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1990 Renix SMOG, CA problem with running Rich/Lean

Final check, O2 sensor is for the very first time actually changing voltage every second or two. Using the analog multimeter I was able to get a very cool sight of the sensor changing its voltage.

If this passes smog then it seems like my actual issues were the following...
Poor/corroded weatherpack connections, wrong O2 sensor, and a bad relay.
Original test on 4/14
HC fail 226, should be under 123
CO fail 3.72, should be under. 73
NO pass at 349 should be under 711

Today's test 5/9
HC pass at 30
CO pass at 0.03
No pass at 1 (it seriously reads 1 at 25mph)

It appears a solid wire harness connection, working relays, and a proper o2 sensor are very helpful.
I come to you with my tail between my legs, it was a bad relay. I thought I tested it well. I feel like a fool. I have 14 volts where it belongs and the correct relay in the right spot.

Tail? LOL. When did that happen? LOL

Congrats. (on the jeep fix, not the tail) :laugh:
One final post and then letting this thread go. Jeep has increased 3.5mpg in city driving because of emissions (o2) sensor mostly correction. Much better mileage.