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So who exactly plans on going?


NAXJA Forum User
Mount Holly, NJ
Just wanting to know who I'll meet out there. (Yeah, I'm a NAXJA newbie)

I plan to be there Friday, and Sunday...unchangeable plans for Saturday)

Looking forward to meeting y'all.

Me too, I was going to be there around noon but if Ben's going to be there I may have to re-think my plans.
I'm with Chris, I'm not gonna show until thurs. night now :D I'll be done with the disc swap here by the end of the day and gears will be started tomorrow. I'm actually going to be ready ahead of time for once :party:

I'll be arriving sometime Thursday afternoon, if nothing goes wrong.
Bob Lester'll be there on Thursday afternoon and I'll be arriving friday evening. I'll have my buddy Mike with me!

Should be a good time!

gotta find time to double check my front end, find a spare tie-rod and trim my fenders still....
Thursday morning for me as well - Ben isn't that frightening :scared:

BTW - 25 to 30 folks have shown interest, with about 2/3 of them pre-registering. We expect that we'll have some drive-ups the days of the event - so it should be a good turnout (especially Saturday). If anyone is thinking about coming - drop us a line at [email protected]. At this point, you can deal with registration fees and such when you arrive, but it would sure help our planning if we had an idea of who was coming.

Less than two weeks :D

Mike in NJ :patriot:
Kevin and I are leaveing sometime on Thur. and will get in hoprfully early Fri. Morning.
I'm up for a caravan... it didn't work out last year, though, so if someone has a better plan I'm all ears.
I should be leaving Pittsburgh around 12 and arriving at Paragon around 3 or 4 on thursday. I'm not sure if anyone else is headed out from here, but I'd love to meet up with someone along the way if you are.
You guys were supposed to meet us at JohnB's house... I decided to come up your way when I got in touch w/ Pete and he said you guys didn't have enough room for all the gear & people. So I wound up driving all over the Philly/Trenton corridor to get everyone there; probably what burnt out my fuel pump, if you will recall.
I'll be in on saturday morning. :)