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Jeep 231 compatible with chevy/dodge 231?


NAXJA Forum User
I have an XJ AW-4/231 combo, and I have an AA SYE kit in the mail thats on its way. I was wondering will a HD Np231 bolt up to my application from for example a S-10 or a RAM, I heard these units were much stronger than the Jeep units? if so will my SYE kit work with it? Any suggestions would be nice... Thanks:)
The full-size Dodge trucks, from what I hear, get an HD version, but I doubt very much that the S-10 does. Never heard that before. I have no idea about bolt-up compatibility. I'd be concerned first about input shaft diameter and spline count, since even 231s for the XJ may have 21 or 23 splines.