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Event stuff we need to talk about.......

Are suggesting it was BSC? I could have been. If it was, I'm just a little ticked they would do that kind of crap. I know it could have been campfire hoppers. What I do know is my Jeep was parked by them and something was taken. So keep your instigating to yourself troll.
i am probably guilty of pissing on a camp fire.

I have a reputation to up hold around here damnit!
Are suggesting it was BSC? I could have been. If it was, I'm just a little ticked they would do that kind of crap. I know it could have been campfire hoppers. What I do know is my Jeep was parked by them and something was taken. So keep your instigating to yourself troll.

Better watch who you are calling a troll. Bitch
oh crap. here we go. up till now, I didnt feel I needed to whip my out and put it on the table to see how I measure up. Dont make be unzip...
how very odd. a Non BSC member calling names to start the lock of a thread, and it wasnt even instigated. what is this world coming to? and then to have a BSC member say its getting outa hand? wow.. but were just a bunch of arseholes?
Dont worry Obama Will fix it


I had to get in this one way or another !!
this is getting out of hand.

i am probably guilty of pissing on a camp fire. [/quote said:
This shit does not fly in a group setting no matter how much some are attempting to justify it. How many are not even posting that are pissed? Do some really think that these actions can continue to happen and a sorry guy's just makes it go away, no it does not. I like all of the guy's in BSC, but you whip you dick out in front of my wife, it's not going to be a simple punch in the face. Let's just grow up a little and enjoy the cool jeep-in thing as adults that we all are.
This shit does not fly in a group setting no matter how much some are attempting to justify it. How many are not even posting that are pissed? Do some really think that these actions can continue to happen and a sorry guy's just makes it go away, no it does not. I like all of the guy's in BSC, but you whip you dick out in front of my wife, it's not going to be a simple punch in the face. Let's just grow up a little and enjoy the cool jeep-in thing as adults that we all are.


Oh but come on its only a pecker and if its bens then you should have felt good about her seeing something that small. At least she will be happy shes not stuck (no pun intended) with that in her life.

But now, if it was involving say a 16 yo around the fire with me (thats just a age I picked to each parent thier own) now if ben even walked over I would prolly start standing adn start doing thangs... :twak:
This shit does not fly in a group setting no matter how much some are attempting to justify it. How many are not even posting that are pissed? Do some really think that these actions can continue to happen and a sorry guy's just makes it go away, no it does not. I like all of the guy's in BSC, but you whip you dick out in front of my wife, it's not going to be a simple punch in the face. Let's just grow up a little and enjoy the cool jeep-in thing as adults that we all are.

im not that retarded.

i have a little more tact in my shenanigans believe it or not.

I pissed on a small fire where that group that was shooting the shotguns and whatnot were camped.

Nobodys wife was around.

Theres a reason for the BSC acting crazy at goatfest this year.

We had to earn the label we were already given before we showed up.

People feeling unwelcomed is uncalled for.

Oh but come on its only a pecker and if its bens then you should have felt good about her seeing something that small. At least she will be happy shes not stuck (no pun intended) with that in her life.

But now, if it was involving say a 16 yo around the fire with me (thats just a age I picked to each parent thier own) now if ben even walked over I would prolly start standing adn start doing thangs... :twak:
That does make me laugh!!
Just wish we could make more of an effort to avoid this, Its not that hard. I love to camp and blow the shit out of stuff, which would upset some, but I know when and when not to do it. It really takes very little effort to get along.
And this is not funny either!!!

But its ok to imply that a certain group stole a F'in SOBE BOTTLE without even proof other than "I parked near them"? Give me a break. If he said "I saw Grimm walking around with my Sobe bottle" then maybe but just a general statement is BS!!!!! I have said it before and I'll say it again..... I AM GLAD I DIDN'T GO. This thread AND MANY like it need to DIE.

I stand by what I said, he wants to talk shit, F him!!! Not meant as a dig toward you Rich but I don't appreciate some asshole from Arizona talking trash on BSC. I don't think ANYONE in the BSC would steal from ANYONE and if they did, I am sure they would be booted out. This is a small community and starting rumors of thieves is not cool.
I'm with you on this Rich. This is BS. I would have been PISSED if I took my wife or kid and someone pissed in the fire or was shooting guns.

I understand guys wanting to have fun and get rowdy. However, take that away from the main camp or at least to the far side so that the people who don't want to be involved are not in spitting distance.

When the "rowdy" crowd holds an event, I know it's not going to be cake and ice cream. I know what to expect. If an Old Fogey went to your wild event and complained, you guys would tell him/her to piss off.

Well, the quieter people aren't telling you guys to piss off. They are just saying, "be respectful," "know what's appropriate for the situation," and "if you want to be obnoxious, just do it a little farther away."

I'm really getting tired of this "us against them" attitude. Just leave the group if you like the other people around here.

So far from this thread which is getting painfull at this point... I have come to the conclusion...
The buggy guys are Elitests because they can afford to build some kick ass buggies and their wives let them do it, even though their wives own their elitist asses after these events. (BTW, I had no sense of that impression this year)
So start saving your pennies cuz the only way to join the "elitists" group and get to hang is to have a jeep that can hang with them on the rocks. I for one do not feel Richard, Dave, Matt, Paul, Jess, Andy and whoever else looking down at me. saturday night, I drove out to the top of BD and hicked up the hill. Then I got involved with helping pull winch lines and and securing tow straps. They don't give me the stink eye unless I'm being a total asshat. But for some strange reason, I am always greeted with a firm handshake and a smile when I walk up.
I've been guilty of many things in the past from running my tiny little honda generator all night to getting sick from exessive drunkeness.
But one thing people need to understand. and don't gimme the "its a big desert" Bullshit. Its not the fact that its a big desert. Its not how drunk you are. If your old enough to drink, then your old enough to have a fucking clue. Every camp has a status. If your camped 50 yards from the main camp then you need to recognize that camps general ambience and match it. And this is a practice I think I have allways followed. Its like the dumbass that used to drive through the condo complex at midnight with the windows down and the stereo cranked.
Being cool in the desert doesn't mean how drunk and rowdy you can get. Being cool in the desert means how social of an attitude you have.
Yes, Ben needs to drink less. He didn't even remember punching me in the face or bitch slapping me. But we are cool. (and I didn't punch you in the dick at my B-day party. I grabbed your junk just to see how high you would jump.) I dare him/you to go a weekend without drinking at all! I stayed sober on saturday night and I had an absolute blast. This comming from the guy the has supplied the group with vast amounts of high gravity beer in the past.
BSC, you guys are all good.
The gun thing. I don't care if your firing it. Yes away from camp is a good idea. But not at all is even better.
One of these days, someone is gonna get pissed and people are really gonna get hurt. I prefer to do my getting hurt on the trail or around the bed of my truck at my own will. Ben, thanks for not trying to wrestle me to the ground I'm not as young and limber as I used to be. But I wasn't happy about getting hit either. But you and I will talk and work it out. I still love ya man and I care about everyone otherwise I would just ignore you and defriend you. But thats not the case.
Rather than being a chanker sore, I want everyone to like me. And I want to like everyone. We have something in common so lets stay friends. I share alot of my stuff, thats why I bring it. Whether its beer, my welder or my bitch seat people are allways welcome. I'm just glad nobody found my bottle of Stone Epic 07-07-07 when I was sleeping friday night. That would have pissed me off.
can this thread end anytime soon.
people know that people are pissed. some fingers have been pointed and some defenses have been made. Some changes will happen next year and some things will be done differently.
as for now. Lets just get over it.
I think what really set this off, was that everyone was tired and grumpy from a long(albeit fun) weekend in the desert. When they got on the computer Sunday night or monday morning- they were still a little miffed about what happened. Now, I hope everyone's calming down and letting stuff go. I've spoken to Goatman backchannel and cleared some things up that I saw, with him. Most everybody has offered good advice, and some was just silly. Like Elias said, WE are a group. There may be separate entities(BSC, CostaMesa subchapter, etc), but we are all a part of NAXJA. I will admit that I was up late friday night making noise, but I sure as hell didn't steal anything or mean to outright ruin anyone's night. Just being buzzed and loud- my specialites. Personally, I'll cowboy up and apologize to anyone that I may have woken up or soured their weekend.
ng or mean to outright ruin anyone's night. Just being buzzed and loud- my specialites. Personally, I'll cowboy up and apologize to anyone that I may have woken up or soured their weekend.

Bryce i still feel pretty shitty about the punch in the face thing.

See you for the moving day.