company called the PD to get clearance to go in. it wasnt really clear if the picture posted is the actual recovery spot and doesnt go into how deep in the woods he was.
he may have been thru several mud holes before he got stuck making it difficult to get the recovery vehicles to his rig. like i was told when i was a kid. "son, 4wd doesnt let you go everywhere. it just makes sure you get farther before you get stuck"
sounds like the driver put out the call for help and everyone showed up because it sounded like something they wanted to see and help with. doesnt mean they should bill for everyone.
a call from a good attorney will get the decimal point on the bill bumped back a few places.
There's a rumor that employees of the tow company were on their side-by-sides and saw him stuck. So they got their guys to get him out.
Someone dug up pictures of the towing guys daughter getting her truck stuck in the same area. A bit excessive if you ask me, yeah he was on private property, but still a hazmat tow because there are powerlines in the vicinity is rediculous.
Idiots all around.

The kid's an idiot, the trail is obviously illegal and if he thought it wasn't, he was dumber than he sounds. My bet is he's claiming he had no idea it was illegal to get some leniency, but was fully aware of it or making excuses to himself about it.

He went wheeling without any recovery gear, another jeep, or anything else, on land he wasn't supposed to be on, well past his and his jeep's abilities.

Assured is also a bunch of idiots and scumbags. Their rates were incredibly high, they apparently are hypocrites and wheel the same area, in fact it's pretty certain at this point they were out there illegally wheeling and saw his stuck jeep, called the cops so they'd get the tow, then got greedy. Their justification for hazard and hazmat pay (overhead power lines and poison ivy) was ridiculous trumped up garbage.

Basically, everyone involved is stupid beyond belief and deserves the mess they've gotten themselves into.
shit just got real

The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities has called Assured Collision for an informal hearing regarding failure to adhere to maximum rates and charges, failure to file proof of insurance and failure to file an annual financial form.

That hearing is scheduled to take place in November.
I don't wheel much any more. I used to be an idiot and go to a similar trail back in highschool but I learned my lesson when a friend got hit for $750 for a tow. I quit going there after that. Most of my wheeling is now with either a club local to me on private land with permission or on my friends property where we have free reign to do as we wish. I also stopped taking the bypasses on a few legal trails in Massachusetts because they venture onto private land.

Yes I was an idiot in the past. Yes I did wheel illegally but I have stopped because it isn't worth it and I have found 3 legal spots within a hundred miles of me. It is far more fun for me to go out and spend the day with a few friends running legal trails then it is to go out and to be a Jack ass. I have to much money into my jeep to get it impounded and to get myself into trouble.